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Saturday 14 November 2015
Tech Review: 5 things to know about Apple’s new iPad Pro
ANICK JESDANUN playing games. These are Where the Pro has the po- screen space to work with and it’s bound to change
AP Technology Writer people who might other- tential to excel is with artis- — nearly two standard-size as software developers
NEW YORK (AP) — The first wise be lugging around a tic apps. Doodling, sketch- iPads side by side. Pho- update their apps. The
thing you need to know collaboration app Slack,
about Apple’s iPad Pro is The new iPad Pro with a Smart Keyboard is displayed following an Apple event in San Francisco. for instance, creates a
that it’s, well, giant. new column with menu
About an inch longer Designed with professionals in mind, the Pro comes as Apple looks for ways to reach new options on the Pro. But for
than a standard sheet of now such apps are more
paper, the Pro features a markets as sales in iPads, and tablets in general, decline. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg) the exception than the
12.9-inch diagonal display, rule.
giving it 78 percent more laptop. If you’re using a ing and painting work bet- tos, video and magazines
surface area than the 9.7- tablet just to watch Netf- ter with fingers and a stylus come to life on the larger GET THE KEYBOARD AND
inch iPad Air 2. At nearly lix, the Pro might be over- than with a keyboard and screen. STYLUS
1.6 pounds, the Pro is kill, though movies and trackpad. But apps on tab- But in other respects the Although they’ll push up
heavier than current mod- TV shows look and sound lets have streamlined fea- Pro doesn’t make the most the cost, you’ll want to buy
els, but not much more so nicer. tures designed to let you of the extra space. You the Apple Pencil and a
than the original iPad from complete specific tasks can’t, for instance, display physical keyboard. Many
2010. There’s room for four IT’S NOT A LAPTOP quickly. More advanced more apps on the home of the Pro’s unique char-
speakers, compared with For writing, the Pro fea- features require a PC. screen. And when you acteristics require one or
two on other iPads. tures Microsoft Word and The iPad lacks a USB port, open apps, often enough both. Otherwise, you’re ef-
The price is supersized, too. Apple’s Pages. But do you though you can buy an they’re just blown up to fit fectively buying a crippled
The iPad Pro starts at $799, need a tablet for that? The adapter. And it’s de- the larger screen. device that’s capable of
compared with $499 for desktop version of both signed for one user. Many That’s not universally true, so much more with the
the standard-size iPad Air apps can do far more, in- other tablets and laptops right tools.
2 and $269 for the cheap- cluding keeping multiple support profiles, so many Apple’s Smart Keyboard
est iPad, the 2-year-old documents open at once. people can share a de- serves as both a cover
iPad Mini 2. A physical key- The Pro is more for those vice with separate settings when stowing the iPad
board from Apple costs times you want to leave and even restrictions for and a kickstand when us-
$169 extra, and the Apple the laptop behind, but children. ing it, though you can’t
Pencil sells for $99. might still need to write an adjust the angle. Typing
Designed with profes- email or touch up a report. A BIGGER SCREEN ISN’T AL- is much easier with a real
sionals in mind, the Pro is The physical keyboard WAYS BETTER keyboard, and having it
Apple’s way of reaching makes all that faster. The Pro has plenty of restores many shortcuts
new consumers as sales common on Macs, such as
of iPads — and tablets in command-C for copy. The
general — decline. Here keys don’t feel as natural
are some things to know as they do on a laptop,
as the Pro starts appearing but that could simply take
in stores this week: more than a few hours of
testing to get used to. One
THE PRO ISN’T FOR EVERY- nice touch: The keys are
ONE completely sealed, in case
Many people will be fine you spill a drink on it.q
with the standard iPad Air,
while others will prefer the
portability of the smaller
iPad Mini.
The Pro is for those who
need the larger screen, in-
cluding people who write,
build spreadsheets or edit
graphics and video rather
than primarily reading or
Police stop slow Google self-driving car
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Ca- but issued no citation, ac- traffic,” according to a de-
lif. (AP) — A car built by cording to the Mountain partment blog post.
Google that drives itself View Police Department. The bubble-shaped proto-
around city streets had a Though the car was driv- type has two seats. Its top
brush with the law for driv- ing itself, state law requires speed is 25 mph.
ing too slowly. a person to be able to in- “Driving too slowly? Bet
A police officer in the tervene when the tech- humans don’t get pulled
tech giant’s Silicon Val- nology is tested on public over for that too often,”
ley hometown pulled over roads. Google’s self-driving car
the prototype car Thursday The officer wanted to project wrote in a blog
because it was going a “learn more about how the post. It said the cars — out-
traffic-tying 24 mph in a 35 car was choosing speeds fitted with high-tech sen-
mph zone. along certain roadways sors and computing power
The officer spoke with the and to educate the op- — have never received a
person in the driver’s seat erators about impeding ticket.q