Page 15 - aruba-today-20170916
P. 15
LOCAL Saturday 16 September 2017
Super Happy Vibes at Tango from Honeymooners Matthew and Brianna
PALM BEACH - Newlyweds As their happy vibes lit up
Matthew and Brianna Gog- the Arawak Garden, the
gins from Chicago, Illinois, 26 year-old honeymooners,
were spending their first who work in finance and
day on Aruba. Walking the hospitality, looked back on a terrific waitstaff, live music We wish Mr. and Mrs. Gog- they celebrate countless
strip, they decided to stop a fantastic day. and a great atmosphere. gins a wonderful life to- anniversaries.
at Tango Argentine Grill to Brianna and Matthew This is must-see. gether and hope that their Masha pabien, Matthew
try the daily special for 2. raved about Tango as well, Our waitress Felicia was a first time on Aruba will see and Brianna and enjoy
saying: “Amazing food with star.” many happy returns when your honeymoon!q