P. 4
Monday 18 SepteMber 2017
St. Louis area sees third day of demonstrations
By JIM SALTER wrong. Our officers caught
SUMMER BALLENTINE ‘em, cuffed ‘em, and
Associated Press threw ‘em in jail,” the first-
ST. LOUIS (AP) — Several term Republican governor
hundred protesters were wrote.
marching in downtown St. The protests began Friday
Louis near the city’s police after a judge acquitted for-
headquarters Sunday eve- mer St. Louis police officer
ning, and later through the Jason Stockley in the 2011
St. Louis University campus, fatal shooting of Smith, 24.
beginning a third day of Saturday night’s violence
demonstrations over the capped a day of noisy
acquittal of a white former but peaceful demonstra-
police officer charged in tions at suburban shopping
the shooting death of a malls.
black suspect. Protesters shouted slogans
The crowd observed six such as “black lives matter”
minutes of silence in front and “it is our duty to fight
of the police department for our freedom” as they
building, then chanted marched through West
“stop killing us” as officers County Center mall in the
looked on from headquar- suburb of Des Peres, west
ters windows. Afterward, A man yells at police in riot gear just before a crowd turned violent Saturday, Sept. 16, 2017, in of St. Louis. A group also
they resumed the large- University City, Mo. Earlier, protesters marched peacefully in response to a not guilty verdict in the demonstrated at another
scale marching, chanting trial of former St. Louis police officer Jason Stockley. suburban shopping center,
slogans such as “this is what (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson) the Chesterfield Mall, and
democracy looks like.” at a regional food festival.
Protesters said Sunday several blocks around the police headquarters Sunday suburb about 10 miles (16 Organizers hoped to
that the six-minute silence afternoon in anticipation of the demonstration, which fol- kilometers) west of St. Louis spread the impact of the
symbolizes the six years lowed two days of nonviolent marches and two nights of near Washington University, protests beyond predomi-
between the death of An- violent skirmishes. Sunday’s protests were largely nonvio- resulted in the arrests of at nantly black neighbor-
thony Lamar Smith and lent by press time. least nine people. At least hoods to those that are
the acquittal of the white Suburban St. Louis shop owners on Sunday swept up bro- half of the shops on one mainly white.
former police officer who ken glass and boarded up storefront windows that were side of a two-block stretch Saturday’s confrontation
was charged in the black shattered overnight when a day of peaceful protests of the popular nightlife dis- took place in an area that
suspect’s shooting death. turned violent. trict were broken by the includes the Blueberry Hill
The verdict was issued Fri- Saturday night’s clash between police and a few dozen time the area was cleared. club where rock legend
day.Authorities closed off protesters in the Delmar Loop area of University City, a Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens Chuck Berry played for
issued a warning Sunday many years. There had
on Facebook that anyone been a peaceful march in
caught destroying prop- the area earlier in the eve-
erty would be held ac- ning that ended with orga-
countable and could face nizers calling for people to
felony charges. leave and reconvene Sun-
“Saturday night, some day afternoon.But a few
Located in the Riu Antilles Resort (Formerly the Westin Resort) criminals decided to pick dozen protesters refused to
up rocks and break win-
go. Police ordered them to
FREE TRANSPORTATION TO THE CASINO FROM ALL dows. They thought they’d disperse, saying the protest
HIGH RISE AND LOW RISE HOTELS AND TIMESHARES. get away with it. They were was illegal. q
CALL 525-7777 FOR MORE INFORMATION DPS: Trooper rude to Bland,
LIVE POKER did not follow procedures
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A about his actions — includ-
state investigation of a ing why Encinia didn’t tell
1-2.....2-5......5-5 1-3.....2-5......5-5 white state trooper’s ac- Bland why she was being
$100 HIGH HAND BONUSES EVERY HOUR tions in the arrest of Sandra arrested.KXAN obtained
Bland, a black motorist who the report and supporting
OVER $20,000 PER WEEK GIVEN OUT IN HIGH HAND BONUSES later died in custody, found interview transcripts and
CRAPS that the trooper was rude recordings in response to
toward Bland and failed a request made under the
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dures in his handling of the Act.Encinia, who arrested
woman.KXAN-TV of Austin Bland after a minor traffic
SPORTSBOOK obtained a “use of force” infraction escalated into
an angry struggle in 2015,
report from the Texas De-
LIVE SIMULCAST OF ALL MAJOR TRACKS partment of Public Safety. was charged with per-
jury after Bland was found
It showed Trooper Brian En-
THROUGHOBRED AND HARNESS cinia also provided no an- dead in a Waller County
swers to several questions Jail cell three days after her
the DPS interviewer posed arrest. q