P. 10

              Monday 18 SepteMber 2017
              Fatah welcomes Hamas pledge to try to end Palestinian split

            By M. DARAGHMEH              bas  in  charge  of  autono-  mands to Hamas that as a  bility in Gaza.                tees  that  this  deal  would
            Associated Press             mous enclaves in the Israe-  first step, it must dissolve the  Mahmoud  Aloul,  anoth-  succeed   where    others
            RAMALLAH,                    li-occupied West Bank.       administrative  committee,  er  Fatah  official,  told  the  failed.
            West Bank (AP) —             Earlier  Sunday,  Hamas  an-  its  de  facto  government  Voice  of  Palestine  radio  In previous deals, including
            President  Mahmoud  Ab-      nounced  that  it  has  ac-  in  Gaza,  and  allow  the  that the news from Cairo is  one  brokered  by  Egypt  in
            bas’    Fatah   movement  cepted  key  Abbas  de-         unity  government  to  take  encouraging, but that “we  2011,  both  sides  professed
            on  Sunday  welcomed  a  mands for ending the split.  charge.                          want  to  see  that  happen-  willingness to reconcile, but
            pledge by its Hamas rival to  This  includes  holding  gen-  “We  accepted  that  as  a  ing  on  the  ground  before  ultimately balked at giving
            accept  key  conditions  for  eral  elections  in  the  West  sign of our good will toward  we move to the next step.”  up  power  in  their  respec-
            ending  a  decade-old  Pal-  Bank  and  Gaza,  dissolving  reconciliation,”  Hamas  of-  Hamas  has  been  greatly  tive territories.
            estinian  political  and  terri-  a contentious Gaza admin-  ficial  Hussam  Badran  told  weakened  by  an  Israeli  A  key  sticking  point  in  the
            torial split, but said it wants  istrative committee and al-  The Associated Press.    and  Egyptian  blockade,  past was Hamas’ refusal to
            to  see  vows  implemented  lowing an Abbas-led “unity  “The  administrative  com-     three  wars  with  Israel  and  place  its  security  forces  in
            before  making  the  next  government,”  formed  in  mittee is now dissolved and  international isolation.          Gaza  under  the  control  of
            move.                        2014  but  until  now  unable  the government can come  Gaza’s  economy  is  in  tat-  an Abbas-led unity govern-
            Repeated     attempts    at  to start operating in Gaza,  to  Gaza  today  to  assume  ters  and  residents  of  the  ment.
            reconciliation  have  failed  to  finally  assume  responsi-  its  responsibilities  and  du-  territory have electricity for  It  also  was  not  clear  how
            since  the  militant  Hamas  bility there.                ties,” he said.              only a few hours a day. In  Egypt’s  latest  effort  aligns
            drove forces loyal to Abbas  The  announcement  came  Azzam  al-Ahmed,  a  Fatah  recent  months,  Abbas  has  with  its  previous  tacit  sup-
            from the Gaza Strip in 2007,  after  separate  talks  by  participant in the talks, said  stepped  up  financial  pres-  port  for  a  separate  Gaza
            a  year  after  defeating  Fa-  Hamas and Fatah delega-   Hamas  and  Fatah  agreed  sure  on  Hamas,  including  power-sharing  deal  be-
            tah in parliament elections.  tions  with  Egyptian  intel-  to  meet  in  Cairo  within  10  by  scaling  back  electricity  tween  Hamas  and  Mo-
            The  takeover  led  to  rival  ligence  officials  in  Cairo  in  days, during which time the  payments to Gaza, to force  hammed Dahlan, an exiled
            governments,  with  Hamas  recent days.                   national  unity  government  his rivals to cede ground.   former Abbas aide-turned-
            controlling  Gaza  and  Ab-  Egypt  relayed  Fatah  de-   should assume its responsi-  Still, there were no guaran-  rival.q
             Iraq says may use force if Kurdish referendum turns violent

