Page 17 - ATD14NOV2015
P. 17

                                                                                                                      Saturday 14 November 2015

Spectators invade the pitch of the Stade de France stadium after the international friendly soccer France against Germany, Friday, Nov. 13, 2015 in Saint Denis, out-
side Paris. At least 35 people were killed in shootings and explosions around Paris, many of them in a popular theater where patrons were taken hostage, police and
medical officials said Friday. Two explosions were heard outside the Stade de France stadium.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            (AP Photo/Michel Euler)

Fans Stay Calm Amid Chilling Attack At Stade De France 

JEROME PUGMIRE               sounds of explosions from     9:20 p.m., was a short and   only minutes later, clearly     By the end of the match,
AP Sports Writer             outside — part of the car-    crisp bang.                  audible as it ripped through    which France won 2-0, the
PARIS (AP) — As news of      nage unfolding in the city    “We heard them, but we       the chill air.                  mood was one of silent
bloodshed filtered through   that left dozens killed in    thought they were home-      The noise inside the stadi-     contemplation as news
the crowd and police si-     multiple acts of violence.    made devices or fire-        um was low at that point,       filtered in through mobile
rens wailed outside, thou-   But there was plenty of un-   works,” soccer fan Frederic  since there was little excite-  phones and social net-
sands of soccer fans milled  ease and tension.             Lavergne told The Associ-    ment in the game, and the       works relaying the carnage
around the Stade de          During the first half of      ated Press as he left the    sounds of the sirens outside    outside.
France, reluctant to leave   France’s soccer match         stadium.                     were loud and clear. So         What would otherwise
the seemingly safe stadium.  against Germany on Friday,    “We had no idea at the       was the whirling sounds of      have been a celebration
The spectators didn’t pan-   two explosions went off       time what it was.”           the police helicopter buzz-     of France’s win became a
ic, despite hearing the      nearby. The first, at around  The next “bang” followed     ing overhead.                   night of worry. q
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