Page 22 - ATD14NOV2015
P. 22


SPORTSSaturday 14 November 2015

Arjen Robben double seals 3-2 win for Netherlands in Wales

CARDIFF, Wales (AP) — Ar-        utes.                         70 through a header from         his team to play at the               ting the goals for us in the
jen Robben scored twice          Joe Ledley equalized for      midfielder Emyr Huws.            Euros next year, was en-              qualification campaign,”
to lead the Netherlands to       the hosts on the stroke of    But Robben won the               couraged by his squad’s               Coleman said. “We are
a 3-2 victory against Wales      halftime, converting a re-    match with his second            display despite the defeat.           building and these lads
in a friendly match in Car-      bound after Netherlands       goal in the 81st minute,         Wales was missing its two             need minutes if they are to
diff on Friday.                  goalkeeper Jasper Cilless-    racing clear of the Wales        biggest stars in Gareth               come with us to France.”
The Netherlands, which           en parried a penalty by       defense and slotting past        Bale and Aaron Ramsey,                Netherlands coach Danny
failed to qualify for next       Joe Allen.                    goalkeeper Owain Fon             through injury.                       Blind was pleased with the
year’s European Cham-            Robben restored the visi-     Williams with a composed         “We scored two goals                  response from his players
pionship in France, went         tors’ lead nine minutes into  finish.                          without Bale and Ramsey,              in the team’s first match
ahead through striker Bas        the second half, before       Wales coach Chris Cole-          which is a big thing when             since missing out on next
Dost’s header after 32 min-      Wales leveled again on        man, who is preparing for        you look at who was get-              year’s championship.q

Spain beats England 2-0 thanks to Gaspar’s superb volley 

ALICANTE, Spain (AP) —           England’s Ryan Bertrand, left, jumps for the ball with Spain’s Mario Gaspar during an international  consecutive European title
Mario Gaspar scored with                                                                                                              and England hoping to
a remarkable spinning            friendly soccer match between Spain and England at the Rico Perez Stadium in Alicante, Spain,        build on its impressive run in
volley from the top of the                                                                                                            qualifying.
area to lead Spain to a          Friday, Nov. 13, 2015. 						                                  (AP Photo/Alberto Saiz)               Both squads were de-
2-0 win over England in a                                                                                                             pleted by injuries, though,
friendly on Friday, handing      is not very common,” he       England’s 15-game un-            and Ireland this year.                and couldn’t fully measure
the English their first loss in  said. “It was a special       beaten streak, which dat-        The game in the south-                up to expectations. Spain
nearly a year and a half.        game for me.”                 ed back to the 2014 World        eastern city of Alicante              coach Vicente Del Bosque
After a high pass by Cesc        Santi Cazorla sealed          Cup in Brazil. It had won 12     featured two teams that               was missing Sergio Ramos,
Fabregas in the 71st min-        Spain’s victory with a low    games, including all 10 in       will be under the spotlight           Francisco “Isco” Alarcon,
ute, Gaspar swiveled his         shot from outside the area    Euro 2016 qualifying, and        at next year’s European               David Silva, Juanfran Torres
body and struck a right-         in the 84th.                  drawn three times, includ-       Championship — with                   and Dani Carvajal, among
footed acrobatic volley          The result put an end to      ing in friendlies against Italy  Spain bidding for a third             others, while England man-
to send the ball into the                                                                                                             ager Roy Hodgson was
top corner past England                                                                                                               without forwards Theo Wal-
goalkeeper Joe Hart, who                                                                                                              cott, Alex Oxlade-Cham-
could only watch it fly over                                                                                                          berlain, Daniel Sturridge
his outstretched arms.                                                                                                                and Danny Welbeck and
“It was one of the best                                                                                                               chose not to start Wayne
goals of my life,” Gaspar                                                                                                             Rooney.
said. “The ball went where                                                                                                            To make things worse for
it had to go. These types of                                                                                                          Del Bosque, midfielder
goals don’t come often,                                                                                                               Thiago Alcantara had to
but it happened when it                                                                                                               be substituted by Cazorla
had to happen.”                                                                                                                       because of a knee injury
It was the second goal                                                                                                                in the 25th, while Hodg-
in as many matches with                                                                                                               son lost midfielder Michael
Spain’s national team for                                                                                                             Carrick in injury time.
the Villarreal right back. He                                                                                                         Spain controlled posses-
had scored in his interna-                                                                                                            sion and had most of the
tional debut in a European                                                                                                            significant scoring chanc-
qualifier against Ukraine                                                                                                             es throughout the match
last month.                                                                                                                           at the Jose Rico Perez
“I’m thrilled, I know this                                                                                                            Stadium.q

Belgium celebrates No. 1 ranking with 3-1 win over Italy 

RAF CASERT                       hen, De Bruyne and Michy      Italian leagues too.             dreva swooped in ahead                And in the 74th, Leonar-
Associated Press                 Batshuayi in a sparkling      And even in the absence          of the flatfooted Belgian             do Bonucci gave away
BRUSSELS (AP) — Kevin De         performance.                  of injured goalkeeper            defense to slot home the              the ball in defense and
Bruyne scored one goal           By the end of game, Bel-      Thibaut Courtois, Simon          rebound.                              De Bruyne capitalized by
and added an assist in           gium was toying with the      Mignolet proved he is an         But the Azzurri couldn’t              bouncing it past Buffon.
Belgium’s 3-1 victory over       Azzurri, a four-time World    adequate replacement             live up to their reputa-              Belgium capped its
Italy which underscored          Cup winner clearly look-      with several key saves           tion for being the best to            comeback when Yannick
its position as FIFA’s top-      ing in need of rebuilding     when the game was still          protect any lead. After               Carrasco and Batshuayi
ranked team and further          ahead of next year’s tour-    tight.                           13 minutes, De Bruyne                 combined through the
established it as a leading      nament in France.             “I have an excellent goal-       placed a curling corner               center for another excel-
challenger for next year’s       Belgium, meanwhile, con-      ie,” Belgium coach Marc          kick on the forehead of               lent goal.
European Championship.           tinues to impress with a      Wilmots.                         the unmarked Vertong-                 “The spirit of the group
After Antonio Candreva           cast of players that domi-    Italy took the lead in the       hen and the bouncing                  is perfect,” Wilmots said.
gave Italy an early lead,        nate the English Premier      third minute when Gra-           header from the defender              “Collectively, we kept our
Belgium came back with           league and have a big         ziano Pelle tested Migolet       left Gianluigi Buffon with            cool, came back, and
goals from Jan Vertong-          impact in the French and      with a low drive and Can-        no chance.                            won.”q
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