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PEOPLE & ARTSSaturday 14 November 2015

Police: Man punches ‘NCIS’ actress near her Hollywood home 

LOS ANGELES (AP) —            head and graphically told
“NCIS” actress Pauley Per-    her how he was going to
rette says she felt “alone,   kill her.
terrified and trapped”        The Los Angeles Police De-
when a man attacked her       partment confirmed the
and threatened to kill her    attack. Sgt. Mark Cohan
as she walked in front of     said Friday that no addi-
her Hollywood home.           tional information would
The actress tweeted that      be released. In her tweets
she thought she was go-       about the attack, Perrette
ing to die during the 5 p.m.  said the attacker kept tell-
Thursday attack. Perrette,    ing her that his name was
46, says the man grabbed      William.
her, punched her repeat-      “There was an empty ga-
edly in the nose and fore-    rage behind me and I

                                                            This 2010 photo shows actress Pauley Perrette from the television show NCIS in West Hollywood,

                                                            Calif. Authorities say a man attacked Perrette in front of her Hollywood home, punching her

                                                            in the face several times. The actress tweeted that she thought she was going to die Thursday

                                                            night, Nov. 12, 2015. 						                                     (AP Photo/Richard Vogel)

                                                            knew if he got me in there      tack, police arrested a          popular television drama.
                                                            I knew I was dead. I knew       man a few blocks away.
                                                            I couldn’t overcome him, I      David Merck was booked           She is also a singer and
                                                            prayed my heart out (and)       for investigation of aggra-
                                                            then finally said, ‘William is  vated battery. Bail was set      songwriter and an avid vol-
                                                            a beautiful name, I have a      at $100,000. Police say re-
                                                            little nephew named Wil-        cords don’t list an attorney     unteer for a large number
                                                            liam.’” The man started to      for Merck, who turned 45
                                                            punch her again and then        on Thursday. Sgt. Bob Ward       of causes, including civil
                                                            told her to leave.              told the Los Angeles Times
                                                            “And I did. I went into         that Merck was a known           rights, animals and home-
                                                            shock. Collapsed on             transient with a history of
                                                            the sidewalk. Some guy          run-ins with the depart-         lessness. “I am shaken and
                                                            walked right past me with       ment. Cohan said as far as
                                                            a dog that licked my face.      he knew, Perrette did not        traumatized,”  Perrette
                                                            He was on his phone, an-        need hospitalization.
                                                            noyed. Did nothing.”            Perrette plays forensic sci-     wrote. “My house, my be-
                                                            Within an hour of the at-       entist Abby Sciuto on the
                                                                                                                             loved Hollywood. My be-

                                                                                                                             loved homeless people

                                                                                                                             that I spend my life protect-

                                                                                                                             ing. My life changed to-

                                                                                                                             night. My ... I don’t know.”

                                                                                                                             She ended her tweet: “We

                                                                                                                             need to not walk alone. I

                                                                                                                             need to heal. I almost died


                                                            4 more women join suit against Bill Cosby 

                                                            DENISE LAVOIE                   sentatives tarnished their       was a 17-year-old aspiring
                                                            PHILIP MARCELO                  reputations and made it          actress in 1985, then sexu-
                                                            Associated Press                hard for them to lead nor-       ally assaulted her multiple
                                                            BOSTON (AP) — Four more         mal lives.                       times. Tarshis, who alleges
                                                            women joined a federal          They are among dozens of         Cosby drugged and as-
                                                            lawsuit against Bill Cosby      women who have alleged           saulted her in 1969 when
                                                            Friday, claiming the come-      that Cosby, now 78, mo-          she was 19 years old,
                                                            dian sexually abused them       lested them decades ago.         agreed, adding that she’s
                                                            and later defamed them          Cosby has denied some            been publicly ridiculed for
                                                            by letting his representa-      of the allegations and has       coming forward. This past
                                                            tives publicly label their      never been charged with          spring, she says, a woman
                                                            stories lies.                   a crime.                         drove by in car and spat at
                                                            Barbara Bowman, Joan            “There’s no reason that          her and called her a liar.
                                                            Tarshis, Louisa Moritz and      any of the victims of this sit-  “I was incredibly shaken
                                                            Angela Leslie join three        uation should have to live       by that,” Tarshis, a New
                                                            women already named             with a scarlet letter in their   York resident, said Friday.
                                                            in the civil suit —Tamara       lives,” Bowman, an Arizona       “I don’t want to sound
                                                            Green, Therese Serignese,       resident, said in a confer-      like Richard Nixon, but
                                                            and Linda Traitz.               ence call Friday. “I am not      I’m not a liar. Why would
                                                            The women say they want         a liar. I am a truth-teller.”    anybody lie about some-
                                                            compensation after they         Bowman alleges Cosby             thing like this? This is not my
                                                            say Cosby and his repre-        won her trust when she           legacy.”q
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