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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 16 September 2017

             Qatari emir meets Merkel, Macron in 1st trip since crisis

                                                                      alleged support for extrem-  centrate on the roots of ter-  He  left  the  Elysee  palace
                                                                      ists.                        rorism.”                     without  speaking  to  the
                                                                      Qatar  denies  supporting  Germany  has  been  sup-       press.
                                                                      extremism, saying the crisis  porting  diplomatic  efforts  On  the  first  stop,  the  emir
                                                                      is politically motivated.    to try and defuse the crisis.  met Thursday night in Anka-
                                                                      In Berlin, the emir reiterated  Its foreign minister has said  ra with Turkish President Re-
                                                                      that  his  country  is  open  to  the  country’s  intelligence  cep Tayyip Erdogan, who’s
                                                                      negotiations with its neigh-  service  would  play  a  role  been  a  major  supporter
                                                                      bors,  saying  through  a  in clearing up accusations  of  his  country  during  the
                                                                      translator  that  “Qatar  is  that Qatar supports terrorist  three-month-old conflict.
                                                                      prepared to take a seat at  groups.                       Turkey  has  shown  solidar-
                                                                      the table to solve this prob-  Following   the   meetings  ity with Doha by delivering
                                                                      lem.”                        with Merkel, the emir went  food  and  other  supplies
                                                                      He  also  said  that  fighting  to Paris for talks with French  and  boosting  military  ties,
                                                                      terrorism  “is  a  big  priority  President  Emmanuel  Ma-  including sending troops to
                                                                      for us and we have to con-   cron.                        a Turkish base there.q

            German Chancellor Angela Merkel, left, and Qatar’s Emir
            Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani, right, shake hands af-
            ter a joint news conference as part of a meeting at the
            chancellery in Berlin, Germany, Friday, Sept. 15, 2017.
                                           (AP Photo/Michael Sohn)

            By DAVID RISING              ers  alongside  the  emir,
            Associated Press             Sheikh  Tamim  bin  Hamad
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  Qatar’s  rul-  Al Thani, said she hoped di-
            ing  emir  met  German  alogue could lead to “fair
            Chancellor  Angela  Merkel  compromises.”
            on  Friday  on  his  first  trip  “It’s  cause  for  great  con-
            abroad  since  a  diplomat-  cern that after 100 days a
            ic  crisis  erupted  between  solution to this conflict is still
            the tiny Gulf nation and its  not in sight,” she said.
            neighbors,  and  the  Ger-   Saudi  Arabia,  Egypt,  Bah-
            man leader voiced “great  rain  and  the  United  Arab
            concern”  that  no  end  to  Emirates  cut  ties  with  Qa-
            the conflict is in sight.    tar  in  June  over  its  close
            Merkel,  addressing  report-  relations  with  Iran  and  its

            Polish PM tries to counter critics
            over changes to  justice system

            WARSAW,  Poland  (AP)  —  But the new legislation has
            Poland’s   prime   minister  been  met  with  condem-
            met on Friday with people  nation  from  the  European
            who say they feel wronged  Union  leaders,  street  pro-
            by the justice system as the  tests  and  with  a  partial
            government  tries  to  coun-  veto from President Andrzej
            ter criticism that its reorga-  Duda.Aiming  to  stress  the
            nization of the judiciary vio-  need  for  the  reorganiza-
            lates the rule of law.       tion,  Prime  Minister  Beata
            The   ruling   conservative  Szydlo and Justice Minister
            Law and Justice party says  Zbigniew  Ziobro  met  with
            it  needs  to  make  deep  some 20 dissatisfied people
            changes  in  the  justice  sys-  and heard their stories. Szy-
            tem which it calls inefficient  dlo later said many of them
            and  not  always  fair,  with  have lost almost everything
            cases sometimes dragging  as a result of “wrong deci-
            for  years.  It  says  Poles  are  sions  by  the  insensitive,  in-
            expecting  the  change.  human justice system.”q
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