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BUSINESSWednesday 16 September

Wall Street posts solid gains a day

before crucial Fed meeting 

STEVE ROTHWELL                  tion. A New York Fed survey    bit more stability.”                                              Target CEO Brian Cornell poses for a photo at the CityTarget
AP Business Writer              showed that factory activi-    The stock market has re-                                          store in Boston. The store that’s near Fenway Park is part of Tar-
NEW YORK (AP) — U.S.            ty in New York state sank for  covered some of its losses in                                     get’s effort to tailor merchandise to local preferences.
stocks rose sharply on Tues-    a second straight month in     August and early Septem-
day, a day before the start     September.                     ber, but is still down from its                                                                                         (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)
of a crucial Federal Re-        “It’s almost as if the market  peak of the year as traders
serve meeting.                  believes the Fed isn’t going   and investors fret about the                                      Going Local: AP chats with
Policymakers at the U.S.        to do anything on Thurs-       possible impact of slower                                         Target’s CEO Brian Cornell
central bank will convene       day. That’s why people are     growth in China and other
a two-day meeting on            bidding it up,” said Kevin     emerging markets. The S&P                                         A. D’INNOCENZIO                spoke to The Associated
Wednesday and may de-           Mahn, Chief Investment         500 has dropped 7.2 per-                                          AP Retail Writer               Press at the Boston store:
cide to raise interest rates    Officer at Hennion & Walsh     cent from its record close                                        BOSTON (AP) — Target is        --Why is this store unique?
for the first time in close to  Asset Management in New        set in May.                                                       going local.                   It’s a great example of lo-
a decade.                       Jersey. “However, I do be-     Despite the bounce Tues-                                          The liquor section in its new  calized marketing, local-
Opinions are divided            lieve (raising rates) would    day, some investors be-                                           Boston store features local-   ized assortment. It’s bring-
among investors and             be the right thing for the     lieve that the market’s                                           ly-brewed Samuel Adams         ing those pieces together
economists as to whether’s time.”          slump may yet have some                                           beer. The “Fan Central”        so it feels like a local com-
the Fed will, or even should,   The Dow Jones industrial       way to run. Michael Ball,                                         area stocks Red Sox and        munity. Some of the mar-
raise interest rates this       average climbed 228.89         President of Weatherstone                                         Patriot gear. And a special    keting material where we
month. On the one hand,         points, or 1.4 percent, to     Capital Management, is                                            section highlights the prod-   really captured the es-
hiring in the U.S. is continu-  16,599.85. The Standard &      playing it safe by holding                                        ucts used to make the lo-      sence of Fenway Park, a
ing to improve and the          Poor’s 500 index climbed       more cash. He says that the                                       cal favorite peanut butter-    bull’s eye made up of bats
housing market is recover-      25.06 points, or 1.3 per-      outlook for stocks is deterio-                                    and-marshmallow sand-          and balls, and then, obvi-
ing. On the other, there are    cent, to 1,978.09. The Nas-    rating against a backdrop                                         wich called fluffernutter.     ously, great local assort-
signs that weakness in the      daq composite advanced         of moderately rising inter-                                       The store that’s near Fen-     ment of merchandize that
global economy could im-        54.76 points, or 1.1 percent,  est rates and the prospect                                        way Park is part of Target’s   tells our guests we under-
pact the U.S. economy.          to 4,860.52.                   of weakening corporate                                            effort to tailor merchandise   stand we’re in their home-
Fed policymakers have           The gains were led by in-      earnings.                                                         to local preferences. In ad-   town.
                                                                                                                                 dition to the Boston store,    That combination really is
Trader Thomas Donato, left, works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. U.S. stocks rose                                  Target is testing this strat-  for us inspiration as we think
sharply on Tuesday, a day before the start of a crucial Federal Reserve meeting.                                                 egy in 10 Chicago stores,      about future stores, and fu-
                                                                                                                                 with hopes to eventually       ture localization.
                                                                                                        (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  expand chain-wide.             --Why tailor merchandise
                                                                                                                                 Localization is not new.       to locals?
kept the central bank’s         dustrial stocks. The sector    “Frankly, we are very con-                                        It’s common for fast food      We’ve got to appeal to
benchmark rate close to         had been among those hit       cerned about the market,”                                         chains to add dishes to ap-    that local customer. While
zero for almost seven years,    worst by the recent global     said Ball. “You may get a                                         peal to local tastes. (Think:  the Target brand is icon-
supporting both the econ-       sell-off as investors worried  bounce out of here, but                                           McDonald’s lobster rolls in    ic, we want to make sure
omy and the stock market.       about the outlook for glob-    without improving earnings                                        New England.) And cloth-       we’re relevant in those lo-
The sharp gains on Tuesday      al demand.                     and better global econom-                                         ing chains like Macy’s carry   cal communities. When we
came after some mixed           “People have been over-        ic growth, it may be short-                                       fashions to appeal to local    can really take it across
reports that showed weak-       ly pessimistic on global       lived.” Earnings for S&P 500                                      styles. Target’s strategy is   the country, there’s sig-
ness in some parts of the       growth,” said Scott Wren,      companies are expected                                            part of an effort to boost     nificant upside. We have
economy. While retail sales     senior global equity strate-   to slump 4.1 percent in the                                       sales. The retailer, once      some catch up to play, but
edged higher last month,        gist at Wells Fargo Invest-    third-quarter, according to                                       known for its cheap but        we’re committed that we
factory output fell in the      ment Institute. “I think they  S&P Capital IQ.                                                   chic fashions and home         do catch up.
same period as automak-         are going to be surprised....  Energy stocks got a lift on                                       decor, lost customers dur-     --What’s the future of big-
ers cut back on produc-         you are going to see a little  Tuesday as oil prices rose.q                                      ing the recession after fo-    box stores?
                                                                                                                                 cusing too much on ex-         This store here in Boston,
                                                                                                                                 panding everyday grocery       the Fenway store, is a great
                                                                                                                                 items like milk. Target’s lo-  example that big stores still
                                                                                                                                 calization strategy is seeing  play a really relevant role.
                                                                                                                                 successes, too. And at the     This is 160,000 square feet.
                                                                                                                                 Boston store, “Fan Central”    And the guests love what
                                                                                                                                 is a top sales performer       we’ve done here. They
                                                                                                                                 compared with other shops      love the breadth of cat-
                                                                                                                                 that sell fan merchandise      egories and assortment.
                                                                                                                                 across the chain.              So there’s going to be an
                                                                                                                                 Brian Cornell, who became      important role for full-size
                                                                                                                                 CEO about a year ago,          stores.q
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