Page 18 - ATD14NOV2015
P. 18


SPORTSSaturday 14 November 2015

Bjerregaard shoots 66 to open 3-stroke lead at BMW Masters 

JUSTIN BERGMAN                  Lucas Bjerregaard of Denmark makes a putt on the 9th hole dur-                           falling four strokes back.       just come up one place
Associated Press                ing the second round of the BMW Masters golf tournament at                               The Spaniard recovered to        better than last time,” Bjer-
SHANGHAI (AP) — Lucas           the Lake Malaren Golf Club in Shanghai, China Friday, Nov. 13,                           shoot a 71 and tie for sec-      regaard said.
Bjerregaard is learning how     2015.                                                                                    ond place at 9 under with        Ian Poulter (68), Paul Casey
to deal with the pressure of                                                                                             Thongchai Jaidee (68).           (69) and An Byeong-hun
playing from the front, and                                                                                  (AP Photo)  Bjerregaard has been in          (71) were tied for fourth at
closing in on a maiden Eu-                                                                                               top form this autumn, post-      8 under on Friday, while Pe-
ropean Tour title, too.                                                                                                  ing four top-10 finishes on      ter Uihlein (66) sank seven
The Dane heads into the                                                                                                  the European Tour and            straight birdies to jump into
weekend with a three-                                                                                                    falling just short of cap-       a tie for seventh at 7 under
stroke lead at the BMW                                                                                                   turing his first title at the    with Ross Fisher (71).
Masters after carding a                                                                                                  Hong Kong Open three             Playing alongside Bjer-
6-under 66 in Friday’s sec-                                                                                              weeks ago. Playing in the        regaard, Uihlein began his
ond round.                                                                                                               final group, the 24-year-old     birdie spree on the par-
Bjerregaard trailed over-                                                                                                Dane led Justin Rose by a        5 15th hole and narrowly
night leader Sergio Garcia                                                                                               stroke down the stretch be-      missed matching the Euro-
for much of the day before                                                                                               fore a double-bogey gave         pean Tour record of eight
surging into the lead with                                                                                               victory to the Englishman.       consecutive birdies when
three birdies in his last four                                                                                           Still, it was a far better fin-  his 20-foot putt on the par-
holes to match his opening-                                                                                              ish than the last time Bjer-     3 fourth hole slid just to the
round score. He’s now shot                                                                                               regaard played in the final      right of the cup.
below 70 in 12 of his last 13                                                                                            group on a Sunday at the         Uihlein started the day in
rounds since mid-October,                                                                                                Alfred Dunhill Champion-         a tie for 48th place but is
going a combined 47 un-                                                                                                  ship last December — he          suddenly only five strokes
der.                                                                                                                     collapsed with a 17-over 89      off the pace going into the
Garcia, meanwhile, ran                                                                                                   in the final round.              weekend.
into trouble on his back                                                                                                 “It was nice in Hong Kong        “It was weird. I was level-
nine on a cold, blustery                                                                                                 to prove to myself and           par going into 15, 1 over
day at Lake Malaren Golf                                                                                                 prove to everyone else           for the day, and I felt like I
Club. He bogeyed No. 12                                                                                                  that I can still compete up      played 24 holes really, re-
and hit into the water on                                                                                                there, so hopefully I can do     ally well,” the American
No. 13 for a double-bogey,                                                                                               that again this week and         said.q

Minjee Lee leads LPGA Tour’s Lorena Ochoa Invitational 

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Min-         golf and take it one shot at      ger. The South Korean star                             used to it.”                     off after losing a five-stroke
jee Lee shot her second         a time. ... Still, two rounds to  made a 20-foot eagle putt                              She has four victories this      lead in the final round.
straight 3-under 69 on Fri-     go and that’s a long way.”        on the par-5 second, and                               season, winning two of the       “It’s just everything about
day to take a one-stroke        Second-ranked Inbee Park,         had three birdies and four                             five majors.                     this place, the people, the
lead over four players in the   defending champion Chris-         bogeys. “Not a great strik-                            Sei Young Kim, also from         culture, the food, there’s
LPGA Tour’s Lorena Ochoa        tina Kim, Angela Stanford         ing game today, but I still                            South Korea, won the             nothing negative you
Invitational.                   and rookie of the year Sei        feel really good about the                             event two weeks ago in           could really say about this
The 19-year-old Australian      Young Kim were tied for           putter,” Park said. “Just a                            China for her third victory      tournament,” Christina Kin
player two-putted from 50       second in the 36-player           few bad shots, too many                                of the season. Stanford is       said. “It’s just wonderful.”
feet on the par-5 17th for      event. Park, the first-round      bogeys.” She struggled with                            coming off playoff loss to       Norway’s Suzann Pettersen
the last of her six birdies     leader, had a 71. Christina       distance control in the high                           Sun-Ju Ahn last week in the      was sixth at 4 under after
at tree-lined Club de Golf      Kim and Sei Young Kim             altitude. “Whenever I hit it                           Asian Swing finale in Japan.     a 71. Top-ranked Lydia Ko
Mexico. She won at Kings-       each shot 66, and Stanford        on line is over, and when-                             The American won the in-         is skipping the tournament
mill in May for her first LPGA  had a 70.                         ever I get the distance right                          augural tournament in 2008       to rest for her title defense
Tour title. “There’s nothing    Park is making her first start    is left or right,” Park said.                          in Guadalajara.                  next week in the season-
different I’m going do on       since withdrawing in China        “It’s tough with the altitude                          Last year, Christina Kim         ending CME Group Tour
the golf course,” Lee said.     two weeks ago because of          and I’ve been really strug-                            beat Shanshan Feng on            Championship in Naples,
“I’m going to stick to my       a cyst on her left middle fin-    gling. I’m just trying to get                          the second hole off a play-      Florida. q
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