Page 20 - ATD14NOV2015
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SPORTSSaturday 14 November 2015
Rex’s place: Bills beat Jets in Ryan’s return, 22-17
BARRY WILNER New York Jets 22-17 on division. side the Bills 10-yard line in goal to make it 3-3.
AP Pro Football Writer Thursday. Duke Williams returned a the final minutes, he cele- Duke Williams added to
EAST RUTHERFORD, New Jer- Buffalo’s defense shut fumbled kickoff 19 yards brated with some vigorous that immediately, scoop-
sey (AP) — Buffalo coach down the Jets and the Bills for the go-ahead points, fist pumps, and repeated ing up a fumble by rookie
Rex Ryan made a success- scored on offense and spe- rookie Karlos Williams had a them when Bacarri Rambo Devin Smith on the first
ful return to the Meadow- cial teams to move level 26-yard touchdown catch clinched it with a last-min- kickoff return of his career.
lands to take on his old with New York on 5-4 win- and Dan Carpenter kicked ute interception. Williams scooted 9 yards
team as the Bills beat the loss records in the AFC East
Buffalo Bills running back Karlos Williams makes a touchdown catch against the New York Jets
during the second half of an NFL football game, Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015, in East Rutherford, N.J.
(AP Photo/Seth Wenig)
three field goals. The early action was domi- for a 9-3 lead, but Carpen-
Buffalo’s offense made just nated by some fierce de- ter missed the extra point
enough key plays and held fense. New York’s blitzes wide left. Carpenter add-
off a late surge by the Jets kept Bills quarterback Tyrod ed a 41-yard field goal to
after Ryan Fitzpatrick threw Taylor off-balance, and make 12-3 at halftime, then
for two touchdowns. Buffalo got its first three kicked a 29-yarder midway
Ryan was fired by the Jets points thanks to Corey in the third period after
after six seasons and im- Graham’s interception off Chris Ivory’s fumble. New
mediately hired by Buffalo a bobble by Jets receiver York’s turnover issued com-
last January. When his de- Brandon Marshall. Carpen- pletely turned the game in
fense stopped the Jets in- ter kicked a 47-yard field Buffalo’s favor.q
Jets sign former Olympic discus man Okoye
DENNIS WASZAK Jr. was signed as undrafted The 24-year-old Okoye is
AP Sports Writer defensive lineman by San clearly a project as he’ll be
NEW YORK (AP) — From Francisco that same year. transitioning to a new posi-
tossing the discus to throw- Okoye spent his rookie sea- tion with New York.
ing blocks. son on injured reserve with But his size and power are
The New York Jets signed a knee injury and was on clearly intriguing to NFL
former British record-hold- the 49ers’ practice squad teams. He was a winger
ing discus thrower Law- last year. He was cut after in junior rugby union as a
rence Okoye, who com- training camp this summer teenager before focusing
peted in the 2012 London and signed to Arizona’s on discus.
Olympics, to the practice practice squad in Septem- Okoye, who set the British
squad Friday as an offen- ber — also as a defensive record in the discus at 223
sive lineman. lineman. He was cut Oct. feet, 10 inches (68.24 me-
The 6-foot-6, 304-pound 21. ters), won a gold medal at
Okoye put his discus career The Jets also re-signed de- the 2011 European Cham-
on hold in 2013 to pursue fensive tackle T.J. Barnes pionships at age 19. He
an NFL career despite nev- to the practice squad, and qualified for the finals in the
er having played football in released cornerback Jer- event in 2012 in London,
high school or college. He emy Harris. where he finished 12th.q