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U.S. NEWSSaturday 14 November 2015

Utah judge reverses order to take baby from lesbian couple 

Foster parents April Hoagland and Beckie Peirce are photographed in Salt Lake City. The couple   dered the baby removed.        parents based on sexual
                                                                                                 National LGBT groups           orientation.
said Friday they are relieved after finding out they will be able to keep a baby girl they have  called the decision outra-     That language was crossed
                                                                                                 geous, and Democratic          out in Johansen’s new or-
been raising as foster parents.			  (Steve Griffin/The Salt Lake Tribune via AP)                 presidential candidate         der. It now says the court
                                                                                                 Hillary Rodham Clinton         merely cited concerns that
MICHELLE L. PRICE              Friday, hours after a judge   big relief.”                        brought attention to the       research has shown chil-
BRADY McCOMBS                  reversed his ruling to take   Hoagland and Beckie                 case by Tweeting about it.     dren are more emotionally
Associated Press               the 9-month-old child and     Peirce later spoke at a             State officials and an at-     and mentally stable when
PRICE, Utah (AP) — A Utah      place her with a hetero-      news conference outside             torney for the women           raised by a mother and fa-
lesbian couple said Friday     sexual couple for her well-   the courthouse where the            filed court documents de-      ther in the same home.
they are relieved after find-  being.                        judge made the initial rul-         manding the judge rescind      Hoagland, a stay-at-home
ing out they will be able to   “We’re just happy we          ing on Tuesday.                     his decision. The judge        mother, and Peirce are
keep a baby girl they have     don’t have to say good-       They said they are grateful         reversed course, but he        among a group of same-
been raising as foster par-    bye to her on Tuesday,”       for the nationwide support          could still order the child    sex married couples who
ents.                          April Hoagland told The       their case received after           removed at a Dec. 4 cus-       were allowed to become
The married couple spoke       Associated Press. “That’s a   Judge Scott Johansen or-            tody hearing.                  foster parents in Utah after
                                                                                                 They said they were            last summer’s U.S. Supreme
                                                                                                 shocked when Johansen          Court ruling that made
                                                                                                 made his initial ruling in     gay marriage legal across
                                                                                                 court Tuesday, mentioning      the country.
                                                                                                 research that said children    The couple is also raising
                                                                                                 raised by heterosexual         Peirce’s biological chil-
                                                                                                 families do better and that    dren, girls ages 12 and 13.
                                                                                                 “same-sex marriages have       They were worried about
                                                                                                 double the rate of instabil-   what would happen to
                                                                                                 ity as heterosexual mar-       their girls at school in the
                                                                                                 riages.”                       small central Utah city with
                                                                                                 They said there were au-       about 8,400 people. In-
                                                                                                 dible gasps in the court-      stead, the girls discovered
                                                                                                 room, and state lawyers        widespread support from
                                                                                                 countered with evidence        their classmates, Hoagland
                                                                                                 to the contrary.               and Peirce said.
                                                                                                 The American Psychologi-       They said they want to
                                                                                                 cal Association has said       adopt the 9-month old
                                                                                                 there’s no scientific basis    baby, who wasn’t with
                                                                                                 that gay couples are unfit     them Friday.q

US top court agrees to hear first abortion case since 2007 

MARK SHERMAN                   10  abortion  clinics open    abortions  may be per-              cal hospital.                  nio and only one oper-
Associated Press               across the state. Before      formed, imposed limits              More than half of the          ating on a limited basis
WASHINGTON (AP) —              the law, the country’s        on  abortions  using drugs          state’s clinics closed when    in the Rio Grande Valley
The U.S. Supreme Court         second-largest state had      instead of surgery and              the admitting privileges       bordering Mexico.
is taking on its first  abor-  41 abortion clinics.          raised standards for clinics        requirement was allowed        The state has argued that
tion case in eight years, a    The high court previously     and the doctors who work            to take effect. Nineteen       women in west Texas al-
dispute over state regula-     blocked parts of the Texas    in them.                            clinics remain.                ready cross into New Mex-
tion of abortion clinics.      law. The court took no ac-    The new case concerns               The focus of the dispute       ico to obtain abortions at
A decision in the case in-     tion on a separate appeal     the last category. In Texas,        at the Supreme Court is        a clinic in the suburbs of
volving one of the coun-       from Mississippi, where a     the fight is over two provi-        whether the law imposes        the Texas city of El Paso.
try’s most contested issues    state law would close the     sions of the law that Gov.          what the court has called      Backers of the regulations
is expected to be issued       only abortion clinic in one   Rick Perry signed in 2013.          an undue burden on a           say they are common-
by late June, four months      of the poorest states in the  One requires  abortion  fa-         woman’s constitutional         sense measures intended
before the presidential        U.S.                          cilities to be constructed          right to an  abortion. If al-  to protect women.  Abor-
election.                      States have enacted a         like surgical centers. The          lowed to take full effect,     tion  rights groups say the
The justices said Friday       wave of measures in re-       other allows doctors to             the law would leave no-        regulations have only one
they will hear argu-           cent years that have          perform  abortions  at clin-        abortion clinics in the hun-   aim: to make it harder, if
ments over a Texas law         placed restrictions on        ics only if they have ad-           dreds of miles (kilometers)    not impossible, for women
that would leave about         when in a pregnancy-          mitting privileges at a lo-         that lie west of San Anto-     to getabortions in Texas.q
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