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              Monday 18 SepteMber 2017
            World leaders face crises in North Korea and Myanmar at UN

                     Continued from Front  While   Trump   has   an-  extremists in the vast Sahel  deal.                       ideas contained in this doc-
                                         nounced  that  the  United  region.                       Trump  has  also  been  criti-  ument  are  important  and
            While  Trump’s  speeches  States  will  pull  out  of  the  A  side  event  Wednesday  cal  of  the  United  Nations  look similar to what the sec-
            and meetings will be close-  2015  Paris  Climate  Agree-  on   “Preventing   Terrorist  and  has  promised  to  cut  retary-general  proposes,”
            ly followed, it will be North  ment, Macron will be host-  Use of the Internet” will be  the  U.S.  contribution  to  its  U.N.  reforms  should  result
            Korea,  which  Secretary-                                                                                           from  negotiations  among
            General  Antonio  Guterres                                                                                          all countries instead of from
            calls  “the  most  dangerous                                                                                        “a declaration of like-mind-
            crisis that we face today,”                                                                                         ed countries.
            that  will  be  most  carefully                                                                                     ”The  Security  Council  is
            watched. No official event                                                                                          holding  a  high-level  meet-
            addressing    Pyongyang’s                                                                                           ing  Wednesday  on  U.N.
            relentless   campaign    to                                                                                         peacekeeping  operations,
            develop  nuclear  weap-                                                                                             which cost nearly $8 billion
            ons  capable  of  hitting  the                                                                                      a year.
            United States is on the U.N.                                                                                        The  United  States,  which
            agenda, but it is expected                                                                                          pays over 28 percent of the
            to  be  the  No.  1  issue  for                                                                                     peacekeeping  budget,  is
            most leaders.                                                                                                       reviewing all the missions in
            Not  far  behind  will  be  the                                                                                     an  effort  to  cut  costs  and
            plight of Myanmar’s Rohing-                                                                                         make them more effective.
            ya Muslims, victims of what                                                                                         While  there  are  many  side
            Guterres calls a campaign                                                                                           events on other global hot-
            of  ethnic  cleansing  that                                                                                         spots  from  Central  African
            has  driven  nearly  400,000                                                                                        Republic and South Sudan
            to  flee  to  Bangladesh  in                                                                                        to Libya, Mail and Somalia,
            the  past  three  weeks.  The                                                                                       the  ministerial  meeting  will
            Security  Council,  in  its  first                                                                                  also see sessions on achiev-
            statement  on  Myanmar  in   Dump trucks full of sand are lined up along 5th Ave. in front of Trump Tower in New York Sunday,   ing  U.N.  goals  for  2030  to
            nine  years,  condemned      Sept. 17, 2017. World leaders gather at the United Nations starting Monday. U.S. President Donald   end  extreme  poverty  and
            the  violence  and  called   Trump and France’s new leader, Emmanuel Macron will both be making their first appearance at   preserve the planet, wom-
            for immediate steps to end   the General Assembly.                                           (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)  en’s  economic  empower-
            it.  British  Foreign  Secretary                                                                                    ment,  migration  and  con-
            Boris  Johnson  is  hosting  a  ing  a  meeting  Tuesday  to  attended  by  senior  repre-  budget,  which  is  the  larg-  flict  prevention  —  a  top
            closed meeting on the crisis  spur  its  implementation.  sentatives  of  major  social  est.  So  some  diplomats  priority  of  the  secretary-
            Monday,  and  the  Organi-   And a late addition to the  media  companies.  Co-        were surprised that the Unit-  general.
            zation  of  Islamic  Coopera-  hundreds  of  official  meet-  hosts  Britain,  France  and  ed States would sponsor an  Germany’s  U.N.  Ambassa-
            tion’s contact group on the  ings  and  side  events  dur-  Italy said a global response  event  Monday  on  reform-  dor Christoph Heusgen said
            Rohingyas  is  scheduled  to  ing the ministerial week is a  is  needed  “to  make  the  ing  the  193-member  world  the  most  important  thing
            meet Tuesday.                high-level  session  Monday  online space a hostile envi-  body.                       about  the  General  As-
            Guterres said leaders would  on the devastation caused  ronment for terrorists.”       Trump  and  Guterres  will  sembly  ministerial  session,
            also be focusing on a third  by Hurricane Irma.           Trump has accused Iran of  speak,  and  the  United  which officially begins Tues-
            major  threat  —  climate  Several      terrorism-related  supporting  terrorists  and  is  States  has  asked  all  coun-  day  and  ends  Sept.  25,  is
            change.                      events are on the agenda.  threatening  to  rip  up  the  tries  to  sign  a  declaration  the opportunity for leaders
            The number of natural disas-  Macron is holding a meet-   2015  deal  to  rein  in  its  nu-  on U.N. reforms.      to  talk  one-on-one  or  get
            ters has nearly quadrupled  ing  Monday  with  leaders  clear program.                 Over 100 have added their  together in groups.
            and he pointed to unprec-    of  five  African  nations  —  With  a  U.S.  decision  due  names,  but  Russia’s  U.N.  “I think this is indeed the Su-
            edented weather events in  Mali,    Mauritania,   Niger,  in  October,  ministers  from  Ambassador  Vassily  Ne-   per Bowl,” he said.
            recent  weeks  from  Texas,  Burkina  Faso  and  Chad  —  the six parties to the agree-  benzia said Friday that “we  “If it didn’t exist, one had to
            Florida and the Caribbean  that are putting together a  ment  are  expected  to  are not sure we will sign this  create  this  opportunity  so
            to  Bangladesh,  India,  Ne-  5,000-strong  force  to  fight  meet  next  week.  The  five  declaration.”           that  can  people  can  talk
            pal and Sierra Leone.        the  growing  threat  from  others  strongly  support  the  He  said  that  while  “lots  of  to each other.”q

