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                                                                                                                                Wednesday 16 September

Carlos Hyde runs for two

TDs, 49ers top Vikings 20-3

By JANIE McCAULEY                  Colin Kaepernick  threw for      the field and put points on   San Francisco 49ers’ Jarryd Hayne (38) fumbles a punt that was
AP Sports Writer                   165 yards and second-year        the board,’’ he said.         recovered by the Minnesota Vikings during the first half of an
SANTA CLARA, Calif.                back Hyde ran 26 times to        49ers linebacker  NaVorro     NFL football game in Santa Clara, Calif., Monday, Sept. 14, 2015.
(AP) -- The  San Francisco         easily best his top rookie       Bowman  had one of five
49ers have a new featured          performance of 55 yards in       sacks against Bridgewater                                                                         Associated Press
running back with  Frank           his final game last year.        and also seven tackles in
Gore long gone.                    A sloppy first half featured a   his first game in 20 months
Carlos Hyde  wanted to             pair of botched field goals,     following a left knee injury
outplay the better-known           Vikings quarterback  Teddy       sustained during the NFC
No. 28 on the field,  Adrian       Bridgewater  running into        championship game loss
Peterson. He did that and          his own teammate that            at Seattle in January 2014
more, and Jim Tomsula’s            led to a 10-yard sack, an        that required surgery.q
San Francisco 49ers pro-           85-yard punt return touch-
duced a victory in his de-         down called back on pen-
but as head coach minus            alty, and a fumbled punt
the interim status he had          - by the former Australian
for the final game of 2010.        rugby league star  Jarryd
Hyde carried the offense           Hayne on his first NFL touch.
with 168 yards on the              The 27-year-old rookie lost
ground and touchdown               the fumble on a punt return
runs of 17 and 10 yards in         in the first quarter when he
his first career start, spinning   misjudged the ball and
away from a defender and           had to dive forward to try
diving into the end zone           to field it. He made a 1-yard
untouched on a rare nice           run in the second quarter
play in a first half full of ugly  and caught a 7-yard pass.
ones to lead the Niners past       He was forced into running
the  Minnesota Vikings  20-3       back duties as the only ac-
on Monday night.                   tive backup after  Reggie
Peterson ran 10 times for 31       Bush  was lost to a left calf
yards playing his first game       injury with about 6 1/2 min-
in more than a year follow-        utes left in the first quarter.
ing paid leave and then a          ‘’We don’t think it’s very se-
suspension last year in the        rious,’’ Tomsula said.
fallout from a child-abuse         Kaepernick improved to
case against him in Texas.         5-0 on Monday nights with
Hyde had him on the mind.          a victory in the first regular-
‘’That was also in the back        season weeknight game
of my head, to outdo a guy         at second-year, $1.3 billion
who’s been leading the             Levi’s Stadium, where a
NFL in rushing. That’s tre-        new field was put down for
mendous to outdo a guy             this game.
like that, Adrian Peterson, a      Peterson, playing for the
great running back,’’ Hyde         first time since last season’s
said. ‘’I used to watch his        opener at St. Louis, had just
highlights. To be able to          four carries in the first half
outrush him, that’s great.’’       then doubled that total on
The new starter in place of        the initial series after half-
departed franchise rushing         time. He still hasn’t scored
leader Gore, Hyde’s yards          a touchdown against San
were the most by a 49ers           Francisco in four meetings.
running back since Gore’s          No doubt Hyde made a
207 in Week 2 of 2009              name for himself.
against Seattle.                   ‘’I just try to be that mo-
‘’We want to run the foot-         mentum builder for our of-
ball,’’ Tomsula said. ‘’Car-       fense, get the offense roll-
los did an awesome job             ing, spark the offense so
running the football.’’            we’re able to drive down
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