Page 2 - ATD14NOV2015
P. 2
UP FRONTSaturday 14 November 2015
At Press Time:
As Many as 120 Dead in String of Paris Attacks
evacuated from the stadi- alds.
An Associated Press re-
um when the bombs went porter in the stadium Friday
night heard two explosions
off outside, said in a tele- loud enough to penetrate
the sounds of cheering
vised address that the na- fans. Sirens were immedi-
ately heard, and a heli-
tion would stand firm and copter was circling over-
united. The attack comes as
France has heightened
“This is a terrible ordeal that security measures ahead
of a major global climate
again assails us,” he said. conference that starts in
two weeks, out of fear of
“We know where it comes violent protests and po-
tential terrorist attacks. Hol-
from, who these criminals lande canceled a planned
trip to this weekend’s G-20
are, who these terrorists summit in Turkey, which
was to focus in large part
are.” on growing fears of terror-
ism carried out by Islamic
U.S. President Barack extremists.
Emilio Macchio, from
Obama, speaking to re- Ravenna, Italy, was at the
Carillon restaurant that was
porters in Washington, targeted, having a beer
on the sidewalk, when the
called the attacks on Paris shooting started. He said
he didn’t see any gunmen
“outrageous attempt to or victims, but hid behind a
corner, then ran away.
terrorize innocent civilians” “It sounded like fireworks,”
he said.
and vowed to do what- France has been on edge
since January, when Islam-
ever it takes to help bring ic extremists attacked the
satirical newspaper Char-
the perpetrators to justice. lie Hebdo, which had run
cartoons of the Prophet
He called the attacks a Muhammad, and a kosher
grocery. Twenty people
A woman is being evacuated from the Bataclan Theater after a shooting in Paris, Friday Nov. 13, “heartbreaking situation” died, including the three
2015. Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins says the death toll in attacks at six sites around the French and an “attack on all of attackers. The Charlie
capital could exceed 120. humanity.” Hebdo attackers claimed
Earlier Friday, two explo- links to extremists in Yemen,
(AP Photo/Thibault Camus) sions were heard outside while the kosher market at-
tacker claimed ties to the
LORI HINNANT ceeded the horrors of the authorized to be publicly the Stade de France sta- Islamic State group.
This time, they targeted
GREG KELLER Charlie Hebdo attack just named in the quickly mov- dium north of Paris during young people enjoying a
rock concert and ordinary
Associated Press 10 months ago. ing investigation. a France-Germany exhibi- city residents enjoying a Fri-
day night out.
PARIS (AP) — A series of at- In addition to the deaths There was no immediate tion soccer game. A po- One of at least two restau-
rants targeted Friday, Le
tacks targeting young con- at the concert hall, a po- claim of responsibility for lice union official said there Carillon, is in the same gen-
eral neighborhood as the
cert-goers and Parisians lice official said 11 people the attacks, and no clear were two suicide attacks Charlie Hebdo offices, as
is the Bataclan, among the
enjoying a Friday night out were killed in a Paris restau- picture of how many at- and a bombing that killed best-known venues in east-
ern Paris, near the trendy
at popular nightspots killed rant in the 10th arrondisse- tackers were involved and at least three people. Oberkampf area known
for a vibrant nightlife. The
as many as 120 people in ment and other officials if any were on the run. Ji- The official, Gregory Goupil California-based band
Eagles of Death Metal was
the deadliest violence to said at least three people hadists on Twitter immedi- of the Alliance Police Na- scheduled to play there Fri-
day night.q
strike France since World died when bombs went off ately praised the attack tionale, whose region in-
War II. President Francois outside a stadium. and criticized France’s cludes the area of the sta-
Hollande pledged that All of the officials spoke military operations against dium, said explosions went
France would stand firm on condition of anonym- Islamic State extremists. off simultaneously near two
against what he called ter- ity because they were not Hollande, who had to be entrances and a McDon-
The worst carnage was
at a concert hall hosting
an American rock band,
where scores of people
were held hostage and at-
tackers hurled explosives
at their captives. Police
who stormed the building,
killing three attackers, en-
countered a bloody scene
of horror inside.
Paris Prosecutor Francois
Molins said as many as
five attackers may have
been killed, though it was
not clear how many there
were altogether and how
many were still at large.
Authorities said the death
toll at the six sites could ex-
ceed 120.
Hollande declared a state
of emergency and an-
nounced that he was clos- French President Francois Hollande arrives to visit the site of the the Bataclan Theater after a
ing the country’s borders. shooting in Paris, Friday Nov. 13, 2015. French President Francois Hollande declared a state of
The violence spread fear emergency and announced that he was closing the country’s borders.
through the city and ex-
(AP Photo/Thibault Camus)