Page 24 - ATD14NOV2015
P. 24


BUSINESSSaturday 14 November 2015

Wall Street closes ugly week as retail takes a hit                                                                                 No. 2 Fed official:
                                                                                                                                  Economy growing
MARLEY JAY                       The holiday shopping rush      noon and also said it will     smartphones and TVs and
AP Markets Writer                will kick into high gear with  buy activity tracker maker     other big items than they            despite signs of
NEW YORK (AP) — The              Black Friday in two weeks.     Misfit for $260 million. Its   used to, there will still be        global weakness 
stock market slumped to its      Following several weak re-     shares hit their lowest level  plenty of socks and sweat-
second-biggest weekly loss       ports from retailers, inves-   in five years.                 ers given as gifts over the        M. CRUTSINGER
of the year Friday, breaking     tors are becoming worried      Compounding those wor-         holidays.                          AP Economics Writer
a streak of six consecutive      that sales will be poor dur-   ries was a government re-      “Christmas is boxed gifts,”        WASHINGTON (AP) — The
weeks of gains. Fears that       ing that period, which is a    port showing that U.S. retail  Jaffe said. “There will be         No. 2 official at the Fed-
the holiday shopping sea-                                                                                                         eral Reserve said Thursday
son will be a dud tanked         Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Friday, Nov. 13, 2015. Retailers are   that the strong dollar and
retail stocks.                                                                                                                    global economic weak-
Retailers ranging from de-       plunging Friday as earnings reports from Nordstrom and others touched off investor worries that  ness have been a drag on
partment stores to dollar                                                                                                         growth, but the U.S. econ-
stores plunged after Nord-       the holiday shopping season will be a dud. 			                (AP Photo/Richard Drew)            omy has been weathering
strom posted disappoint-                                                                                                          the shocks reasonably well.
ing third-quarter results, just  crucial moneymaker for spending edged up just a lot of gift giving, a lot of                     Fed Vice Chairman Stanley
as Macy’s did earlier this                                                                                                        Fischer said that the deci-
week.                            retail companies. Macy’s 0.1 percent in October, a apparel sales.” Jaffe noted                   sion by the central bank to
The price of oil continued                                                                                                        keep its ultra-low interest
to slide on evidence that        and Nordstrom both hit bit less than analysts ex- that Americans’ shopping                       rate policies in place has
global supplies are still ris-                                                                                                    been a key factor in shield-
ing. The dollar could get        two-year lows Friday. Con- pected. Prices charged habits have changed a                          ing the economy. But he
even stronger, further pres-                                                                                                      noted some sectors heav-
suring oil and other com-        sumer discretionary stocks by farmers, manufacturers lot over the last few years.                ily exposed to international
modities and affecting                                                                                                            trade have been affected.
mining and energy com-           were by far the worst per- and other producers fell in Consumers are spending                    The Fed raised the possibil-
panies.                                                                                                                           ity at its last meeting that
The Dow Jones industrial         forming group in the S&P October. The figures show more on homes, cars, and                      when it meets again in De-
average fell 202.83 points,                                                                                                       cember, it could begin rais-
or 1.2 percent, to 17,245.24.    500. there is little sign of inflation vacations. Aging baby                                     ing interest rates, something
The Standard & Poor’s 500                                                                                                         it has not done in nearly a
gave up 22.93 points, or 1.1     J.C. Penney’s results were in the U.S. economy. When boomers don’t buy clothes                   decade. Fischer said a Fed
percent, to 2,023.04. The                                                                                                         rate hike will depend on
Nasdaq composite index           about equal to analyst inflation is higher, consum- as often as they used to,                    how the economy is per-
slipped 77.20 points, or 1.5                                                                                                      forming when officials meet
percent, to 4,927.88.            projections, but its stock ers have an incentive to and younger shoppers are                     on Dec. 15-16. “As policy-
Concerns about retail sales                                                                                                       makers, we must always be
and skidding commodities         lost $1.35, or 15.4 percent, spend more money.                more interested in technol-        vigilant to events unfolding
prices have eroded the                                                                                                            differently than we expect
gains from October’s big         to $7.44. Video game re- Stifel Nicolaus analyst Rich- ogy.                                      and we must be ready to
stock market rally. Stocks                                                                                                        act accordingly,” Fischer
have now lost ground             tailer GameStop sank ard Jaffe suggested the The price of oil continued                          said in comments delivered
seven of the last eight                                                                                                           to a Fed research confer-
days. Overall the S&P 500 is     $7.35, or 16.5 percent, to widespread selling was to fall after the Interna-                     ence where Fed Chair
down almost 2 percent for                                                                                                         Janet Yellen also spoke.
the year.                        $37.18. Watchmaker Fos- an overreaction. Shop- tional Energy Agency said                         Neither Yellen nor Fischer
Nordstrom sank $9.51, or                                                                                                          revealed what the Fed will
15 percent, to $53.96 after      sil Group plunged $18.62, pers will spend plenty of commercial inventories                       do at the December meet-
reporting weaker sales. The                                                                                                       ing, although private econ-
company also cut its fore-       or 36.5 percent, to $32.39. money this holiday season, reached almost 3 billion                  omists are moving to the
cast for the year. Macy’s                                                                                                         view that the central bank
had done the same on             Fossil posted disappointing he said, and while they’re barrels at the end of Sep-                will act to boost its bench-
Wednesday.                                                                                                                        mark short-term rate, which
                                 earnings Thursday after- spending more money on tember, a record.q                               has been at a record low
                                                                                                                                  near zero for the past seven
Volkswagen brand sales dip in wake of scandal                                                                                     years. In his speech, Fischer
                                                                                                                                  said that the dollar has risen
FRANKFURT,  Germany              trying to limit sales damage   Sales fell 26 percent in Rus-  ments of how much car-             in value by about 15 per-
                                 in the United States by of-    sia and 50 percent in Brazil.  bon dioxide the cars emit.         cent since July 2014 com-
(AP) — Volkswagen’s flag-        fering existing Volkswagen     The U.S. Environmental Pro-    Carbon dioxide is a green-         pared to the currencies of
                                 owners $2,000 off if they      tection Agency says Volk-      house gas blamed by sci-           America’s major trading
ship brand saw global            trade their old car in for a   swagen equipped 482,000        entists for global warming,        partners. That increase has
                                 new VW model.                  cars with software that        and faces increasingly             cut into U.S. export sales by
auto sales fall 5.3 percent      Figures released Friday        turned off emissions con-      strict limits in Europe.           making American-made
                                 showed sales in the U.S.       trols and enhanced per-        For all of Volkswagen’s            goods more expensive on
in October in the wake           — where the scandal first      formance when the cars         brands — which also                overseas markets. But the
                                 broke on Sept. 18 — were       were not being tested.         include SEAT, Skoda,               higher value of the dollar
of a scandal over cars           up 0.2 percent. Sales in       The company says up to         Porsche, Audi and Lam-             had also lowered inflation
                                 North America including        11 million cars have the       borghini — global sales fell       by making imports less ex-
equipped with software           Canada rose 3.5 percent        deceptive software, and        3.5 percent to 831,3000 in         pensive for U.S. consumers,
                                 from the same month a          adds that it has uncovered     October compared with a            acting to keep prices rising
that let them cheat on U.S.      year earlier.                  “irregularities” in measure-   year earlier.q                     well below the Fed’s target
                                                                                                                                  of 2 percent.q
diesel emissions tests.

It appeared that econom-

ic downturns in Brazil and

Russia caused as much or

more damage than the

scandal to the month’s fig-

ures. Volkswagen has been
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