P. 14
Monday 18 SepteMber 2017
Donation based Yoga to help Sint Maarten
EAGLE BEACH - Manchebo
Beach Resort & Spa has an
amazing yoga deck with
panorama at the turquoise
sea and surrounded by
waving king palms. Their
Sunday morning yoga is
the perfect way to awak-
en your body and start off
Yesterday there was an ex-
tra addition to this sparkle:
being of help. Yes, yester-
day morning all funds col-
lected were donated to
the Red Cross to support
Sint Maarten after hurri-
cane Irma. Aruba Today
was present and experi-
enced a great class given
by teacher Dagmara. To
do good is actually an
awesome combination
with yoga and should be
practiced more. Good for
your mind and good for
your body. Namaste!
Soup with an extra ingredi-
ent: donation
Another hotel found a sur-
prising way of helping out
the victims of hurricane
Irma in Sint Maarten. The
Holiday Inn prepared a Antillean staple. Over 2,000
large bowl of chicken soup portions of soup were sold
that was sold together with and all funds collected go
the local dish funchi, the to the good cause. q