P. 16
Monday 18 SepteMber 2017
High Holy Days Invitation: Be a Part of the Beth Israel
Synagogue for the Holiest Season of the Jewish Year!
ORANJESTAD - Engage your with us for the upcoming fall holidays at Beth Israel.
mind, nourish your soul. The Rosh Hashanah (Septem- Our doors are wide open,
Jewish Community of Aru- ber 20-21-22), Yom Kippur welcoming everyone this
ba invites you to celebrate (September 29-30) and the High Holyday season and
throughout the year. the services, please be part
of our shul – join us for our
We come together as a festive dinner on Rosh Ha-
280 2333 community in reflection shanah evening, Tashlich
Orange Plaza and song, to connect ritual at the beach, and a
each other to the wisdom community break-fast on
Italiëstraat 50 of the Jewish tradition, and Yom Kippur.
to inspire us in the teshuvah
process- transformative Please let us know by
healing of ourselves and phone (297) 582-3272, or
the world. email, rabbi@bethisraelar-
Beth Israel holiday services
are participatory, uplifting L’shanah tovah – a happy
and egalitarian. In addi- new year ahead of peace,
tion to your participation at harmony and unity!q