P. 3
UP FRONT Monday 18 SepteMber 2017
At Press Time:
New Hurricane Maria growing threat to Irma-slammed Caribbean
SANTO DOMINGO, Domini- ternoon. It was centered
can Republic (AP) — The is- about 275 miles (445 kilo-
lands of the eastern Carib- meters) east-southeast of
bean prepared Sunday to Dominica and heading
face another potential di- west-northwest at 15 mph
saster, with forecasters say- (24 kph).
ing newly formed and likely The hurricane center said
to strengthen Hurricane hurricane conditions should
Maria was headed for a hit begin to affect parts of the
on the Leeward Islands by Leeward Islands by Mon-
Monday night. day night, with storm surge
Hurricane or tropical storm raising water levels by 4 to
warnings were posted for 6 feet (1.2 to 1.8 meters)
many of the islands already near the storm’s center.
coping with the devasta- The storm was predicted
tion caused by Hurricane to bring 6 to 12 inches (15
Irma, including St. Barts and to 30 centimeters) of rain
Antigua and Barbuda. across the islands, with
The U.S. National Hurricane more in isolated areas.
Center said Maria was ex- It could make a direct hit
pected to gain power and on Puerto Rico, which was
could be near major hurri- spared the full brunt of
cane strength while cross- Irma, though power was
ing through the Leeward knocked out to much of Juan Antonio Higuey shows his destroyed home at Cold Bay community after the passage of Hur-
ricane Irma, in St. Martin. The islands of the eastern Caribbean prepared Sunday to face another
Islands late Monday on a the island. potential disaster, with forecasters saying newly formed and likely to strengthen Hurricane Maria
path aiming toward Puerto Gov. Ricardo Rossello said was headed for a hit on the Leeward Islands by Monday night.
Rico, the Dominican Re- officials had prepared (AP Photo/Carlos Giusti)
public and Haiti. about 450 shelters with a
The storm had maximum capacity for nearly 68,000 schools were cancelled for only a half day. leave areas prone to flood-
sustained winds of 75 mph people — or even 125,000 Monday and government Officials in the Dominican ing and said fishermen
(120 kph) late Sunday af- in an emergency. He said employees would work Republic urged people to should remain in port.q