            By SUSANNAH GEORGE                                                                                                  ish  region  have  said  they
            QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA                                                                                                  hope  the  referendum  will
            Associated Press                                                                                                    push Baghdad to come to
            BAGHDAD  (AP)  —  Iraq  is                                                                                          the negotiating table and
            prepared to intervene mili-                                                                                         create a path for indepen-
            tarily if the Kurdish region’s                                                                                      dence. However, al-Abadi
            planned     independence                                                                                            said   such   negotiations
            referendum  results  in  vio-                                                                                       would  likely  be  compli-
            lence, Prime Minister Haid-                                                                                         cated  by  the  referendum
            er al-Abadi told The Associ-                                                                                        vote.
            ated  Press  in  an  exclusive                                                                                      “It will make it harder and
            interview Saturday.                                                                                                 more difficult,” he said, but
            If  the  Iraqi  population  is                                                                                      added,  “I  will  never  close
            “threatened by the use of                                                                                           the  door  to  negotiations.
            force outside the law, then                                                                                         Negotiations  are  always
            we will intervene militarily,”                                                                                      possible.”
            he said.                                                                                                            Iraq’s  Kurds  have  come
            Iraq’s  Kurdish  region  plans                                                                                      under  increasing  pressure
            to hold the referendum on                                                                                           to  call  off  the  vote  from
            support for independence                                                                                            regional  powers  and  the
            from  Iraq  on  Sept.  25  in                                                                                       United States, a key ally, as
            three  governorates  that                                                                                           well as Baghdad.
            make up their autonomous     Iraq’s  Prime  Minister  Haider  al-Abadi  speaks  during  an  interview  with  The  Associated  Press  in   In  a  statement  released
            region,  and  in  disputed   Baghdad, Iraq, Saturday, Sept. 16, 2017. Al-Abadi says he is prepared to intervene militarily if the   late Friday night the White
            areas  controlled  by  Kurd-  Kurdish region’s planned referendum results in violence.                              House called for the Kurd-
            ish  forces  but  which  are                                                                (AP Photo/Karim Kadim)  ish region to abandon the
            claimed by Baghdad.          lenge  the  borders  of  Iraq  tion to the countries in the  dangerous  escalation,”  al-  referendum  “and  enter
            “If you challenge the con-   and the borders of the re-   region  to  violate  Iraqi  bor-  Abadi said.             into  serious  and  sustained
            stitution  and  if  you  chal-  gion, this is a public invita-  ders as well, which is a very  The  leaders  of  Iraq’s  Kurd-  dialogue with Baghdad.”q
              Uproar in Turkey over removing evolution from biology class

            By ZEYNEP BILGINSOY          an  overhaul  of  more  than  unions have organized pro-  velopment.”                  ings and the Environment”
            Associated Press             170  topics  in  the  country’s  tests  against  the  changes,  He  said  evolutionary  bi-  in  September  2018  where
            ISTANBUL (AP) —              school  curriculum,  includ-  demanding  that  Turkey  ology,  which  his  ministry  evolutionary  mechanisms
            Students  in  Turkey  are  re-  ing removing all direct ref-  provide a scientific, secular  deemed  was  too  ad-  like  adaptation,  mutation
            turning  to  school  Monday  erences  to  evolution  from  education  for  its  students.  vanced  for  high  school,  and  natural  and  artificial
            where  they  will  be  taught  high school biology classes.  Lawmakers  have  also  op-  would still be taught in uni-  selection  will  be  taught
            evolution for the last time in  The  upcoming  changes  posed  the  new  curriculum  versities.                     without  a  mention  of  evo-
            their biology classes.       have  caused  uproar,  with  in parliament.               Evolution  has  been  taught  lution or Darwin.Yilmaz said
            Next  fall,  evolution  and  critics  calling  them  a  re-  Education  Minister  Ismet  in   12th-grade   biology  students  would  learn  the
            Charles  Darwin  will  be  shaping      of   education  Yilmaz  said  the  new  “val-  classes in a chapter called  nature  of  being,  including
            scrapped  from  their  text-  along  the  conservative,  Is-  ue-based”  program  had  “The Beginning of Life and  “evolution  and  other  on-
            books.                       lam-oriented government’s  simplified topics in “harmo-   Evolution.”  The  unit  will  be  tological opinions” in 11th-
            Turkey   has   announced  line. Opposition parties and  nization  with  students’  de-  replaced  by  “Living  Be-  grade philosophy. q
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