            Trump mocks North Korea leader as ‘Rocket Man’

            By DARLENE SUPERVILLE        gaining  table,  though  the  General Assembly, Trump’s  Asked  about  Trump’s  de-    the president has said he’s
            Associated Press             president’s  envoy  to  the  biggest  moment  on  the  scription  of  Kim,  national  not going to tolerate this re-
            SOMERSET,  N.J.  (AP)  —  United Nations said the Se-     world stage since his inau-  security  adviser  H.R.  Mc-  gime  threatening  the  Unit-
            President Donald Trump on  curity  Council  had  “pretty  guration in January.         Master  said  “Rocket  Man”  ed  States  and  our  citizens
            Sunday mocked the leader  much exhausted” all its op-     Trump  is  scheduled  to  ad-  was “a new one and I think  with a nuclear weapon.”
            of  nuclear-armed  North  tions.                          dress  the  world  body,  maybe  for  the  president.”  Some doubt that Kim would
            Korea  as  “Rocket  Man”  Kim  Jong  Un  has  pledged  which  he  has  criticized  as  But, he said, “that’s where  ever agree to surrender his
            while  White  House  advis-  to continue the North’s pro-  weak and incompetent, on  the  rockets  are  coming  arsenal.
            ers said the isolated nation  grams, saying his country is  Tuesday. Trump, who spent  from.   Rockets,   though,  “I  think  that  North  Korea  is
            would face destruction un-   nearing its goal of “equilib-  the  weekend  at  his  New  we  ought  to  probably  not  not going to give up its pro-
            less  it  shelves  its  weapons  rium”  in  military  force  with  Jersey  golf  club,  tweeted  laugh too much about be-  gram  with  nothing  on  the
            programs  and  bellicose  the United States.              that  he  and  South  Korean  cause they do represent a  table,”  said  Democratic
            threats.                     North Korea will be high on  President  Moon  Jae-in  dis-  great threat to all.”      Sen.  Dianne  Feinstein  of
            Trump’s   chief   diplomat  the agenda for world lead-    cussed North Korea during  McMcaster said Kim is “go-     California,  a  member  of
            held  out  hope  the  North  ers this coming week at the  their latest telephone con-  ing  to  have  to  give  up  his  the  Senate  Intelligence
            would  return  to  the  bar-  annual meeting of the U.N.  versation Saturday.          nuclear weapons because  Committee.q
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