P. 6

A6   U.S. NEWS
              Monday 18 SepteMber 2017

             Abuse allegations, arrests mount at state mental hospital

                                                                                                   and  other  crimes  by  rea-  partment report.
                                                                                                   son of insanity, and others   “He’s  been  traumatized,”
                                                                                                   committed  voluntarily  or   Kangas  said.  “That’s  not
                                                                                                   involuntarily by civil courts.  how we should be treated
                                                                                                   Nine  staff  members  were   when  we  have  cancer,
                                                                                                   arrested and charged this    and  it  should  not  be  how
                                                                                                   month with cruelty to per-   we’re  treated  when  we
                                                                                                   sons  and  disorderly  con-  have mental illnesses. I just
                                                                                                   duct.                        couldn’t  imagine  that  this
                                                                                                   The  arrests  were  in  con-  all went on.”
                                                                                                   nection with a 62-year-old   The  Department  of  Men-
                                                                                                   male  patient  found  in  a   tal  Health  and  Addiction
                                                                                                   report by the state Depart-  Services called the allega-
                                                                                                   ment  of  Public  Health  to   tions  “reprehensible”  in  a
                                                                                                   have been kicked, jabbed,    statement,  saying  it  is  co-
                                                                                                   poked  and  taunted  by      operating  with  the  police
                                                                                                   staff  over  several  weeks   investigation  and  vowing
                                                                                                   this  year.  The  agency  in-  to  “do  whatever  is  neces-
                                                                                                   vestigated  at  the  request   sary to prevent future inci-
                                                                                                   of  the  federal  Centers  for   dents.”
                                                                                                   Medicare & Medicaid Ser-     The  31  employees  possi-
            This Friday, Sept. 15, 2017 photo shows the Whiting Forensic Division maximum-security psychiatric   vices,  which  regulates  the   bly  face  further  discipline
            hospital in Middletown, Conn. Allegations of staff misconduct at Connecticut’s only maximum-se-  hospital,  following  a  whis-
            curity psychiatric hospital are mounting after a whistleblower complaint about abuse of a patient                   including  being  fired,  as
            led to some staff suspensions and several arrests.                                     tleblower complaint.         well as the possible loss or
                                                                           (AP Photo/Dave Collins)  The  arrests  followed  the   suspension of their state li-
            By DAVE COLLINS              misconduct  and  abuse,  ed.”                             suspensions  of  31  employ-  censes, officials said.
            Associated Press             according  to  a  state  law-  Somers did not disclose the   ees  on  claims  they  took   Officials  with  the  Depart-
            HARTFORD,  Conn.  (AP)  —  maker  who  is  calling  for  names  of  the  people  who   part in the abuse or knew    ment of Mental Health and
            At Connecticut’s only max-   legislative hearings.        have  called  her,  but  she   about  the  abuse  and  did   Addiction Services want to
            imum-security  psychiatric  Current  and  former  staff  did  say  some  of  their  alle-  not  report  it.  Many  inci-  talk with Somers — co-chair
            hospital,   staff   members  members,  as  well  as  pa-  gations  include  staff  abus-  dents  were  recorded  by   of  the  legislature’s  Public
            put a diaper on a patient’s  tients’  relatives,  are  alleg-  ing  patients,  overriding  of   surveillance cameras.  Health  Committee,  which
            head,  threw  food  at  him,  ing abuse of other patients  doctors’  orders  and  forg-  The  patient  was  commit-  oversees  the  department
            poured  water  over  him,  and  staff  wrongdoing,  she  ery  of  doctors’  signatures   ted to Whiting in 1995 after   — about the new abuse al-
            put salt in his coffee, kicked  said.“It’s  really  incompre-  on  documents.Whiting  is   being acquitted by reason   legations, said department
            him  and  placed  a  mop  hensible  that  this  could  part of Connecticut Valley      of  mental  disease  or  de-  spokeswoman  Mary  Kate
            on  his  head  after  clean-  happen  in  this  day  and  Hospital, a psychiatric care   fect  in  the  killing  of  his  fa-  Mason.
            ing a floor, according to a  age,”  said  Sen.  Heather  complex  run  by  the  state   ther in Greenwich, accord-  The hospital workers’ labor
            state  report.Thirty-one  staff  Somers, a Republican from  Department   of   Mental   ing  to  his  court-appointed   union,  District  1199  of  the
            members  at  the  Whiting  Groton. “It’s like something  Health  and  Addiction  Ser-  co-conservator,     Karen    Service Employees Interna-
            Forensic  Division  hospital  out of a Stephen King nov-  vices.  The  division  includes   Kangas. He was diagnosed   tional Union, said in a state-
            in  Middletown  have  been  el. I think it’s very important  106  beds  for  patients  in   with  schizoaffective  disor-  ment that patient abuse is
            suspended, and nine have  that  we,  as  legislators,  get  maximum security and an-   der, autism spectrum disor-  unacceptable.
            been  arrested.  More  ar-   to the bottom of this. If you  other 141 beds for those in   der  and  other  conditions,   The union is calling for new
            rests  are  expected,  police  are put in the state’s care,  “enhanced  security.”  The   and  has  been  combative   management, better train-
            say,  and  calls  are  pouring  you  should  be  cared  for.  patients  include  people   with hospital staff, accord-  ing  and  more  staff  at  the
            in with more allegations of  You  shouldn’t  be  torment-  found not guilty of murder   ing to the Public Health De-  hospital.Among  the  staff
            Police:                                                                                                             members  arrested  was  a
                                                                                                                                forensic  head  nurse,  Mark
            Wisconsin man caused home blast to mask wife killing                                                                Cusson,  49,  of  Southing-
                                                                                                                                ton. Cusson is in a “state of
                                                                                                                                shock”  over  his  arrest  and
            MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Po-     is jailed on suspicion of first-  Police spokesman Joel De-  iner’s  office  says  she  died   believes  he  will  be  found
            lice  have  arrested  a  Wis-  degree  intentional  homi-  Spain  expects  Pirus  to  be  from  “homicidal  firearm   innocent,  said  his  lawyer,
            consin  man  suspected  of  cide,  arson  and  recklessly  charged Monday.             trauma.”                     Brian  Woolf.“We  have  in-
            killing his wife and blowing  endangering safety.         The  house  exploded  and  Authorities allege Steven Pi-  formation  from  a  variety
            up their home to try to cov-  Pirus  is  accused  of  fatally  caught  fire  Wednesday.  rus manipulated his home’s   of sources that this patient
            er up the crime.             shooting  50-year-old  Lee  Her body was found Friday  natural gas system to cause     was  an  extremely  difficult
            Authorities        arrested  Anne  Pirus.  Investigators  morning  in  the  wreckage  the  explosion.  Police  say   patient  and  some  of  the
            59-year-old  Steven  Pirus  of  believe  she  could  have  of  the  house.  The  Dane  the blast also endangered    actions they took were jus-
            Madison Saturday night. He  been killed months ago.       County    medical   exam-    his neighbors.q              tified,” Woolf said. q
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