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WORLD NEWS Saturday 16 September 2017
Venezuela’s government and opposition advance in talks
SANTO DOMINGO, Domini- something of a minor mir-
can Republic (AP) — Ven- acle given how deeply po-
ezuela’s government and larized Venezuela is after
opposition have made months of unrest in which
progress in exploratory talks the opposition failed in its
aimed at creating a frame- bid to force President Nico-
work to resolve the nation’s las Maduro from power.
economic and political cri- Maduro’s government has
sis. touted the possibility of
Dominican Republic Presi- talks as a sign it’s open to
dent Danilo Medina said dialogue.
late Thursday the two sides “This has been the stron-
agreed to meet for a third gest and clearest oppor-
time on Sept. 27, and in- tunity we’ve had toward
vite four nations — Mexico, reaching an agreement,”
Chile, Bolivia and Nicara- said Caracas Mayor Jorge
gua — to accompany the Rodriguez, who led the
conversations. government delegation
The announcement came along with his sister, former
at the conclusion of two Foreign Minister Delcy Ro-
days of talks on the Carib- driguez.
bean island. But the opposition is skep-
“Yesterday’s meeting was tical and in a statement Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro stands at attention upon his arrival at Houari-Boumediene
good and today’s even Thursday insisted that the airport near the Algerian capital, Algiers, Monday, Sept. 11, 2017. Venezuela’s government and
better,” said Medina. solution to Venezuela’s opposition have made progress in exploratory talks aimed at creating a framework to resolve the
It’s not clear if the govern- problems require Maduro nation’s economic and political crisis.
ment and opposition del- giving up power. It also (AP Photo/Sidali Djarboub)
egates spoke face-to-face said any agreement arising
or exchanged messages from an eventual negotia- all Venezuelans,” the Dem- ated by the late Hugo threatened with arrest after
through Medina and for- tion should also be submit- ocratic Unity coalition said Chavez. Mexico has taken being appointed supreme
mer Spanish Prime Minister ted to a popular referen- in a statement. the lead in Latin America in court magistrates by the
Jose Luis Zapatero, who dum. Of the “group of friends” harshly criticizing Maduro’s opposition-controlled con-
has been the main promot- “Only with a non-violent, suggested as facilitators, increasingly authoritar- gress.The government and
er of the dialogue attempt. democratic change will it Bolivia and Nicaragua are ian rule while Chile’s am- opposition held several
But just the fact they’re be possible to overcome staunch allies and mem- bassador to Caracas has rounds of negotiations last
even considering a return the current economic and bers of the anti-American provided asylum in his resi- year under the auspices of
to the negotiating table is social tragedy that affects Bolivarian Alliance cre- dence to several lawyers the Vatican. q
No-confidence vote in Peru forces Cabinet resignations
LIMA, Peru (AP) — Kuczynski’s prime minister that the single-chamber to New York next week for congress and calling new
Peruvian President Pedro and called for his educa- legislature has taken such the U.N. General Assembly parliamentary elections.
Pablo Kuczynski’s entire tion minister to resign due a step. while he tries to form a new The legislature is dominat-
Cabinet has been forced to her handling of a 60-day Kuczynski was defiant, say- cabinet. ed by supporters of former
to resign following a no- teachers’ strike. ing on Twitter that “we Under Peru’s constitution, presidential candidate
confidence vote Friday Instead of ceding to the de- won’t give in ... he must replace his prime Keiko Fujimori, who nar-
by the opposition-led con- mand, Kuczynski requested for the sake for the children, minister but can reappoint rowly lost to Kuczynski in last
gress, throwing the country a vote of confidence in his for Peru and for governabil- the other 18 members of his year’s election.
into political turmoil. entire cabinet, which he ity.” cabinet. She is the daughter of for-
The pre-dawn vote fol- lost by a wide margin. Still, the 78-year-old former If lawmakers do not ratify mer strongman Alberto Fu-
lowed a heated debate in It was the first time under businessman said he was his picks, he would have jimori, who governed Peru
which lawmakers insulted Peru’s 1993 constitution suspending plans to travel the option of dissolving for a decade until 2000. q