Page 11 - ATD14NOV2015
P. 11

                                                                                                                   Saturday 14 November 2015

Venezuela drug scandal reverberates as elections kick off 

HANNAH DREIER                    rests had shocked the na-      Opposition members cheer during a campaign rally for congressional candidates, in Caracas,
Associated press                 tion and showed the need       Venezuela, Friday, Nov. 13, 2015. The process for the Dec. 6 legislative elections enters the final
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)          for change after 16 years      stretch with the formal start of the campaign in the midst of a complex economic crisis, and the
— It’s the story of the year     of socialist rule.             recent scandal involving two nephews of first lady Cilia Flores on U.S. drug trafficking charges.
or no story at all, depend-      The most hard line party in
ing on where one falls on        the opposition coalition,                                                                                                            (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)
Venezuela’s hyper-polar-         Popular Will, referred to the
ized political spectrum.         arrests in its slogan for the
Venezuelan officials kept si-    campaign launch: “Today
lent Friday on the arrest this   we start the shift from narco
week of two nephews of           state to a better Venezu-
first lady Cilia Flores on U.S.  ela.” U.S prosecutors have
drug trafficking charges.        investigated several high-
The South American coun-         level Venezuelan officials
try’s opposition leaders,        for drug and corruption
meanwhile, made the              charges, but this week’s
news the focus of their ral-     arrests marks the first time
lies to mark the launch of       President Nicolas Madu-
the campaign season for          ro’s inner circle has been
crucial Dec. 6 congressio-       directly implicated. Even
nal elections.                   many government critics
The two young men were           were surprised because
arrested in Haiti on Tuesday     they tend to see Maduro,
on charges of conspiring to      the hand-picked succes-
smuggle cocaine into the         sor to late President Hugo
United States. They are be-      Chavez, as incompetent
ing held in New York with-       but not especially corrupt.
out bail.                        Neither Maduro nor any
The opposition hammered          other governing official has
on the scandal on Friday         commented on the arrests,
during nationwide events         and national media has
celebrating the official         largely blacked out the
start of the fight for control   news. One of the country’s
of congress — a battle that      largest daily newspapers
polls indicate the govern-       reported on the drug bust,
ment may lose badly. Op-         but left out any connection
position leaders said the ar-    to the first family. q

Wild gun battle kills 4 bystanders
in Mexico border city of Reynosa

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A             northern state of Tamauli-
wild running gun battle          pas said Thursday in a press
between Mexican soldiers         statement that it regretted
and gunmen in the border         the deaths, and blamed
city of Reynosa resulted in      the gunmen for the attack.
the deaths of four bystand-      The army patrol was pursu-
ers after a military vehicle     ing a five-vehicle convoy
took a spray of gunfire and      of armed suspects late
crashed into a taco stand.       Wednesday when a sport
The dead were apparent-          utility vehicle unexpectedly
ly customers at the taco         joined the confrontation.
stand in Reynosa, across         Occupants of the SUV
the border from McAl-            shot out the windshield of
len, Texas. They included        a military patrol truck and
a 20-year-old mother and         crashed into it. The force
her 4-month-old baby.            of the impact and the loss
Four other bystanders were       of visibility from the shot-
wounded, as were an un-          out windshield led the mili-
specified number of army         tary vehicle to crash into
personnel.                       the stand and two nearby
The government of the            vehicles.q
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