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HEALTHWednesday 16 September
Tired Lion you can do for your body.
By: Dr Carlos Viana When you’re hungry, your
blood sugar drops, stress-
When Joe started his ex- pression. breakdown. Over the long- tect cells from the dam- ing your adrenal glands
ecutive position in his mid- During Joe’s consultation I term, bone and muscle aging effects of free radi- and triggering your sympa-
thirties, he quickly was rec- realized Joe was a tired lion can be broken down faster cals, increase Joe’s energy thetic nervous system. That
ognized as the corporate and explained that many than it is replaced, leading production, and support a causes light-headedness,
problem solver. Looking people suffer from adrenal to osteoporosis. healthy digestive system, cravings, anxiety and fa-
forward every morning to exhaustion and they don’t Medical tests are needed The acupuncture treat- tigue.
his job, Joe attacked every know it. Adrenal exhaustion to find out exactly where ments and dietary supple- Get the point! Realistically,
problem at work as a chal- is also known as adrenal Joe is in his stress cycle. With ments will support a healthy family, job, financial, and
lenge and enjoyed the test fatigue and is a 21st cen- the constant production of hormonal system, promote relationship stress are fac-
of overcoming difficulty tury stress syndrome. It has cortisol the adrenal organs a healthy nervous system, tors that cannot be elimi-
preventing his company been estimated that 80% cause hormone deficien- boost Joe’s immune sys- nated. My role is to help
from reaching their pro- of adults suffer some sort of cies. In clinic I use results tem function, allowing him you increase your resilien-
duction goals. Life at home adrenal fatigue and 95% of from hair tests that show an to maintain mental and cy making you be able to
also reflected an easy in- visits to our clinic are a di- unhealthy abundance of emotional well-being, that recover quickly from life’s
teraction with his wife and rect result of stress. Nearly calcium and copper, but, a encourages calmness and stressors. By working to-
children. Life was good; all of our patients admit to deficiency of magnesium. I lessen stress. Joe will have gether you too can be a
challenging exciting, and being stressed out by their automatically supplement increased mental alertness; lion reborn.q
rewarding. work, as well as their family Joe with magnesium. will maintain more normal
Now, in his late forties, life obligations Two out of three Americans blood sugar levels. With CARLOS VIANA, Ph. D. is
has taken a down turn. As easy as the diagnosis of and Arubans are deficient ongoing treatments and an Oriental Medical Doc-
Feeling tired all the time, adrenal exhaustion is, de- in magnesium, mostly be- medical evaluations, Joe tor (O.M.D.) having stud-
the same problems at work veloping an individualized cause of our diet. Supple- will be able to maintain to- ied in China; a US Board
that were a challenge be- treatment plan can be very menting with Magnesium tal body health. Cert. Clinical Nutritionist
fore now make our execu- challenging. One of the to overcome this deficien- Feeling better physically, (C.C.N.), an Addiction Pro-
tive feel stressed-out or symptoms of adrenal ex- cy can be especially im- Joe will make some lifestyle fessional (C.Ad.), Chairper-
anxious and Joe has start- haustion, excessive fatigue, portant for those with ad- changes. Joe now real- son of the Latin American
ed having panic attacks. stimulates the production renal fatigue syndrome be- izes how important is get- Committee of the Interna-
Worse, Joe has lost interest of the hormone cortisol. As cause of its role in helping ting eight hours of sleep. tional Academy of Oral
in the bedroom and is wor- a beneficial hormone, cor- to: maintain blood pressure With the dietary supple- Medicine and Toxicology
ried that he is developing tisol can greatly enhanced within normal limits; main- ments and acupuncture (IAOMT), a Rejuvenating
an erectile dysfunction. your body’s ability to con- tain healthy blood sugar/ treatments, a good night’s Cell Therapist specializing
Instead of being embar- vert carbohydrates to what glucose levels; support en- sleep your adrenal glands in Age Management, has
rassed with his loss of viril- it will eventually use for en- ergy production; encour- are restored and repaired. a weekly radio program,
ity, he fights with his wife to ergy. age calmness and lessen Joe now exercises to re- writes and lectures exten-
escape having to perform Cortisol also aids your body stress and relax muscles. lax. Walking, YOGA, deep sively. For information:
while his wife has devel- in turning off immune reac- Herbal support like DG breathing, and stretching VIANA HEALING CENTER,
oped a greater interest in tions like allergy and inflam- Licorice is added to sup- are great stress reducers. Kibaima 7, St Cruz TEL: 585-
sex. When forced to think mation. While this is helpful port the adrenals because Vigorous or aerobic exer- 1270 Web Site: www.viana-
about the “bedroom prob- in an emergency situa- DG Licorice is similar to the cise can deplete the adre-
lem”, he blames his wife’s tion, over the long term, hormones produced by nals. If your symptoms are “Prescriptions from Para-
weight gain and not look- continuing exposure to our adrenal glands. Lico- severe wait until you feel a dise” - International Book
ing like she did when she the hormone because of rice Root has been used for little stronger to do these. Award Winner, Alterna-
was twenty four years old. continuous stress results in thousands of years to treat Nutritionally Joe realizes tive Health - ta optenible
Joe realizes that these are a suppressed immune sys- ulcers, colds, skin disorders, skipping breakfast is par- na Aruba na Viana Heal-
not all his problems. He tem. Byproducts of Cortisol and as a tonic for the heart ticularly bad, as it is a sure ing Center, Tur libreria, Gift
avoids many people be- depress brain activity and and spleen. fire way to gain, not lose, shops y centro nan di salud
cause he knows he has a act as sedatives and cor- I prescribe acupuncture weight. If you start each di calidad. tambe ta dis-
reduced resistance to in- tisol itself blocks serotonin, for adrenal exhaustion. Im- morning with a good ponibel den forma do print
fection and catches every contributing to a feeling of mediately Joe feels a dif- breakfast your blood sugar y pa Kindle download
cold and flue that is going depression and increases ference and realizes that won’t take any sharp dips. pa nos amigo nan pa fo
around. Gaining weight addictive behavior. he does not have to start You’ll feel more rested and di Aruba na www.ama-
around his waist, starting This stress hormone also with the anxiety medica- energetic. Skipping meals Pa anuncio nan
to suffer from allergies, Joe stimulates the breakdown tion and sleeping pills he is one of the worst things acerca di mas evento nan
came in for a consultation of muscle and bone to sup- has been prescribed. Af- y firmamento di buki check
when he realized that his ply the body with energy ter evaluating Joe’s blood , check corant nan local,
anxiety attacks were get- needed for fight-or-flight tests, I recommend addi- radio y television tambe
ting more frequent and he reactions. It can also inter- tional dietary supplements como riba www.viana-
admitted he was suffering fere with your hormone lev- to replenish vitamin and y join e discusion
from headaches and de- els, allowing further bone mineral deficiencies, pro- riba nos Facebook pagi-