P. 8

              Monday 18 SepteMber 2017

                $  10

              UK lowers official terrorist threat level after 2nd arrest

            By GREGORY KATZ              and  that  Britain  still  faced                                                       son  —  a  21-year-old  man
            Associated Press             a  substantial  threat  even                                                           — was arrested under the
            LONDON (AP) — British po-    though the terror level had                                                            Terrorism  Act  offered  the
            lice  made  progress  Sun-   been reset to “severe” from                                                            clearest proof yet that po-
            day  in  their  frantic  pursuit  “critical.”                                                                       lice  and  security  services
            of  suspects  and  evidence  “Severe  still  means  that                                                            believe the subway bomb-
            connected  to  the  bomb  an  attack  is  highly  likely,                                                           ing was not just the work of
            that  partially  exploded  on  so  I  would  urge  every-                                                           one person.
            a packed London subway,  body to be vigilant but not                                                                The   first   suspect,   an
            leading  counter-terrorism  alarmed,” she said.                                                                     18-year-old  man,  was  ar-
            officials to lower the coun-  The  advancing  investiga-                                                            rested  early  Saturday  in
            try’s  threat  level  because  tion  was  good  news  for                                                           the departure area of the
            they no longer considered  London  commuters  who                                                                   port  of  Dover,  where  fer-
            a fresh attack to be immi-   had  anticipated  heading                                                              ries  leave  for  France  on  a
            nent.                        to work on Monday morn-      Police forces guard the entrance following Friday’s incident on   regular  basis.  The  second
            Home  Secretary  Amber  ing  while  police  were  rac-    a  tube  at  Parsons  Green  Station  in  London,  Sunday,  Sept.  17,   was arrested in Hounslow in
            Rudd     announced     the  ing  to  round  up  suspects   2017. A manhunt is under way after an improvised explosive de-  west London shortly before
            downgraded  terror  threat  before  they  could  hit  the   vice was detonated on a crowded subway car, injuring at least   midnight Saturday.
            level  hours  after  London  city again.                  29 people.                      (AP Photo/Frank Augstein)  Both were questioned Sun-
            police  said  a  second  sus-  Mark  Rowley,  who  heads                                                            day at a south London po-
            pect was in custody and a  the  police  counter-terror-   tionary  reasons,  we  made  presence;  some  armed,      lice station. They have not
            second  property  was  be-   ism  operation,  said  the   the  decision  that  the  in-  some unarmed.”             been  charged  or  identi-
            ing  searched  in  connec-   traveling  public  still  would   creased resources will con-  He  said  two  properties   fied.
            tion  with  Friday’s  attack  see  an  increased  police   tinue  for  the  beginning  of  were  being  searched  and   The subway bomb caused
            that injured 30 people.      and  military  presence  in   this  week,”  Rowley  said.  that  police  had  “much    limited casualties because
            Rudd  cautioned  that  the  the coming days.              “So  the  public  will  still  see  more to do.”          it  failed  to  completely  ex-
            investigation  was  ongoing  “For practical and precau-   that  high  level  of  policing  The fact that a second per-  plode.

                                                                      Attack on 4 US students not seen as terror

                                                                      BY PHILIPPE SOTTO            gram.                        the  attack.  The  prosecu-
                                                                      Associated Press             “It  appears  that  the  stu-  tor’s  office  in  the  capital,
                                                                      PARIS  (AP)  —  Four  Ameri-  dents are fine, considering  which  has  responsibility  for
                                                                      can college students were  the circumstances, though  all  terror-related  cases  in
                                                                      attacked  with  acid  Sun-   they  may  require  addi-    France, did not explain the
                                                                      day at a train station in the  tional treatment for burns,”  reasoning behind the deci-
                                                                      French city of Marseille, but  Nick Gozik, who directs Bos-  sion.
                                                                      French authorities so far do  ton  College’s  Office  of  In-  A  spokeswoman  for  the
                                                                      not  think  extremist  views  ternational  Programs.  “We  Marseille  prosecutor’s  of-
                                                                      motivated  the  41-year-old  have been in contact with  fice  told  The  Associated
                                                                      woman  who  was  arrested  the students and their par-    Press  in  a  telephone  call
                                                                      as  the  alleged  assailant,  ents  and  remain  in  touch  that  the  suspect  did  not
                                                                      the  local  prosecutor’s  of-  with  French  officials  and  make any extremist threats
                                                                      fice  and  the  students’  the U.S. Embassy regarding  or  declarations  during  the
                                                                      school said.                 the incident.”               late morning attack at the
                                                                      Boston  College,  a  private  Police in France described  city’s  Saint  Charles  train
                                                                      Jesuit  university  in  Massa-  the  suspect  as  “disturbed”  station. She said there were
                                                                      chusetts,  said  in  a  state-  and  said  the  attack  was  no obvious indications that
                                                                      ment  Sunday  that  the  not thought at this point to  the woman’s actions were
                                                                      four  female  students  were  be  terror-related,  accord-  terror-related.
                                                                      treated for burns at a Mar-  ing  the  university’s  state-  The  spokeswoman  spoke
                                                                      seille  hospital  after  they  ment.                      on  condition  of  anonym-
                                                                      were  sprayed  in  the  face  The  Paris  prosecutor’s  of-  ity,  per  the  custom  of  the
                                                                      with acid on Sunday morn-    fice  said  earlier  Sunday  French judicial system. She
                                                                      ing. The statement said the  that its counter-terrorism di-  said  all  four  of  the  victims
                                                                      four  all  were  juniors  study-  vision had decided for the  were in their 20s and treat-
                                                                      ing abroad, three of them  time  being  not  to  assume  ed  at  a  hospital,  two  of
                                                                      at  the  college’s  Paris  pro-  jurisdiction for investigating  them for shock. q
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