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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 16 September 2017

            Expert declares qualified                                 Imprisoned 24 years:

            end to water crisis in Flint                              2 men granted new trials in fatal robbery

                                                                                                                                52, confessed but soon re-
            By JEFF KAROUB               likely final round last month.                                                         canted.  With  no  physical
            Associated Press             The  testing  showed  that                                                             evidence  against  them,
            DETROIT  (AP)  —  An  expert  lead  levels  continued  to                                                           their  prosecutions  hinged
            who  has  warned  about  stay well below the federal                                                                on  their  confessions  and
            dangerous  lead  levels  in  safety standard of 15 parts                                                            testimony  from  witnesses
            Flint,  Michigan’s  drinking  per billion.                                                                          who’d  been  in  the  video
            water  declared  on  Friday  Flint’s  water  was  tainted                                                           store  around  the  time  of
            a qualified end to the crisis.  with  lead  for  at  least  18                                                      the killing.
            Virginia  Tech  researcher  months,  starting  in  spring                                                           One  identified  Lee  as  a
            Marc  Edwards  made  the  2014.                                                                                     man  browsing  the  shop
            announcement  at  a  news  While under the control of                                                               shortly  beforehand  in  a
            conference  two  years  to  state-appointed  financial                                                              green-and-purple     plaid
            the  day  after  standing  in  managers, the city tapped                                                            baseball  cap  that  was
            front  of  City  Hall  with  resi-  the  Flint  River  as  its  water                                               then  found  near  Merino’s
            dents  and  other  research-  source  while  a  new  pipe-                                                          body.  Kelley  had  told  po-
            ers to highlight serious lead  line was being built to Lake   Eric Kelley, right, is hugged by his lawyer Vanessa Potkin   lice  he  was  wearing  the
            contamination  problem  in  Huron.  But  the  river  water   moments after Passaic County Superior Court Judge Jo-  cap himself.Then new DNA
            the financially struggling in-  wasn’t  treated  to  reduce   seph Portelli granted Kelley a retrial in the case in which   testing  in  2014  confirmed
            dustrial city’s water supply.  corrosion. As a result, lead   he  was  found  guilty  of  the  killing  of  a  video  store  em-  there  were  no  traces  of
            Edwards     acknowledged  leached  from  old  pipes       ployee during a robbery in 1993, during a hearing, Friday,   either Kelley or Lee on the
            the  symmetry  of  the  situa-  and fixtures.             Sept. 15, 2017, in Paterson, N.J. Kelley and Ralph Lee, who   cap and found it was lad-
            tions yet cautioned against  Elevated lead levels, which   was not present during the hearing, had been convict-    en  with  genetic  material
            celebration.  He  recom-     can  cause  miscarriage,     ed and were currently serving terms. The new trials were   from someone else: a man
            mended  the  continued  developmental            delays   granted after new DNA tests linked an important piece of   convicted of a 1989 knife-
            use  of  filters  and  warned  and  other  problems,  were   evidence to another man.                               point holdup at a different
            many  residents  will  take  a  found in some children. The                                                         Paterson shop. He’d been
            long time to regain trust in  disaster  has  led  to  15  cur-  By JENNIFER PELTZ      conviction reversal.         released from prison three
            government  officials  who  rent or former governmen-     Associated Press             But for now, “I’m so happy   months  before  the  video
            initially dismissed their con-  tal officials being charged   PASSAIC,  N.J.  (AP)  —  Two  that I don’t even know how   store  robbery.“This  new
            cerns.                       with  crimes  and  lawsuits   long-imprisoned men were  to  explain,”  Lee’s  father,   DNA  evidence  is  clearly
            “Today,  we  have  equally  filed by numerous residents.  granted new trials Friday in  Ralph Lee Sr., said as he left   and  convincingly  capa-
            definitive  data  showing  A  federal  judge  in  March   a  deadly  1993  video  store  the  court.“I’ve  been  wait-  ble  of  raising  reasonable
            that he levels of these pa-  approved a landmark deal     robbery,  after  recent  DNA  ing  for  this  day  for  a  very   doubt  as  to  the  guilt  of
            rameters  currently  in  Flint  to  replace  lead  and  gal-  tests on an important piece  long time,” added Kelley’s   both” Kelley and Lee, Pas-
            water are now back to nor-   vanized  steel  water  lines   of  evidence  matched  a  daughter, Erica Mobley.       saic County Superior Court
            mal levels for a city with old  at  18,000  homes  by  2020.   man  never  connected  to  She was 9 when her father   Judge Joseph Portelli said,
            lead pipes,” Edwards said.  The city has so far replaced   the case before.            was arrested in a killing that   though he added that he
            “Obviously,  there  is  still  a  more  than  3,000,  part  of   Eric  Kelley  beamed  and  so appalled gritty Paterson   wasn’t  opining  that  the
            crisis of confidence among  the  mayor’s  plan  to  re-   laid  his  head  on  his  law-  that  the  then-mayor  said   two are innocent.
            Flint residents that’s not go-  place 6,000 this year.    yer’s  shoulder  as  a  judge  the  case  made  him  sick   “That’s clearly a jury ques-
            ing to be restored anytime  Edwards  expressed  con-      overturned his murder con-   to  his  stomach.Merino,  22,   tion,”  he  said.The  man
            soon. It’s beyond the reach  cern  for  federal  lead  and   viction in the death of store  was  beaten  and  stabbed   whose  DNA  is  on  the  hat
            of science to solve — it can  copper  rules,  which  he   clerk  Tito  Merino.  Co-de-  in a midday robbery while   hasn’t  been  charged  in
            only be addressed by years  said  are  several  years  out   fendant  Ralph  Lee  would  he  was  working  at  his  un-  the  video  store  killing.  In-
            of   trustworthy   behavior  of  date.  He  praised  cities   hear the news later: He was  cle’s  video  shop.  A  com-  deed, there’s no indication
            by  government  agencies,  and states working toward      in a prison infirmary, recov-  munity   college   student   authorities have ever ques-
            who unfortunately lost that  enacting stricter standards.  ering  from  gastrointestinal  who  aimed  to  become  a   tioned him about it.Having
            trust, deservedly, in the first  He’s  also  working  with   surgery.                  doctor, he had immigrated    moved to Virginia, he told
            place.”                      many other cities that have   Both are being held on $1  to the northern New Jersey    the defendants’ investiga-
            Edwards’ team has collect-   similar  lead  levels  in  their   million bail as they await re-  city  from  Peru  about  two   tor  he’d  never  seen  the
            ed  samples  from  138  Flint  water supply once found in   trial, and a prosecutor indi-  years earlier.           plaid hat, according to the
            homes,  with  the  fifth  and  Flint’s. q                 cated she may appeal the  Lee,  now  55,  and  Kelley,    investigator’s testimony. q
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