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U.S. NEWS Saturday 16 September 2017
11-year-old boy gets lawn-mowing gig at White House
By CATHERINE LUCEY seal!” Trump exclaimed. weed-whacking.For this
KEN THOMAS “Well, he’ll make it.” job, FX donned goggles
Associated Press Standing with FX and his fa- and ear plugs and pushed
WASHINGTON (AP) — An ther, Trump added: “We’ll a mower belonging to the
11-year-old boy in khaki bring them into the Oval National Park Service. He
shorts and a red polo shirt Office. Maybe he’ll be got to keep the black gar-
got the lawn-mowing gig president.” dening gloves he used as a
of a lifetime Friday when Just how did FX make it souvenir.
President Donald Trump to the Rose Garden? The “My dad didn’t think I was
put him to work in the Rose White House said FX had going to meet the presi-
Garden. written to Trump to say he dent at all — I was just
Frank Giaccio, who goes admires the president’s going to mow the Rose
by the initials FX, was so business acumen and runs Garden. But the president
focused on doing his job his own neighborhood came by and said hi,” FX
that he didn’t even notice lawn-care business. Frank Giaccio, 11, of Falls Church, Va., left, is accompanied by said.Trump later tweeted:
when Trump emerged from “It’s probably the biggest President Donald Trump as he mows the lawn of the Rose Gar- “THANK YOU for doing a
the White House to check day of my life so far,” FX den, Friday, Sept. 15, 2017, at the White House in Washington, GREAT job this morning!
out his work. said afterward. with his father Greg Giaccio. The 11-year-old, who wrote the @NatlParkService gives
president requesting to mow the lawn at the White House, was
FX, who lives in the Wash- He added that his day was so focused on the job at hand that he didn’t notice the president you an A+!”The tweet in-
ington suburb of Falls “jam-packed” with media until he was right next to him. cluded video highlights
Church, Virginia, kept right interviews, watering plants, (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) of FX’s White House visit
on pushing the mower in a mowing the lawn and visit- — complete with a photo
long, straight row as Trump ing the Oval Office with his White House spokeswom- be his “honor to mow the of him posing with his el-
walked alongside him. dad. “It was a lot bigger an Sarah Huckabee Sand- White House lawn.” He bows on the Resolute Desk
When the boy finally than I thought,” he said. ers read to reporters, the also enclosed a menu of in the Oval Office next to
paused, the president FX said he normally charg- boy wrote that it would his services, which include Trump.q
called him the “future of es $8 per lawn but decided
the country right here” and to mow the White House
asked what he wants to be lawn free of charge.
when he grows up. “A Navy According to a letter that
‘Pharma Bro’ locked up with
terrorism and mob suspects
By TOM HAYS jacking up the price of a
Associated Press life-saving drug, had been
NEW YORK (AP) — Inmate allowed to remain free on
No. 87850-053 has no inter- $5 million bail following his
net. conviction last month in an
That could be the least of unrelated securities fraud
the inconveniences ahead scheme involving two
for “Pharma Bro” Martin hedge funds he ran.
Shkreli, whose online rant- But Shkreli’s creepy Face-
ings about Hillary Clinton book posting offering a
prompted a judge this $5,000 bounty for a strand
week to revoke his bail and of Clinton’s hair was the last
put him in the Metropoli- straw for U.S. District Judge
tan Detention Center, a Kiyo Matsumoto, who
fortress-like federal jail that agreed with prosecutors
also houses terrorism and that he should be put be-
mob suspects. hind bars until his sentenc-
MDC, as the Brooklyn ing for securities fraud early
lockup for 1,800 men and next year.
women is known, has over He is facing up to 20 years
the years drawn com- in prison on the most serious
plaints ranging from sexual charges. But he had brashly
assaults to the lack of fresh predicted in livestreamed
air, sunlight and recreation. rants that he would never
Federal prison officials see the inside of a prison
wouldn’t discuss Shkreli’s because of sentencing
conditions, though his law- guidelines — and that
yer says his client is in with even if he did get prison
the general population. All time, it would be just a few
defense attorney Ben Braf- months at a minimum-se-
man would say of Shkreli’s curity “Club Fed.”“I’ll play
two nights locked up so far basketball and tennis and
is that he “is doing reason- Xbox and be out on these
ably well under very diffi- streets in four months,” he
cult circumstances.” boasted to the New York
Shkreli, a boyish pharma Daily News just minutes af-
executive best known for ter his conviction. q