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SCIENCEWednesday 16 September

                                                                                                                                      Feds: Arctic sea ice
                                                                                                                                         levels shrink to
                                                                                                                                         4th lowest level 

In this Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2015 image made from video provided by NASA, astronauts Scott Kelly,                                       SETH BORENSTEIN
left, and Kjell Lindgren, aboard the International Space Station, speak to actors from the movie                                      AP Science Writer
“The Martian.”                                                                                                                        WASHINGTON (AP) — Summer Arctic sea ice shrank
                                                                                                                                      to its fourth lowest level on record this month, dispel-
                                                                                                                    Associated Press  ling faint hopes of a recovery, U.S. scientists said.
                                                                                                                                      The National Snow and Ice Data Center announced
NASA astronaut hits halfway                                                                                                           Tuesday that the Arctic hit its summer minimum last
point of yearlong spaceflight                                                                                                         week with 1.7 million square miles (4.4 million sq. kilo-
                                                                                                                                      meters) of sea ice, down 240,000 square miles (621.6
MARCIA DUNN                     single spaceflight. The Rus-    side like on a spacewalk,                                             million sq. kilometers) from 2014.
AP Aerospace Writer             sians, on the other hand,       but ‘put my feet in the                                               “The ice is decreasing over time, which you would
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.            still will hold the world re-   grass and feel the wind on                                            expect because the Arctic is warming,” data center
(AP) — Space station as-        cord of 14 continuous           my face’ kind of outside.”                                            scientist Julienne Stroeve said.
tronaut Scott Kelly is half-    months in space, set in the     What’s the first thing he                                             Summer minimum sea ice has shrunk since satellites
way home.                       mid-1990s.                      wants to eat when he gets                                             started measuring in 1979. It reached a peak of 2.91
Kelly marked the midway         To mark the occasion, Kelly     back?                                                                 million square miles (7.5 million sq. kilometers) in 1980
point of his yearlong space     took time out to chat with      “Probably a salad,” Kelly                                             and hit an all-time low of 1.3 million square miles (3.3
mission Tuesday. He’s shar-     two cast members from           replied.                                                              million sq. kilometers) in 2012. It went back up to 1.95
ing the voyage with Rus-        the upcoming movie, “The        On the plus side, the                                                 square miles (5 million sq. kilometers)in 2013 and hov-
sian cosmonaut Mikhail          Martian.” The actors spent      51-year-old former fighter                                            ered near there in 2014.
Kornienko; the two experi-      the day touring Johnson         and test pilot said despite                                           Variations in weather mean sea ice levels drift a bit
enced fliers arrived at the     Space Center in Houston.        all the work, he’s man-                                               year to year, but Stroeve said there’s a long term
International Space Sta-        He also received “Happy         aged to develop “a pret-                                              trend that is best seen when looking at averages of
tion in March and won’t         Half Day” greetings from        ty mean flip” in weight-                                              five years or more.
return to Earth until next      his girlfriend, a public af-    lessness over the past six                                            The five years between 1979 and 1983 averaged 2.76
March.                          fairs employee at Johnson.      months. His experiments                                               million square miles (7.15 million sq. kilometers) dur-
“It’s a big milestone,” Kelly   Kelly told the actors — Se-     include comparisons with                                              ing the summer minimum. The last five years average
said, “but I’m not going to     bastian Stan and Macken-        his Earth-bound identical                                             1.72 million square miles (4.45 million sq. kilometers), a
start counting days down        zie Davis — that if he could    twin, Mark Kelly, a former                                            decrease of 38 percent.
yet. I think I’m going to wait  do or have anything, he’d       astronaut.                                                            That means there’s no recovery in Arctic sea ice, de-
until March, then I’m going     choose “the ability to          Kelly and American col-                                               spite claims of some climate change doubters, said
to allow myself to count        leave here.”                    league Kjell Lindgren said                                            Stroeve and Pennsylvania State University climate sci-
how many days I have re-        “Something people don’t         they’re looking forward                                               entist Michael Mann, who wasn’t part of the govern-
maining. I’m counting up        recognize is that being on      to seeing “The Martian”                                               ment measurement team.
for the time being.”            the space station is proba-     aboard their orbiting                                                 The world overall so far this year is easily the hottest it
For the record, Kelly           bly a lot like being in some    home, as soon as it makes                                             has been in more than a century of record keeping,
passed the 171-day mark         kind of confinement — like      its debut Oct. 2. The main                                            according to NASA and the National Oceanic and
Tuesday, with 171 more          isolation,” he said. “Not       astronaut character is                                                Atmospheric Administration. However, the El Nino that
days to go.                     having the ability to leave     played by Matt Damon,                                                 has been helping push temperatures even warmer
At the end, it will be just a   is ... an all-present feeling.  who briefly chatted by                                                isn’t having as much an effect up north, which is far-
tad short of a full year, but   Although I’m not claustro-      phone with the two U.S. as-                                           ther away from the tropical Pacific Ocean, Stroeve
it will be enough to easily     phobic at all, it would be      tronauts last month. Both                                             said. It has been hot, but not near record breaking in
break NASA’s current re-        nice to get outside. And        spacemen are big fans of                                              the Arctic this summer.
cord of seven months for a      I’m not talking about out-      the novel by Andy Weir.q                                              With human-caused warming continuing, computer
                                                                                                                                      simulations show on average that around the year
                                                                                                                                      2040, sea ice will disappear from the Arctic during
                                                                                                                                      some summers, Stroeve said.
                                                                                                                                      “We remain on a trajectory that is actually ahead of
                                                                                                                                      model predictions,” Mann said. “Arctic sea ice is one
                                                                                                                                      of several aspects of climate change that his hap-
                                                                                                                                      pening even faster than originally predicted.”
                                                                                                                                      Sea ice in Antarctica, which had been at record high
                                                                                                                                      levels in recent years, are about average, Stroeve
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