Page 12 - aruba-today-20170916
P. 12

            Saturday 16 September 2017

             Pic of Cubans at dominoes in Irma floodwaters sparks debate

            By  MICHAEL  WEISSEN-                                                                                               on the right trying to col-
            STEIN                                                                                                               lect  trash  and  unblock
            ANDREA RODRIGUEZ                                                                                                    drains,  I  imagine,”  Ba-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    lan  said.  “And  there  I
            HAVANA (AP) — As Hur-                                                                                               see  the  people  playing
            ricane Irma flooded the                                                                                             dominoes,  an  unusual
            working-class  neighbor-                                                                                            case not because of the
            hoods behind Havana’s                                                                                               dominoes  but  because
            seaside     Malecon,     a                                                                                          of the moment.”
            photographer  for  the                                                                                              If  Balan  had  shown  up
            Cuban  Communist  Par-                                                                                              a  little  earlier,  he  would
            ty  newspaper  watched                                                                                              have  seen  those  same
            two men pulling broken                                                                                              men working to unblock
            furniture out of the calf-                                                                                          drains  and  clear  trash,
            high water.                                                                                                         according  to  six  neigh-
            Nearby  four  others  sat                                                                                           bors interviewed by AP.
            on  plastic  chairs  play-                                                                                          “This was not any kind of
            ing dominoes in the filthy                                                                                          indiscipline,”  said  Angel
            water,  which  reached                                                                                              Caballero, a 54-year-old
            halfway  up  their  legs                                                                                            construction worker who
            to  a  makeshift  wooden                                                                                            was  playing  dominoes
            table balanced on their                                                                                             but  did  not  appear  in
            knees.  Juvenal  Balan       In this Sunday, Sept. 10, 2017 photo released by Granma, men play dominoes in the middle of a   the  photo.  “While  some
            snapped  a  photo  and       flooded street as others pull broken furniture from calf-high water in the aftermath Hurricane Irma,  of us were working to try
            posted  it  online  with  a   in Havana, Cuba.                                                                      to  get  the  water  to  go
            comment  declaring  it                                                                (Juvenal Balan/Granma via AP)  away so it would not rise
            “incredible”  that  the                                                                                             more  and  run  into  our
            four  were  playing  while   other said.                  reading all sorts of things   munist Party newspaper,  houses, others were tak-
            “others work together to     A  day  later  the  plati-   into  it  about  contem-     Granma.                      ing turns playing.”
            mitigate the damage.”        num-selling  Cuban  reg-     porary  Cuban  society,”     “Our  rich  and  infinite  Irma’s floodwaters have
            Then,  something  unex-      gaeton band Gente de  said  Michael  Bustaman-            jokiness  is  one  thing.  In-  now  receded  and  the
            pected  happened.  The       Zona had an entirely dif-    te, an assistant professor   discipline  and  irrespon-   debris  has  been  col-
            photo went viral and ig-     ferent spin.                 of Latin American history    sibility  is  another,”  he  lected,  leaving  water-
            nited a furious and com-     The band posted Balan’s  at  Florida  International       wrote.  “We  must  reject  stained  walls  as  prac-
            plicated  debate  about      photo on its official Face-  University  who  tweeted     the image that craziness  tically  the  only  visual
            the state of Cuban soci-     book  page,  cropped  about  the  photo  this             and thoughtlessness are  reminder  of  the  storm’s
            ety.                         to  focus  on  the  domino  week. “Some are seeing        part  of  our  nature.  ...  It  havoc  in  Havana.  That,
            Many on the island and       scene and not the men  a sign of social irrespon-         is  not  a  joke  but  rather  and pictures like Balan’s.
            in  Cuba’s  sprawling  in-   collecting trash, and de-    sibility  or  a  symptom  of   fuel for mocking us that  Eddy  Dennis,  a  gray-
            ternational      diaspora    clared:  “Putting  a  good  a crisis of morals. (Other)   in the middle of a situa-    haired 51-year-old park-
            saw  Sunday’s  scene  as     face on bad times.”          people are seeing the tri-   tion  created  by  Irma’s  ing      attendant     seen
            a  textbook  example  of     “The essence of the Cu-      umph of the Cuban spirit     gigantic,    devastating  pulling  furniture  from
            “social  indiscipline,”  a   ban  spirit  is  reflected  in  over incredible odds.”    impact, in the middle of  the  water,  said  what
            commonly heard phrase        this photo!” the band or  There       were     similarly   the Havana streets, sub-    the  image  showed  was
            in the country that’s used   its social media manager  polarized  reactions  to        merged  to  their  waists,  neighborly  cooperation
            to  bemoan  the  flouting    wrote.  The  cropped  im-    other  images  this  week    four  men  were  playing  and mutual effort in the
            of  prized  civic  values    age got more than 8,000  of  Cubans  having  fun          dominoes.”                   face  of  Havana’s  worst
            like  cleanliness,  polite-  likes  and  drew  a  similar  amid  the  crisis:  women   Balan  told  The  Associ-    flooding  in  years,  if  not
            ness  and  helping  one’s    reception  on  dozens  of  laughing  and  appar-          ated  Press  that  he  was  decades.“It  was  some-
            neighbors. But for others    other  pages  aimed  at  ently  dancing  in  knee-        taken by the contrast of  thing communal that all
            the  photo  symbolized       Cubans.                      high  floodwaters,  teen-    people working to clear  the  neighbors  were  do-
            another, equally Cuban       In  Italy,  expatriate  Cu-  age boys diving from an      floodwaters  on  Aguila  ing in the spirit of unity,”
            quality:  good-humored       bans spent days arguing  overpass  into  a  flooded       Street,  four  blocks  from  Dennis  said.“Those  who
            resilience in the face of    about  the  meaning  of  tunnel converted into an         the  Malecon,  and  the  got tired would sit down
            difficulty, even disaster.   the image on an Italian-     ad-hoc pool.                 domino players.              and play dominoes. We
            “What  savages!”  one        language chatroom.           Writer  Oscar  Sanchez       “I’m seeing women with  had  spent  the  whole
            woman  wrote  on  Ba-        “Cubans  on  the  island  Serra  addressed  the  so-      brooms,  families  trying  night on our feet, and it
            lan’s  Facebook  page.       and in the diaspora are  ciopolitical  implications       to  get  trash  out  of  the  was a way to de-stress in
            “Throw them in jail,” an-    taking  this  image  and  in an essay in the Com-         water.  I  see  these  men  the face of disaster.”q
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