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                                                                                                                                        Saturday 14 November 2015

Sexting bust new                Military: US ‘reasonably certain’ Jihadi John is dead 
for Secret Service              LOLITA C. BALDOR                 a Hellfire missile, struck the  State leaders, adding that     “His death does not bring
                                Associated Press                 vehicle.                        the U.S. has killed one mid-   Jim back. If only so much
RANDALL CHASE                   WASHINGTON (AP) —                Warren said that Emwazi         to upper-level Islamic State   effort had been given to
Associated Press                The  U.S. military is “reason-   and one of his friends were     leader every two days          finding and rescuing Jim
DOVER, Delaware (AP)            ably certain” its drone strike   apparently killed, and          since May.                     and the other hostages
— The arrest of a uni-          in Syria killed the masked Is-   there were no civilian ca-      Among those beheaded           who were subsequently
formed  U.S. Secret Service     lamic State militant known
officer on charges of trying    as “Jihadi John,” who ap-        Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron makes a statement about the possible death of Islamic
to solicit a teenage girl for   peared in several videos
sex and sending obscene         depicting the beheadings         State militant Mohammed Emwazi, known as “Jihadi John”, at Downing Street in London,
images and texts online is      of Western hostages.
the latest embarrassment        But families of the hostages     Friday, Nov. 13, 2015. A U.S. drone strike targeted a vehicle in Syria believed to be transporting
for the agency charged          brutally killed last year said
with protecting the presi-      his presumed death is little     the masked Islamic State militant “Jihadi John” on Thursday, Nov. 12, according to American
dent and his family.            solace.
Lee Robert Moore, 37,           Army Col. Steve War-             officials, but his death is not yet confirmed. 		              (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)
waived his right to a prelimi-  ren,  U.S. military spokes-
nary hearing Friday without     man in Baghdad, told re-         sualties. Officials are using by Islamic State militants in murdered by ISIS, they
appearing in court in Dela-     porters Friday that officials
ware on state charges of        had been following Mo-           a variety of human and videos posted online since might be alive today,”
sexual solicitation of a child  hammed Emwazi, a Ku-
under 18 and providing ob-      waiti-born British citizen, for  signals intelligence, social August 2014 were U.S. jour- they said.
scene material to a person      some time.
under 18. He is charged         “The intelligence indicators     media reports and other nalists Steven Sotloff and Likewise, Art and Shirley
separately in federal court     that we had gave us great
with attempted transfer of      confidence that this in-         methods to confirm Em- James Foley, U.S. aid work- Sotloff said the develop-
obscene material to a mi-       dividual was Jihadi John
nor.                            and when the opportunity         wazi’s death. A Turkish of- er Abdul-Rahman Kassig, ment “doesn’t change
Defense attorney John Bar-      presented itself — with the
ber declined to comment.        opportunity for minimal ci-      ficial says authorities there British aid workers David anything for us; it’s too little
Moore was released from         vilian casualties — we took
state custody Tuesday af-       the shot,” Warren said. “This    have detained a man they Haines and Alan Henning, too late. Our son is never
ter posting $105,000 se-        guy was a human animal,
cured bail, but he remains      and killing him is probably      suspect is linked to Emwazi. and Japanese journalist coming back.”
in custody on the federal       making the world a little bit
charge.                         better place.”                   The man, who they strongly Kenji Goto.                         British Prime Minister David
Moore surrendered to au-        Another U.S. official told The
thorities on Monday after       Associated Press that three      believe to be Aine Lesley Foley’s parents, John Cameron said the strike
being caught in an under-       drones — two U.S. and one
cover online sex sting by       British — targeted the ve-       Davis, was detained in Is- and Diane Foley, of New had been a joint effort to
Delaware State Police.          hicle in which Emwazi was
The federal agency has          believed to be traveling in      tanbul.                         Hampshire, issued a state- hit the British-accented
had a series of scandals        Raqqa, the Islamic State’s
stretching back to 2012,        self-proclaimed capital in       Warren said the operation ment calling the purported militant, whom Cameron
when more than a dozen          northern Syria. The official,
agents and officers were        who was not authorized           was one in a string of tar- death “a very small sol- called the group’s “lead
implicated in a South Amer-     to speak publicly and re-
ican prostitution scandal.      quested anonymity, said          geted attacks on Islamic ace.”                                 executioner.”q
Since then, multiple agents     the U.S. drone, armed with
and officers have been ac-
cused of wrongdoing. For-       Top military aide under investigation of misconduct
mer agency director Julia
Pierson was ousted last year    LOLITA C. BALDOR                 eral. Carter was surprised      ship between Lewis and         the Senate for another pro-
after the disclosure of two     Associated Press                 by the allegations and met      Carter, and sent shock         motion on June 23, after
security breaches, includ-      WASHINGTON (AP) — De-            with Lewis Thursday morn-       waves across the Penta-        he started in the new job.
ing an incident in which a      fense Secretary Ash Carter       ing, said the official, who     gon. Lewis served as Cart-     In his statement Thursday,
man with a knife climbed a      suddenly fired his top mili-     was not authorized to dis-      er’s military aide earlier in  Carter said that the Army
White House fence and ran       tary aide this week citing       cuss the matter publicly so     his career, including when     may take any appropriate
into the executive mansion.     allegations of misconduct,       spoke on condition of ano-      Carter was the deputy          action against Lewis once
According to a complaint        and referred the matter to       nymity.                         secretary of defense. And      the investigation by the in-
unsealed in federal court       the department’s inspec-         “’’I expect the highest pos-    when Carter was tapped         spector general is finished.
Thursday, Moore often en-       tor general.                     sible standards of conduct      to become defense sec-         Defense officials said they
gaged in online chats while     Defense officials would          from the men and women          retary earlier this year, he   could not even broadly
on duty at the White House,     not provide any details          in this department particu-     chose Lewis, then an Army      characterize the allega-
once asking an undercov-        about why Army  Lt. Gen.         larly from those serving in     one-star brigadier general,    tions or say whether they
er officer who he thought       Ron Lewis was removed            the most senior positions,”     to move into the three-star    involve any criminal ac-
was a 14-year-old girl to       from his job. A senior de-       said Carter in a statement      aide job.                      tivities, because of privacy
send him something “excit-      fense official said Carter       released Thursday. “There       Lewis had been slated for      law. The defense official
ing” on a day when he was       learned of the allegations       is no exception.”               promotion to major gen-        said Lewis was not arrested
checking IDs for a building     Tuesday night and later in-      The firing severs a long,       eral — with two-stars — but    and no other investigating
entrance and complained         formed the inspector gen-        close professional relation-    was quickly confirmed by       authorities are involved.q
that “work sucks today.”q
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