P. 21
SPORTS Monday 18 SepteMber 2017
It was 1 great fight and 1 lousy scorecard
By TIM DAHLBERG fight would still be a draw
AP Boxing Writer and no one would be talk-
LAS VEGAS (AP) — One ing about the judges. It
great fight, one lousy wasn’t that she necessarily
scorecard. got the winner wrong, but
Canelo Alvarez and Gen- by too big of a margin.
nady Golovkin did their Still, there was plenty of
part Saturday night to venom on social media
make their middleweight and from outraged televi-
showdown a memorable sion types for Byrd’s inex-
one, putting on the kind of plicable card. Golovkin
big drama show both had also wasn’t happy about
promised. the scorecard in a fight he
They traded big shots and seemed to be controlling
battled for 12 rounds, and until Alvarez rallied in the
when it was over they late rounds.
leaped into the arms of “This is terrible for the sport,”
their corner men, both cer- Golovkin said. “It’s unbe-
tain they had won. lievable.”
That the judges ruled it a Byrd, a veteran of champi-
draw wasn’t out of line. onship fight judging, didn’t
It was that kind of fight, exactly get a ringing en-
a close, tense bout that dorsement from Nevada
could have gone either boxing officials either.
way, but only slightly. “That’s the life of a judge,”
Unfortunately, one judge said Bob Bennett, execu- Canelo Alvarez, right, and Gennady Golovkin celebrate following a middleweight title fight Sun-
somehow had Alvarez win- tive director of the Nevada day, Sept. 17, 2017, in Las Vegas. The fight was called a draw.
ning all but two rounds. The State Athletic Commission. Associated Press
118-110 margin in favor of “She had a bad night in a their punches and both ring with the same middle- ringside. Boxing history is
Alvarez by Adalaide Byrd big fight.” landed shots that in any weight belts he brought littered with judges who
was so stunningly off that The other two judges saw other fight would put their into it. never get another chance
it dominated the talk at a the fight that most at ring- opponents down. “I still have all the belts,” after high-profile miscues,
post-fight press conference side thought they were No one was ever in dan- Triple G said. “I’m still the and despite Bennett say-
that otherwise would have watching, a bruising affair ger of hitting the canvas, champion.” ing Byrd has been a good
focused on one of the bet- that appeared to be going but the sellout crowd of Inevitably, the talk soon judge over the years she’s
ter fights of the year. Golovkin’s way until Alva- 22,358 screamed through- turned to a possible re- not likely to get a title fight
Once again, boxing can’t rez rallied to take the last out as the intensity of the match. Alvarez had a re- again in the near future.
seem to get out of its own three rounds on all three fight never seemed to let match clause in his con- In the end, a fight that box-
way. scorecards. up. Golovkin relentlessly tract, and both he and ing purists had been sali-
“People can argue either One favored Golovkin 115- pushed forward, land- De La Hoya said he would vating for delivered on its
way, but it was such a great 113, while the other had it ing big shots behind his execute it. HBO boxing promise.
fight,” promoter Oscar De 114-114. The Associated jab, while Alvarez counter chief Peter Nelson said he Two proud warriors went
La Hoya said. “But a lot of Press also scored it 114-114. punched — often off the thought a second fight toe to toe, leaving nothing
people can’t understand “The scorecard points put ropes — with savage effi- would do even better than in the ring as they fought
118-110, just like myself.” aside, we gave boxing ciency. the first, and indicated a for supremacy in one of
Perhaps overlooked by what it needed, a great When it was over, both date next May would be boxing’s most hallowed di-
those complaining about fight tonight,” Alvarez said. were sure they had won. perfect. visions.
the score is that if Byrd had On that point, it’s hard to Neither did, but it was Go- If that fight takes place it That it was somewhat taint-
Alvarez winning by a closer argue. Both fighters were lovkin who got the conso- will be without Byrd writ- ed by one bad card was
margin, say 115-113, the sharp and accurate with lation prize of leaving the ing down her scores at no fault of either.q