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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 16 September 2017
            Crowds gather to protest former St. Louis officer acquittal

                     Continued from Front                                                                                       saying he was “going to kill
                                                                                                                                this  (expletive),  don’t  you
             That  officer  was  never                                                                                          know it.” Less than a minute
             charged but eventually re-                                                                                         later, the officer shot Smith
             signed.                                                                                                            five times. Stockley’s lawyer
             Stockley, who was charged                                                                                          dismissed the comment as
             with first-degree murder, in-                                                                                      “human emotions” uttered
             sisted he saw Anthony La-                                                                                          during a dangerous police
             mar  Smith  holding  a  gun                                                                                        pursuit.  The  judge  wrote
             and  felt  he  was  in  immi-                                                                                      that  the  statement  “can
             nent  danger.  Prosecutors                                                                                         be ambiguous depending
             said  the  officer  planted  a                                                                                     on the context.”
             gun in Smith’s car after the                                                                                       Prosecutors  objected  to
             shooting. The officer asked                                                                                        the  officer’s  request  for  a
             the case to be decided by                                                                                          bench  trial.  The  Constitu-
             a judge instead of a jury.                                                                                         tion guarantees the right of
             “This  court,  in  conscience,                                                                                     criminal  suspects  to  have
             cannot  say  that  the  State                                                                                      their  cases  heard  “by  an
             has proven every element                                                                                           impartial  jury.”  But  defen-
             of  murder  beyond  a  rea-                                                                                        dants can also opt to have
             sonable  doubt  or  that  the                                                                                      the verdict rendered by a
             State has proven beyond a                                                                                          judge.  Stockley,  36,  could
             reasonable doubt that the   A  group  of  men  carry  rifles  as  they  walk  with  a  group  of  protesters,  Friday,  Sept.  15,  2017,  in   have  been  sentenced  to
             defendant  did  not  act  in   downtown St. Louis, after a judge found a white former St. Louis police officer, Jason Stockley, not   up  to  life  in  prison  without
             self-defense,”  St.  Louis  Cir-  guilty of first-degree murder in the death of a black man, Anthony Lamar Smith, who was fatally   parole. He left the St. Louis
             cuit  Judge  Timothy  Wilson   shot following a high-speed chase in 2011.                                          police  force  in  2013  and
             wrote in the decision .                                                                    (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)  moved to Houston.q
             In  a  written  statement,  St.  The  head  of  the  St.  Louis
             Louis  Circuit  Attorney  Kim  chapter  of  the  NAACP
             Gardner    acknowledged  asked  President  Donald
             the  difficulty  of  winning  Trump and the Justice De-
             police  shooting  cases  but  partment to review the ac-
             said  prosecutors  believe  quittal.
             they   “offered   sufficient  Assistant  Circuit  Attorney
             evidence that proved be-    Robert  Steele  emphasized
             yond a reasonable doubt”  during  the  trial  that  po-
             that  Stockley  intended  to  lice dashcam video of the
             kill Smith.                 chase  captured  Stockley

            Justice Department refocuses

            police reform on fighting crime

            By SADIE GURMAN              lowed  cities  to  voluntarily
            Associated Press             seek  assistance  from  the
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  Justice  Department  on  is-
            Justice  Department  said  sues  such  as  use-of-force
            Friday  it  will  roll  back  an  and  de-escalating  con-
            Obama-era  program  that  frontations  on  the  street.
            aimed  to  help  police  de-  Federal   officials   would
            partments build communi-     then  conduct  wholesale
            ty trust, often after racially  investigations of the police
            charged  encounters,  and  departments  and  make
            focus it instead on helping  non-binding    recommen-
            cities  arrest  violent  crimi-  dations for how they could
            nals and dismantle gangs.    improve, periodically mon-
            The move marked another  itoring their progress.
            shift  away  from  Obama  Unlike  the  court-enforce-
            administration     priorities  able consent decrees that
            and  federal  scrutiny  of  were  a  hallmark  of  the
            local  law  enforcement,  Obama         administration’s
            which  Attorney  General  efforts  to  overhaul  trou-
            Jeff  Sessions  believes  can  bled  police  agencies,  the
            wrongly    malign    police  collaborative  agreements
            departments  and  hurt  of-  run  by  the  department’s
            ficer  morale.  Police  are  a  Community  Oriented  Po-
            major constituency for the  licing Services, or COPS, of-
            Trump  administration  as  it  fice were largely optional,
            espouses  a  law-and-order  and some cities had found
            agenda.                      them  helpful  in  repairing
            The  program  known  as  frayed  relationships  with
            “collaborative  reform”  al-  the community. q
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