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Wednesday 16 September
2016 candidates jump to raise money via new twitter service
By Julie Bykowicz using the new fundrais- to the web-based online In this May 21, 2013 file photo, a view of an iPhone in
Associated Press ing technique right away, donation forms. But for
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Think said Jenna Golden, Twit- people on mobile devices Washington showing the Twitter app, right, among others. Think
of it as tweeting for dollars. ter’s director of political - and that’s 80 percent of
The social media service ad sales. Democratic Twitter’s audience - it can of it as tweeting for dollars. Associated Press
Twitter on Tuesday intro- candidate Bernie Sand- be clunky to click through
duced a feature that en- ers and Republicans Scott different applications and Square Inc., a financial ser- their own Twitter followers.
ables political candidates Walker and Rick Santorum web pages. vices company, to collect The candidates also can
and advocacy groups to were among the first to use Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, the money and the infor- pay Twitter to promote
raise money directly via its the new feature Tuesday among the savviest digi- mation that the Federal their fundraising-linked
mobile application, mak- morning. tal fundraisers in the GOP Election Commission re- tweets.
ing it quicker and easier Walker’s campaign wrote presidential field, has quires from political donors. “Twitter has been a suc-
to harvest small donations on Twitter, “Show Scott tweeted links to campaign Would-be givers fill in their cessful avenue of fundrais-
from followers. Walker some support going swag, including a red T-shirt identifying information and ing for campaigns in the
Campaigns already ag- into the second debate by that says, “The NSA knows link to a debit card. past, and this will make it
gressively use Twitter to donating $2.” I bought this Rand Paul t- Several clicks later, the even more attractive to
spread their message, par- While the White House shirt.” His campaign and Twitter user’s contribution campaigns as they look at
ticularly during live political seekers are early adopters, the Democratic National is headed straight for the how to allocate precious
events such as Wednes- Golden said the fundrais- Committee are among candidate of their choice, dollars,” said Vincent Har-
day night’s Republican ing service is also available the groups that say they’ll and they can “share” news ris, a digital strategist for
presidential debate. The to local and state-level make use of Twitter’s new of their financial support to the Paul campaign.q
company says that tweets candidates. in-message fundraising.
about the August 6 de- “We think about donat- The DNC is interested in
bates on Fox News were ing to a campaign as an the new tool “because
viewed more than 1 billion old-fashioned, traditional we think it will help give
times on Twitter and across process, a cumbersome people a chance to show
the web. process,” she said. “This their support without taking
And in a race likely to cost was an incredible oppor- them away from one of the
more than the $2 billion tunity for us to simplify and platforms where they’re
spent in 2012, why not look streamline.” getting their information,”
for cash in every corner? Political candidates have said Matt Compton, the
At least a dozen presiden- been able to raise money group’s digital director.
tial candidates will begin through Twitter by linking Twitter is working with
Apple says sales for latest iphones
may surpass other models
Phil Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of worldwide up in price, but last year’s ny’s $107 billion in revenue to the opening weekend.
marketing, talks about the pricing of the new iPhone 6s and record-selling iPhone 6 and during the first half of 2015. “We believe the takeaway
iPhone 6s Plus during the Apple event at the Bill Graham Civic 6 Plus models will now sell The newest product from is that the 6S is off to a solid
Auditorium in San Francisco, Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2015. for $100 less. Apple arrives as smart- start and should continue
“As many customers no- phone sales slow globally, to gain share at the high-
Associated Press ticed, the online demand with so many people al- end of the smartphone
for iPhone 6s Plus has been ready carrying them. market,” he wrote. FBR an-
NEW YORK (AP) -- Preorders ders for the iPhone 6s and exceptionally strong and But researchers at IDC, alyst Dan Ives also said de-
for its latest iPhone have iPhone 6s Plus on Saturday. exceeded our own fore- an industry data provider, mand in China should help
been so strong that Ap- The new models, which go casts for the preorder pe- say that iPhone sales are boost sales results, despite
ple expects to surpass last on sale Sept. 25, have more riod,” Apple said. “We are growing faster those of its its volatile economy.
year’s record, when it sold memory and faster proces- working to catch up as rival, Android. IDC expects “While we are keeping a
10 million phones during the sors, along with a new 12 quickly as we can, and we iPhone shipments to grow close eye on China given
first weekend. mega-pixel camera. will have iPhone 6s Plus as by 16 percent this year, the macro backdrop and
Apple began taking preor- The phones have not gone well as iPhone 6s units avail- while it estimates Android consumer worries, we be-
able at Apple retail stores phones will grow only 10 lieve Apple’s `white-hot
when they open next Fri- percent. Analysts said de- momentum’ in the coun-
day.” mand is being boosted try will continue in coming
The iPhone is still Apple’s partly by China, which is quarters,” he said, since
most important product. being included in the ini- there is room to grow mar-
Sales of the iconic smart- tial launch for the first time. ket share, growing de-
phone contributed more Piper Jaffray analyst Gene mand for its App store and
than two-thirds of the Cu- Munster said he expects other selling opportunities
pertino, California, compa- China to add 2 million units there.q