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A6   U.S. NEWS
            Saturday 16 September 2017
             Missouri:                                                                                                          Professor, Oxford

             Day care provider accused setting up sham adoption                                                                 employee indicted

                                                                                                                                in Chicago murder

            By    HEATHER    HOLLING-                                                              diately  returned.  The  Stills
            SWORTH                                                                                 don’t have a listed phone    By DON BABWIN
            The Associated Press                                                                   number.The  affidavit  says   Associated Press
            KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — A                                                              Poindexter asked for mon-    CHICAGO (AP) — A grand
            Missouri  day  care  provider                                                          ey  for  the  girl’s  care  dur-  jury  has  indicted  a  former
            accused of taking a baby                                                               ing one visit to the Partons’   Northwestern   University
            to Arkansas to arrange for                                                             home, about 80 miles (130    professor  and  an  Oxford
            her  adoption  without  the                                                            kilometers) to the south.    University  employee  on
            knowledge  of  the  girl’s                                                             Poindexter’s      attorney   first-degree murder charg-
            parents has been charged                                                               didn’t  immediately  return   es  in  the  July  stabbing
            with  attempted  kidnap-                                                               phone  or  email  messages   death of a hairstylist in the
            ping.                                                                                  from The Associated Press.   professor’s Chicago apart-
            Lasonya  Poindexter,  30,  of                                                          She  is  in  federal  custody   ment, a judge announced
            Joplin, was charged Thurs-                                                             pending  a  Tuesday  de-     Friday.The  announcement
            day.                                                                                   tention  hearing.The  affi-  made  on  the  scheduled
            Her  plot  fell  apart  in  July                                                       davit  says  Poindexter  first   date of a hearing was not
            when the would-be adop-                                                                contacted  the  Arkansas     a  surprise,  as  prosecutors
            tive  parents,  Laura  and   This photo provided by the Joplin PD in Joplin, Mo., shows La-  couple through a friend in   routinely present their cas-
            Garry Parton, became sus-    sonya Poindexter. Poindexter, a Missouri day care provider has   June  and  began  making   es  to  a  grand  jury  rather
            picious  and  reached  out   been charged with taking a baby to Arkansas to arrange for her   arrangements  for  them  to   than  let  a  judge,  after  a
            to the baby’s birth parents,   adoption without the knowledge of the girl’s parents. Poindex-  adopt  the  infant  girl  who,   public preliminary hearing,
            Ashley  and  Christian  Still,   ter, of Joplin, was charged with attempted kidnapping Thursday.   along  with  a  sibling,  was   decide  whether  there  is
                                                             (Joplin Police Department photo via AP)
            on  Facebook,  an  affidavit                                                           being left in her care a few   enough  evidence  charge
            says.                                                                                  days a week. Poindexter’s    a  suspect.The  indictment
            The  Stills  confirmed  that   taken their baby to Lincoln,  vit,  the  Partons  wanted  to   trips  to  Arkansas  for  the   of  Oxford  financial  offi-
            they hadn’t put the girl up   Arkansas, at least four times  adopt after suffering a mis-  couple  to  bond  with  the   cial  Andrew  Warren  was
            for  adoption  and  didn’t   to meet the Partons.         carriage. A message left at   baby  lasted  two  to  three   announced  first.  Warren,
            know  that  Poindexter  had   According  to  the  affida-  their  home  wasn’t  imme-  hours each.                  wearing  a  yellow  jail-issue
             Attorney: Slender Man attacker fell into ‘madness’                                                                 jumpsuit,  did  not  speak
                                                                                                                                when  he  was  informed  of
                                                                                                                                the  indictment,  before  he
            By TODD RICHMOND             helping her friend stab their  lonely,  depressed  and  de-  send  the  girl  to  a  mental   was led back to the hold-
            Associated Press             classmate  nearly  to  death  scended  into  “madness,”  hospital rather than prison.  ing  area  for  detainees.
            WAUKESHA,  Wis.  (AP)  —  A  to  please  online  horror  her attorney said Friday as  Anissa  Weier  and  Morgan    Wyndham  Lathem,  wear-
            Wisconsin  girl  accused  of  character Slender Man was  she pleaded with a jury to  Geyser  lured  classmate       ing a tan-colored jump suit
                                                                                                                                was led into the courtroom
                                                                                                   Payton  Leutner  into  the   a short time later, informed
                                                                                                   woods at a park in Wauke-    of the indictment and then
                                                                                                   sha,  a  Milwaukee  suburb,   led back to the same area.
                                                                                                   in  2014.  Geyser  stabbed   Both men are being held in
                                                                                                   Leutner 19 times while Wei-  Cook  County  Jail  without
                                                                                                   er urged her on, according   bond.
                                                                                                   to  investigators.  A  passing   The  judge  said  that  both
                                                                                                   bicyclist  found  Leutner,   men had demanded a tri-
                                                                                                   who  barely  survived  her   al and ordered them to re-
                                                                                                   wounds. All three girls were   turn to court Sept. 28 for an
                                                                                                   12 at the time.              arraignment.  Warren’s  at-
                                                                                                   Both  Weier  and  Geyser     torney did not speak to re-
                                                                                                   told  detectives  they  felt   porters after the brief hear-
                                                                                                   they  had  to  kill  Leutner  to   ing,  but  one  of  Lathem’s
                                                                                                   become  Slender  Man’s       attorneys,  Adam  Shep-
                                                                                                   “proxies,”  or  servants,  and   pard, said that during that
                                                                                                   protect  their  families  from   hearing  Lathem  will  plead
                                                                                                   the demon’s wrath.           not guilty.
                                                                                                   Weier,  now  15,  pleaded    Prosecutors       contend
                                                                                                   guilty  to  attempted  sec-  that  46-year-old  Lathem
                                                                                                   ond-degree intentional ho-   and  56-year-old  Warren
                                                                                                   micide in a deal with pros-  stabbed  Lathem’s  boy-
                                                                                                   ecutors  in  August.  But  she   friend,  26-year-old  Trenton
                                                                                                   claims she was mentally ill   James  Cornell-Duranleau,
                                                                                                   during the attack and not    dozens of times as part of
                                                                                                   responsible for her actions.   an apparent sexual fanta-
                                                                                                   A jury heard three days of   sy that included killing oth-
                                                                                                   testimony  from  psycholo-   ers, then themselves.
                                                                                                   gists and detectives. If the   After  Cornell-Duranleau’s
                                                                                                   jury  agrees  she  wasn’t  re-  body  was  found,  authori-
                                                                                                   sponsible,  she’ll  be  com-  ties embarked on a nation-
                                                                                                   mitted  to  a  mental  institu-  wide manhunt that ended
                                                                                                   tion. If not, she faces prison.  on Aug. 4 with Warren turn-
                                                                                                   The  jury  began  delibera-  ing himself in to authorities
                                                                                                   tions Friday morning. q      in San Francisco. q
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