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people & arts A31
                                                                                                                        Saturday 14 November 2015

YouTube Music keeps the mobile video groove going 

RYAN NAKASHIMA                 is offering new users a 14-    This photo shows the YouTube Music app on a mobile phone on Friday, Nov. 13, 2015, in Los
Associated Press               day free trial to Red, but to
LOS ANGELES (AP) — If you      continue commercial free,      Angeles. If you were going to reinvent MTV for a mobile generation, you’d probably come
were going to reinvent         you’ll need to pony up.
MTV for a mobile genera-       YouTube Music is first and     up with something like YouTube Music. It’s a video-first music service that also plays in the
tion, you’d probably come      foremost a music-vid-
up with something like You-    eo app, albeit one that        background like you’d expect a music app to do. 		         (AP Photo/Richard Vogel)
Tube Music. It’s a video-      doesn’t forget that most
first music service that also  people will be using it on     the video to a little strip  look for the next video. The  — although again only if
plays in the background        their phones. For those        at the bottom of the app,    app will even keep play-      you’ve paid up for Red.
like you’d expect a music      times you’d rather just lis-   which keeps it playing in a  ing if you switch to other    There are some curious
app to do. That sets it apart  ten instead of watching,       cropped format while you     tasks, like checking email    omissions.q
from other music apps out      you can hit a toggle that
there, many of which give      switches the app to audio-
you a choice of videos         only mode, which turns
or songs, but not inter-       off the video playback
changeably.                    and swaps in a still image.
But while YouTube Music        You can even turn off the
offers a lot of interesting    screen and keep listening
features, most of them re-     while you do something
quire a subscription to the    else.
new YouTube Red service,       But here’s the first gotcha:
which will set you back        Audio-only mode only
$10 a month — $13 if you       works for paid subscribers.
sign up through YouTube’s      I also found the audio-only
iPhone app. Without Red,       toggle worked far bet-
YouTube Music will play        ter on a Samsung Galaxy
ads similar to what you see    Note 4 than on an iPhone
on YouTube proper, and         5, where it introduced a
several other functions        jarring pause.
won’t work at all. YouTube     You can similarly shrink
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