Page 28 - ATD14NOV2015
P. 28


SCIENCESaturday 14 November 2015

China’s gray smog has a blue lining: Air improves this year 

LOUISE WATT                      in terms of the air quality,”    healthy. But some experts,       ellites backed up the im-       able weather conditions
Associated Press                 said Wu, 26. “At least so far,   officials and observers see      provement in official read-     compared with last year,
BEIJING (AP) — Lawyer Wu         this summer and this fall, it’s  the improvement as the           ings.                           including more winds from
Congsi has asthma and            actually better than last        start of a long-term up-         “The fall from 2014 to 2015     the north.
keeps air purifiers whirring     year — just more clear days      ward trend in air quality re-    was the biggest in that en-     China’s pollution problems
                                                                                                   tire time series — and by       are notorious after three
An air intake devices collect air samples for monitoring pollution at the Beijing Municipal        a pretty wide margin at         decades of breakneck
                                                                                                   that,” he said. “So it’s defi-  growth in which there was
Environmental Protection Monitoring Center in Beijing. China’s polluted air is still largely       nitely been a very excep-       little official concern about
                                                                                                   tional year for air quality.”   the environmental impact.
hazardous to health, and officials won’t even guess when air will finally reach levels that could  The early success gives         The air gets especially bad
                                                                                                   China a credibility boost       in the winter when the
be considered healthy. But some experts, officials and observers see this year’s improvement as    ahead of a climate change       burning of coal increases
                                                                                                   conference beginning late       and weather patterns add
the start of a long-term upward trend in air quality resulting from central and local government   this month in Paris, where      to the smog.
                                                                                                   countries are to hash out a     A study led by atmospher-
measures to lower pollution. 					                                AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)      global agreement intend-        ic chemist Jos Lelieveld of
                                                                                                   ed to slow down global          Germany’s Max Planck In-
away in his office, home         than previously. I might go      sulting from central and lo-     warming. Many are hop-          stitute and published this
and car to counter Bei-          out hiking or maybe just         cal government measures          ing that China, the world’s     year in Nature magazine
jing’s hazardous smog. He        stroll around the parks.”        to lower pollution.              top emitter of carbon emis-     estimated that 1.4 million
prefers to stay inside unless    Chinese official sources         “It’s not just Beijing or one    sions, plays a leading role     people are prematurely
the sky is blue. But this year,  have cited the improve-          region,” said Lauri Myllyvir-    in the negotiations, par-       dying because of pollution
he’s been able to regularly      ment, and U.S. Embassy           ta, who campaigns on air         ticularly as an example to      in China each year.
walk the 15 minutes or so to     readings have corroborat-        pollution for Greenpeace.        other developing nations.       Growing public anger over
work.                            ed the findings.                 “It’s really widespread re-      Yi Bo, an engineer at Bei-      air pollution has pushed
That’s because of some           China’s polluted air is still    ductions in (levels of par-      jing Environmental Protec-      the government to make
good news that so far has        largely hazardous to health      ticulate matter and pollut-      tion Bureau’s air manage-       combating it a priority.
gone little noticed outside      — killing 1.4 million people     ants) across all of eastern      ment office, said the capi-     In 2013, months after a par-
of China: The air in Bei-        a year, according to one         and central China.”              tal had seen a drop in all      ticularly bad winter that
jing — and across the rest       recent study — and officials     Myllyvirta said data on av-      major pollutants in the first   spurred many Chinese and
of the country — has im-         won’t even guess when            erage levels of aerosols, or     three quarters of this year.    expatriates to leave Beijing
proved so far this year.         air will finally reach levels    tiny particles, for the past     That includes a 40 percent      because of health con-
“I just feel generally better    that could be considered         15 years from NASA sat-          decrease in sulfur diox-        cerns, the central govern-
                                                                                                   ide and a 19 percent de-        ment banned new coal-
                                                                                                   crease in PM2.5 — small in-     fired power plants in key
                                                                                                   halable particles that can      industrial regions around
                                                                                                   penetrate deep into the         Beijing, Shanghai and
                                                                                                   lungs and are considered        Guangzhou, ordered cit-
                                                                                                   to be a good gauge of air       ies to drop their pollutant
                                                                                                   quality.                        levels by 2017 and looked
                                                                                                   “People make an effort          to increase non-fossil fuel
                                                                                                   and the heavens help,” Yi       energy such as wind and
                                                                                                   said, evoking a Chinese         solar power. Last year, it
                                                                                                   idiom to describe what he       changed its environment
                                                                                                   said were the two reasons       law to allow unlimited fines
                                                                                                   for the improvement: gov-       against persistent pollut-
                                                                                                   ernment efforts to reduce       ers and public oversight of
                                                                                                   emissions and more favor-       companies’ emissions.q
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