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A30    world news
                  Diamars 15 Februari 2022

                         Lawyer urges ICC to acquit Ugandan war criminal on appeal

            (AP)  —  A  lawyer  for  a  Joseph Kony.                  90 grounds of appeal alleging
            Ugandan rebel command-       Judges  in  May  sentenced  legal,  factual  and  procedural
            er  serving  a  25-year  sen-  Ongwen  to  25  years  for  a  errors in the original verdict,
            tence  for  dozens  of  war  litany of crimes that include  Presiding Judge Luz del Car-
            crimes and crimes against  murder,  rape,  forced  mar-   men Ibáñez Carranza said as
            humanity  told  appeals  riage,  forced  pregnancy  and  the hearing opened Monday.
            judges  Monday  that  his  using child soldiers.
            client was found guilty by                                Prosecution  counsel  Helen
            an  International  Crimi-    But  Odongo  is  seeking  his  Brady said there was little in
            nal Court trail panel that  acquittal  and  release,  argu-  the  defense  appeal  that  was
            cherry-picked evidence to  ing Ongwen did not get a fair  not  already  ruled  on  during
            ensure he was convicted.     hearing.                     the trial.
            Prosecution   lawyers   re-  “The trial court did not base  “Mr. Ongwen has largely re-
            sponded  that  Dominic  On-  its decision and judgment on  peated  his  trial  arguments,
            gwen was “properly and fairly  the  entire  proceedings.  The  but he fails to show that the
            convicted” after an exhaustive  Trial  Chamber  decided  to  trial chamber erred in law, in
            trial that heard evidence from  cherry-pick  what  was  help-  fact, or procedurally. His ap-  following  his  abduction  he  Uganda  in  2005,  the  rebels
            179 prosecution and defense  ful in making sure that they  peal should be dismissed and   had essentially been enslaved  scattered across parts of cen-
            witnesses and assessed more  attained  conviction,”  Odon-  his  convictions  upheld,”  she   by Kony.              tral Africa.
            than 5,000 items of evidence.  go  told  a  five-judge  appeals  said.
                                         panel that is expected to take                            “He  provided  slave  labor  Kony  remains  on  the  run
            Defense  lawyer  Krispus  Ay-  months  to  issue  its  decision  Throughout  his  trial,  On-  and therefore he should not  despite  concerted  efforts  to
            ena  Odongo  was  speaking  after  public  hearings  this  gwen’s  defense  lawyers  por-  be  punished  twice,”  he  told  track  him  down.  His  case
            on the first day of an appeal  week.                      trayed him as a victim of the   judges.                   gained   international   no-
            hearing at the global court for                           LRA’s  brutality  —  abducted                             toriety  in  2012  when  the
            Ongwen who was convicted  “It  appears  that  the  court  on  his  way  to  school  as  a   Founded by Kony, the Lord’s  U.S.-based  advocacy  group
            last year on 61 charges for his  came  with  a  predetermined  9-year-old  and  traumatized   Resistance  Army  began  as  Invisible  Children  made  a
            role as a senior commander in  mind  to  convict  Dominic  by  his  experiences  in  the   an  antigovernment  rebellion  video highlighting the LRA’s
            the  Lord’s  Resistance  Army,  Ongwen,” he added.        group’s violent insurgency.  in  Uganda.  When  the  mili-  crimes that went viral.
            the  shadowy  Ugandan  rebel                                                           tary forced the group out of
            group led by fugitive warlord  Ongwen’s lawyers have listed  Odongo  said  Monday  that

                         Poland prepares to accept Ukrainian refugees in case of war

            (AP)  —  Poland,  the  larg-  sions in Ukraine, Poland says  gee, that opposition is largely  including  the  possibility  of  minister,   Viktor   Orban,
            est  European  Union  na-    it is for now keeping its dip-  based on not wanting to take  large numbers of refugees.  warned Saturday that a Rus-
            tion to border Ukraine, is  lomatic  operations  in  place  in large numbers of people of                           sian  invasion  of  Ukraine
            making  preparations  to  in  case  they  are  needed  to  different  religious  and  racial  “In  this  worst-case  scenar-  could  send  hundreds  of
            accept Ukrainian refugees  facilitate a large-scale exit of  backgrounds.              io,  we  are  not  talking  about  thousands of Ukrainian refu-
            in  the  event  of  another  Ukrainians.                                               hundreds  or  thousands,  but  gees fleeing across the border
            Russian  attack  on  that                                 Ukrainians — who like Poles  much larger numbers,” Przy-  into his country.
            country.  But  the  Polish  Poland, which has welcomed  are  a  Slavic  people  with  a  dacz said on Radio Plus.
            government  hopes  that  large  numbers  of  Ukrainian  similar language and customs                                Meanwhile,  Slovakia  is  also
            worst-case scenario can be  economic migrants in recent  — have filled gaps in the la-  He  added  that  the  Interior  preparing for a wave of refu-
            averted.                     years,  particularly  after  Rus-  bor  market  and  have  been  Ministry  has  been  prepar-  gees in the case of a conflict.
                                         sia’s incursions into Ukraine  largely  welcomed  in  Poland  ing  “internal  scenarios,  in-  The  government  has  pre-
            Similar  preparations  are  be-  in  2014,  has  been  making  in recent years.        frastructure  and  plans”  for  pared  a  plan  what  to  do  in
            ing  made  across  the  region,  plans for weeks to accept ref-                        many weeks.                  such a scenario, but it is clas-
            particularly  in  those  nations  ugees if it comes to that, said  Przydacz  said  in  a  radio  in-                sified.
            which  share  borders  with  Marcin  Przydacz,  a  deputy  terview on Monday that Po-  The  plans  would  include
            Ukraine.                     foreign minister.            land  hopes  the  situation  in  housing  refugees  in  hostels,  “According  to  the  existing
                                                                      Ukraine  won’t  escalate,  but  dormitories,  sports  facilities  studies and analysis, I can say
            As  other  countries  draw  While  Poland  has  an  image  that  the  country  was  pre-  and other venues.         that  even  a  limited  Russian
            down  their  diplomatic  mis-  of being staunchly anti-refu-  paring  for  any  possibility,                        military attack on Ukrainian
                                                                                                   Local  officials,  including  territory would mean tens of
                                                                                                   town  mayors,  have  been  thousands of refugees cross-
                                                                                                   asked  to  draw  up  reports  of  ing  our  border,”  Slovakian
                                                                                                   what  facilities  they  could  Defense  Minister  Jaroslav
                                                                                                   make  available,  according  Nad said.
                                                                                                   to  Krzysztof  Kosiński,  the
                                                                                                   mayor  of  Ciechanow,  a  Pol-  Nad said those fleeing a war
                                                                                                   ish town near the border with  would receive refugee status.
                                                                                                   Ukraine, and the secretary of
                                                                                                   the Association of Polish Cit-  “From  the  European  conti-
                                                                                                   ies.                         nent’s  perspective,  the  cur-
                                                                                                                                rent  situation  is  the  most
                                                                                                   Ukraine,  which  is  bordered  dangerous  since  World  War
                                                                                                   by  Belarus  to  the  north  and  II,” Nad said.
                                                                                                   Russia to the east, also shares
                                                                                                   borders with the EU nations  Czech  Interior  Minister  Vit
                                                                                                   of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary  Rakusan has offered to send
                                                                                                   and Romania, as well as the  police officers to help Slova-
                                                                                                   non-EU state of Moldova.     kia in the case of such a con-
                                                                                                   Hungary’s  nationalist  prime
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