Page 15 - ATD14NOV2015
P. 15

                                                    Saturday 14 November 2015

Superb Performance of Pressure Busspipe at Aruba Reggea Festival 2015

SAN NICOLAS - We would     This year we had the         singing every song with
like to thank all artist,  pleasure of having inter-    him from the bottom of
bands and public for       national artist Miri from    their hearts. It was his first
coming out to the Reg-     the British Virgin Islands,  time in Aruba, but for sure
gae Festival 2015, show-   McBogle from the Virgin      not the last time.
ing their love for music.  Islands, Jah 9 from Jamai-   As he stated he would like
                           ca and Pressure Busspipe     to come back one day
                           from the Virgin Islands.     with his band and per-
                           Together with the Aruban     form for Aruba reggae
                           band and artist this was     lovers.
                           cultural melting pot that    Pressure it was an honor
                           showed, that unity, love,    to have you here and we
                           music and overstanding       hope to see you soon!q
                           concurs all.
                           This article is about Pres-
                           sure Busspipe many of
                           you know him from the
                           song “Love and affec-
                           But during his exquisite
                           presentation he spoke to
                           his public, he interacted,
                           he sang a large variety of
                           his songs including “Virgin
                           Islands Nice”. The public
                           was dancing, chanting,
                           singing expressing their
                           love for his songs.
                           Pressure gave extra time,
                           effort and love to Aruba ,
                           who was highly appreci-
                           ated by his fans that were
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