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                                                                                                                           Wednesday 16 September

Depp on his ‘comeback’ as Whitey Bulger in ‘Black Mass’ 

JAKE COYLE                      Actors Dakota Johnson, left, and Johnny Depp attend the press conference for “Black Mass” on           of the whimsy that has ac-
AP Film Writer                                                                                                                         companied some of the
TORONTO (AP) — There’s          day 5 of the Toronto International Film Festival at the TIFF Bell Lightbox on Monday, Sept. 14, 2015,  52-year-old actor’s recent
no surer way to make John-                                                                                                             films like “The Lone Rang-
ny Depp chuckle than to         in Toronto. 								                                            Associated Press                       er” and “Mortdecai.” But
cite those who call his icy                                                                                                            Depp, who sympatheti-
performance as the Bos-         ous Irish-Catholic fiefdom.      populated ensemble, in-        of Boston.”                            cally played John Dillinger
ton gangster Whitey Bulger      Based on the book by Bos-        cluding Joel Edgerton,         “No disrespect to any vic-             in Michael Mann’s “Public
in “Black Mass” a return to     ton Globe reporters Dick         Benedict Cumberbatch           tims or families of victims,           Enemies,” says he sought
form for the actor.             Lehr and Gerard O’Neill, it’s    and Julianne Nicholson.        but there was some ele-                to find Bulger’s humanity.
“My comeback!” Depp             the first fact-based movie       But Depp’s Bulger is the       ment for me that was kind              “You can’t approach him
wryly exclaims, his eyes        about the notorious crime        centerpiece of the film,       of glad that he got away,”             as a gangster. You can’t
lighting up behind blue-        boss and FBI informant           and it has prompted pre-       says Depp. “For 16 years               approach him as just in-
tinted glasses.                 (memorably the inspiration       dictions of an Oscar nomi-     he was on the lam and he               nately evil because no one
For an actor who has al-        to Jack Nicholson’s gang-        nation for Depp. In a joint    wasn’t causing any trou-               wakes up and shaves and
ways delighted in head-to-      ster in “The Departed”)          interview with Cooper, the     ble. He was living his life.           goes, ‘I’m an evil mother
toe transformation, playing     since the long-vanished          director of “Crazy Heart”      Good on him.”                          f------,’” says Depp. “He’s a
the part of the rebounding      Bulger was arrested in Cali-     and “Out of the Furnace,”      With blond hair slicked                Catholic boy and kind of in
superstar is not one that       fornia in 2011. He was later     the two discussed the chal-    back and pale freckled                 a weird way a pillar of the
appeals. It doesn’t suit him    sentenced to two life terms      lenges of portraying a folk-   skin, Depp’s Bulger is har-            community, very sensitive
much, anyway; his stardom       for, among other things, his     hero criminal who has, as      rowing in its sleazy ruthless-         in a lot of ways.”
has always been predicat-       involvement in 11 murders.       Cooper said, “left a real      ness and cold-blooded                  Depp calls the first time he
ed on the wild abandon of       “Black Mass” is a richly         emotional scar on the city     intimidation, bearing none             emerged from make-up
his metamorphoses.                                                                                                                     during the Boston shoot
“I don’t watch movies, so                                                                                                              and walked to set as “a
I don’t know what other                                                                                                                frozen moment.” Coo-
people are doing because                                                                                                               per, too, recalls vividly the
I don’t care what other                                                                                                                chilled reactions by Bos-
people are doing,” he                                                                                                                  tonians, some of whom
says. “I want to do what I                                                                                                             knew Bulger and perhaps
want to do, and if it works,                                                                                                           weren’t eager to see him
great, and if it doesn’t, f---                                                                                                         resurrected on South Bos-
it, I can pump gas again.”                                                                                                             ton streets. “Johnny takes
Scott Cooper’s “Black                                                                                                                  risks as an actor that most
Mass,” which opens Friday,                                                                                                             movie stars won’t even
is an expansive look at the                                                                                                            take because they’re too
bonds of old-neighbor-                                                                                                                 fearful that they’ll lose their
hood loyalties that fostered                                                                                                           audience, that they’ll lose
the FBI’s disastrous shield-                                                                                                           their status as a movie star,”
ing of Bulger’s Winter Hill                                                                                                            says Cooper, the direc-
Gang, which eradicated                                                                                                                 tor of the gritty blue-collar
Boston’s Italian mafia only                                                                                                            dramas “Crazy Heart” and
to replace it with a murder-                                                                                                           “Out of the Furnace.”q

Daughter of Malcolm X

Among  book award finalists 

HILLEL ITALIE                   kovich and the Siege of          ending Thursday, longlists      In this Saturday, Feb. 21, 2015, file photo, Ilyasah Shabazz,
AP National Writer              Leningrad.”                      for poetry, nonfiction and     daughter of Malcolm X, speaks about her father and family
NEW YORK (AP) — A               The eclectic list, released      fiction will come out. The     with a mural depicting their lives behind her, as family,
daughter of Malcolm X           Monday by the National           foundation, which presents     activists, actors, and politicians remembered the civil rights
and prize-winning authors       Book Foundation, includes        the awards, announced          leader during a ceremony at the New York site in Harlem
Gary Paulsen and M.T. An-       a graphic novel originally       last week that Don DeLillo     where he was killed 50 years earlier to the day.
derson are among the 10         serialized on the Internet       would receive an honorary
nominees on the National        and Anderson’s nonfic-           medal.                                                                                             Associated Press
Book Awards’ longlist for       tion account of the com-         Other books making the
young people’s literature.      poser Shostakovich during        people’s literature long-      Ellsberg and the Secret His- try’s involvement in Viet-
Ilyasah Shabazz collabo-        World War II. Nominees           list are Neal Shusterman’s
rated with Kekla Magoon         range from the 76-year-old       “Challenger Deep,” Ali         tory of the Vietnam War” nam. Rae Carson’s “Walk
on “X: A Novel,” a story        Paulsen, who has written         Benjamin’s “The Thing
about the early years of        more than 100 books, to          About Jellyfish” and Laura     tells of the former military           on Earth a Stranger” is the
her father, who was as-         debut novelist Becky Alber-      Ruby’s “Bone Gap.”             analyst who in 1971 leaked             first of a planned trilogy set
sassinated in 1965 when         talli’s “Simon vs. the Homo      Noelle Stevenson’s “Nimo-      the so-called Pentagon                 in the U.S. during the 19th-
Shabazz was just 2 years        Sapiens Agenda.”                 na” is a graphic novel and     Papers detailing the coun-             century Gold Rush.q
old. Paulsen was cited for      Judges will narrow the list to   adventure story that be-
“This Side of Wild: Mutts,      five finalists on Oct. 14, with  gan as a webcomic while
Mares, and Laughing Di-         the winner to be revealed        Stevenson was a student
nosaurs” and Anderson for       at a ceremony in Manhat-         at Maryland Institute Col-
“Symphony for the City of       tan on Nov. 18. Over the         lege of Art. Steve Sheinkin’s
the Dead: Dmitri Shosta-        next three days this week,       “Most Dangerous: Daniel
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