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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 18 SepteMber 2017

               NATO concerned about Russia’s transparency on military games

                                                                      “We have high concentra-     can  best  meet  global  se-  stable and secure,” he said.
                                                                      tion of troops in the Baltics.  curity challenges.        He  also  added  there  was
                                                                      We have a high concentra-    Stability and security in the  no plan for reducing troops
                                                                      tion  of  troops  in  the  Black  Western  Balkan  countries  in Kosovo or setting a time
                                                                      Sea  and  potential  for  an  was  also  discussed  during  length  for  their  presence.
                                                                      incident may be quite high  the conference. Pavel said  Some  4,500  troops  from
                                                                      because  of  a  human  mis-  trouble in the region could  31  countries  have  been
                                                                      take,  because  of  a  tech-  come  from  radicalism,  or-  deployed  in  Kosovo  since
                                                                      nology  failure,”  said  Pavel  ganized  crime,  migration,  June 1999, after NATO’s 78-
                                                                      said. “We have to be sure  economic problems or the  day air campaign to stop a
                                                                      that  such  an  unintended  “malign influence from Rus-   deadly Serbian crackdown
                                                                      incident  will  not  escalate  sia.”                      against  ethnic  Albanian
                                                                      into conflict.”              “We do not compete with  separatists.     Kosovo    de-
                                                                      The  Military  Committee  of-  Russia  for  the  Western  Bal-  clared independence from
                                                                      fers  consensus-based  ad-   kans.  We  are  primarily  fo-  Serbia  in  2008,  but  Serbia
                                                                      vice  on  how  the  alliance  cused on the Balkans being  has not recognized it.q
            In this photo taken on Thursday, Sept. 14, 2017, Belarus’ soldiers
            aim their anti-aircraft gun at a training ground at an undisclosed
            location in Belarus. Russia and Belarus began major war games
            Thursday, an operation involving thousands of troops, tanks and
            aircraft on NATO’s eastern edge practicing how to hunt down
            and destroy armed spies, among other maneuvers.
                                   (Vayar Military Agency photo via AP)
            By LLAZAR SEMINI             Moscow that “NATO is not
            Associated Press             considered  as  an  enemy”
            TIRANA,  Albania  (AP)  —  A  and  that  “the  exercise  is
            senior  NATO  official  says  not aimed at NATO,” Pav-
            there’s  reason  to  be  con-  el  said  Russians  have  not
            cerned  about  the  large-   been  transparent  about
            scale  Zapad  2017  military  the  facts  of  the  exercises.
            maneuvers     being   con-   He  says  the  number  of
            ducted now by Russia and  troops  in  the  exercises  —
            Belarus,  since  they  could  which  the  Russians  say  is
            be seen as “a serious prep-  about 12,700 — could ac-
            aration for big war.”        tually  be  between  70,000
            Gen.  Petr  Pavel,  head  of  to 100,000.
            NATO’s Military Committee,  “All together, what we see
            told the Associated Press in  is a serious preparation for
            an interview Saturday that  big  war,”  he  told  The  As-
            NATO  is  increasing  efforts  sociated  Press.  “When  we
            to  re-establish  the  military-  only  look  at  the  exercise
            to-military communications  that is presented by Russia
            with  Russia  to  avoid  any  there  should  be  no  worry.
            “unintended  consequenc-     But when we look it in the
            es  of  potential  incidents  big picture, we have to be
            during the exercise.”        worried,  because  Russia
            The defense chiefs of NATO  was not transparent.”
            member  countries  were  Two weeks ago Pavel met
            holding  their  annual  con-  in  person  with  the  Russian
            ference this year in the Al-  military’s   General   Staff,
            banian capital of Tirana to  Gen. Valery Gerasimov.
            discuss  fighting  terrorism,  The  Supreme  Allied  Com-
            the situation in the Western  mander  for  Europe,  Gen.
            Balkans  and  the  new  U.S.  Curtis  Scaparrotti,  had  a
            strategy on Afghanistan.     phone call with Gerasimov
            The Zapad war games, be-     at the beginning of Zapad
            ing  conducted  this  year  17. Pavel said it was “main-
            mostly  in  Belarus,  run  until  ly  focused  on  transparen-
            Sept.  20  and  reportedly  cy  and  risk  reduction  and
            involve  5,500  Russian  and  avoidance  of  unintended
            7,200 Belarusian troops.     consequences of potential
            Despite  assurances  from  incidents.”
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