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A4   U.S. NEWS
            Saturday 16 September 2017

            Ryan: Majority in Congress want to protect young immigrants

                                                                                                   be paired with measures to  opioid problem; yes, we do
                                                                                                   strengthen border security,  have  an  MS-13  problem;
                                                                                                   which  he  called  the  “the  yes,  we  do  actually  agree
                                                                                                   root  cause”  of  problems  that  we  have  to  do  this,”
                                                                                                   from  widespread  opioid  Ryan said.
                                                                                                   addiction  to  violent  gangs  Still, Ryan said partisan poli-
                                                                                                   such as MS-13.               tics  could  complicate  the
                                                                                                   “While  we  do  this  (legis-  issue.
                                                                                                   lative  fix  for  young  immi-  Democrats  “will  have  to
                                                                                                   grants)  we  have  a  border  stomach” that an immigra-
                                                                                                   problem we’ve got to fix,”  tion  bill  is  likely  to  be  per-
                                                                                                   Ryan  told  talk  show  host  ceived as a political victory
                                                                                                   Vicki McKenna on Milwau-     for  Trump,  adding  that  it
                                                                                                   kee’s WISN-AM.               would  be  “a  real  mistake”
                                                                                                   Conservatives have howled  for  Democrats  to  oppose
                                                                                                   at  Trump’s  proposed  deal,  the bill simply because they
                                                                                                   but  Ryan  and  other  GOP  dislike Trump.
                                                                                                   leaders insist there’s no for-  “If you are a politician and
                                                                                                   mal agreement to enshrine  you’re  partisan  and  you
                                                                                                   protections  for  young  im-  don’t  want  to  see  him  be
                                                                                                   migrants. Ryan said he and  successful,  that  will  be  a
                                                                                                   other  GOP  leaders  “have  tough pill to swallow,” Ryan
                                                                                                   leverage” to insist that any  said.
             Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., speaks at the Capitol in Washington, Thursday, Sept. 14,   bill to protect young immi-  Democratic leaders Nancy
             2017, where he said President Donald Trump is still seeking a legislative solution to replace to the   grants  includes  tough  bor-  Pelosi and Chuck Schumer
             Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.                                       der protections.             have  said  they  reached
                                                                      (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)  “We  will  not  in  good  con-  agreement  with  Trump  on
            By MATTHEW DALY              said Friday.                 close”  to  an  agreement  science  fix  a  symptom  of  legislation that would offer
            Associated Press             In  a  radio  interview,  Ryan  with  congressional  Demo-  the  problem  without  deal-  eventual  citizenship  to  the
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A  said  “there’s  a  sweet  spot  crats  that  would  enshrine  ing  with  the  root  cause  of  immigrants in question. Re-
            bipartisan  majority  in  Con-  for this ... a majority in Con-  protections  for  young  im-  the problem,” he said, add-  publicans say talks focused
            gress  supports  protections  gress” to protect young im-  migrants  established  by  ing  that  many  Democrats  on  making  permanent  the
            for  an  estimated  800,000  migrants while also bolster-  former  President  Barack  agree with him.               protections  offered  under
            immigrants  brought  to  the  ing border security.        Obama.                       “I think Democrats get that.  Obama’s  Deferred  Action
            United  States  as  children  Ryan’s comments come af-    Ryan, a Wisconsin Republi-   They  understand  that  yes,  for  Childhood  Arrivals  pro-
            and  now  here  illegally,  ter President Donald Trump  can, said any legislation to  we do need to secure our  gram,  commonly  referred
            House  Speaker  Paul  Ryan  said this week he was “fairly  protect  “Dreamers”  would  border; yes, we do have an  to as DACA.q

            Transgender troops can re-enlist in military _ for now

            By RICHARD LARDNER           als in the military. Trump di-  the armed forces.         to  kick  service  members  come  up  with  a  policy  on
            LOLITA C. BALDOR             rected the military to indefi-  McCain of Arizona said in a  out based on their gender  how  to  address  those  cur-
            Associated Press             nitely  extend  the  ban  on  statement that any service  identity.  Trump  tweeted  rently  serving,  leaving  the
            WASHINGTON (AP) — New  transgender individuals en-        member,  including  those  in  July  that  he  would  ban  door  open  to  permitting
            guidance  released  Friday  listing in the service, but he  who are transgender, who  transgender  troops  from  their continued service.
            by  the  Pentagon  makes  it  left it up to Mattis to decide  meets the standards for mil-  serving  anywhere  in  the  Mattis  has  said  the  Penta-
            clear that any transgender  if  those  currently  serving  itary  readiness  and  medi-  U.S.  military.  The  directive  gon  will  develop  a  plan
            troops  currently  in  the  mili-  should be allowed to stay.  cal fitness should be permit-  caught  the  Pentagon  flat-  that  “will  promote  military
            tary can re-enlist in the next  Members of Congress have  ted to serve.                footed  as  defense  officials  readiness, lethality and unit
            several months, even as the  already  sent  a  letter  to  “When less than 1 percent  struggled  to  explain  what  cohesion.”
            department  debates  how  Trump calling on him to re-     of Americans ar              they  called  Trump’s  guid-  In  his  memo  released  Fri-
            broadly  to  enforce  a  ban  consider the ban.           e  volunteering  to  join  the  ance.                     day, Mattis said the deputy
            on their service ordered by  Sen. John McCain, the Re-    military,  we  should  wel-  About  a  month  later  the  defense secretary and the
            President Donald Trump.      publican  chairman  of  the  come  all  those  who  are  president  issued  more  for-  vice chairman of the Joint
            In  a  memo  to  top  military  Senate   Armed   Services  willing  and  able  to  serve  mal  instructions,  directing  Chiefs will lead a panel that
            leaders, Defense Secretary  Committee,     said   Friday  our country,” McCain said.   the Pentagon to indefinite-  will determine how the de-
            Jim Mattis said a high-level  he  backed  legislation  that  The  bill  is  an  attempt  to  ly  extend  a  ban  on  trans-  partment  will  implement
            panel  will  determine  how  would  bar  the  Trump  ad-  establish  protections  for  gender  individuals  joining  the  ban.  Outside  experts
            to  implement  Trump’s  ban  ministration  from  forcing  transgender  troops  in  law,  the military. But Trump also  may  be  included  to  pro-
            on  transgender  individu-   transgender  troops  out  of  cutting  off  Trump’s  efforts  gave  Mattis  six  months  to  vide additional advice.q
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