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U.S. NEWSSaturday 14 November 2015
Trump asks how ‘stupid’ voters are for supporting Carson
JILL COLVIN Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a rally at Iowa Central over those comments Thurs-
Associated Press day. “That’s a big problem
FORT DODGE, Iowa (AP) Community College in Fort Dodge, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall) because you don’t cure
— Republican presidential that,” the billionaire real es-
candidate Donald Trump attempted to stab a friend a pathological temper — a totally irrational,” Carson tate mogul told CNN in an
is equating Ben Carson’s with a knife. disease — and this sickness has said. interview. “That’s like, you
childhood “pathological “I had what I only can label controlled me, making me Trump attacked Carson know, I could say, they say
temper” to the illness of a you don’t cure — as an ex-
child molester and asking ample, child molester. You
how “stupid” voters are for don’t cure these people.
supporting his closest com- You don’t cure the child
petitor. molester.”
Trump, once the undisput- And during a rally Thursday
ed poll leader, is now run- night, Trump questioned
ning neck-and-neck with Carson’s description of
Carson in many opinion racing to the bathroom in
surveys. his house after one incident
Carson’s ability to over- and beginning to pray for
come his anger and an God’s help in dealing with
impoverished childhood his temper.
to become a world-re- “God heard my deep cries
nowned neurosurgeon of anguish. A feeling of
has been a central part of lightness flowed over me,
his personal story. He has and I knew a change of
written that on one occa- heart had taken place,”
sion he nearly punched his Carson wrote in his mem-
mother and on another he oir.
“Give me a break. Give
Carson acknowledges no Chinese troops in Syria me a break. It doesn’t hap-
pen that way,” Trump told
BILL BARROW rity ties to Syria” while say- said Carson was talking about Russian and U.S. mil- the rally. “Don’t be fools.”
Associated Press ing “Dr. Carson does not about “various military itary activities in Syria that He added, “How stupid are
GREENVILLE, South Caro- believe China is currently weapons and equipment “the Chinese are there” as the people of the country
lina (AP) — Republican fighting in or deploying that Syria is using in the well. to believe this crap?”
presidential contender troops to Syria.” current conflict,” and said National security adviser Carson said Trump’s broad-
Ben Carson acknowl- The statement followed he’d never claimed Chi- Susan Rice said in response side was “expected” in
edged Friday that there Carson’s comments at a nese troops had been de- that “I have not seen any politics, but he decried
are no Chinese troops South Carolina campaign ployed to Syria. evidence of Chinese mili- “the politics of personal
in the Syrian conflict, just stop that he had informa- China’s history of selling tary involvement in Syria” destruction.”
days after asserting that tion, better than that avail- arms to Syria and other and said she did not know “I’m hopeful at some point
China is involved in the able to the White House, countries is well known, what Carson was talking that we reach a level of
fight in Syria and offering showing China’s involve- however, and not some- about, unless he meant maturity that we can ac-
to prove it with his own in- ment in Syria. “I’m surprised thing that requires proof. just a diplomatic pres- tually deal with the issues
telligence. my sources are better than Carson suggested a much ence. that are facing us right
His campaign issued a theirs,” he said. more direct role in the Re- White House spokesman now and stop getting into
statement addressing Chi- But a clarification of sorts publican presidential de- Josh Earnest also was the mud and doing things
na’s “longstanding and soon followed. bate Tuesday, when he confounded when asked that really don’t matter,”
well-documented secu- The campaign statement declared in a discussion about Carson on Friday.q Carson told reporters in
South Carolina.q