Page 5 - ATD14NOV2015
P. 5

                                                                                                                                   Saturday 14 November 2015

Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa superdelegates support Clinton 

AUDREY McAVOY                   has the stamina. She’s got     Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton acknowledges supporters after filing
Associated Press                what it takes to be presi-
HONOLULU (AP) — Hillary         dent,” Hirono said.            papers to be on the Nation’s earliest presidential primary ballot at The Secretary of State’s office
Rodham Clinton has se-          Superdelegates are del-
cured the support of many       egates to the Democratic       in Concord, N.H. Clinton has locked up public support from half of the Democratic insiders who
Democratic Party leaders        National Convention who
in Hawaii and  U.S. Pacific     can support the candidate      cast ballots at the party’s national convention, giving her a commanding advantage over her
island territories as she pur-  of their choice, regardless
sues her party’s nomination     of what happens in the         rivals for the party’s presidential nomination. 				     (AP Photo/Jim Cole)
for president.                  primaries and caucuses.
An Associated Press survey      They are members of Con-       land Gov. Martin O’Malley;   Hirono, said they support-  Three of five Guam super-
shows Clinton has the sup-      gress and other elected        210 were uncommitted.        ed Clinton. Three were      delegates said they sup-
port of half of the superdel-   officials, party leaders and   Five of Hawaii’s nine su-    uncommitted while one       ported Clinton and two
egates to next year’s Dem-      members of the Demo-           perdelegates, including      didn’t respond.             didn’t respond.q
ocratic National Conven-        cratic National Commit-
tion from Hawaii, Guam          tee. Superdelegates make
and American Samoa.             up about 30 percent of the
Other superdelegates said       2,382 delegates needed
they were not ready to de-      to clinch the Democratic
clare their support for any     nomination.
candidate and some did          The AP surveyed all 712
not respond.                    Democratic Party super-
U.S. Sen. Mazie Hirono of       delegates over the last
Hawaii said Clinton cares       two weeks, hearing back
about issues that people        from more than 80 per-
care about, including col-      cent of them. Of those, 359
lege affordability, raising     planned to support Clin-
the minimum wage and            ton, eight planned to sup-
comprehensive immigra-          port Vermont Sen. Bernie
tion reform.                    Sanders and two planned
“She has the brains, she        to support former Mary-

Convicted spy Jonathan Pollard to be set free after 30 years 

ERIC TUCKER                     a three-decade diplomat-       Although the decision        that arrangement, or was    “In terms of the quantity
Associated Press                ic burr in the relationship    from the U.S. Parole Com-    intended as a concession    of stuff he gave away and
WASHINGTON (AP) —               between the two allies.        mission came around          to Israel.                  the classification and the
Jonathan Pollard, the           Pollard, 61, had been serv-    the same time as a sharp     The release, scheduled for  damage to relations, it
Navy intelligence analyst       ing a life sentence, but       disagreement between         next Friday, caps a case    certainly was a significant
whose 1985 arrest for sell-     was granted parole this        the  U.S. and the Israeli    that divided public opin-   case,” said Jeffrey Richel-
ing secrets to Israel set off   year under sentencing          governments over a nu-       ion in Israel and America   son, a senior fellow at the
a sensational spy saga, is      rules in place at the time of  clear deal with Iran, offi-  and has been a periodic     National Security Archive
scheduled to be released        his prosecution that made      cials from both countries    source of legal and diplo-  at George Washington
from federal prison next        him presumptively eligible     have denied the release      matic wrangling between     University who has written
week, marking the end of        for release this month.        was in any way tied to       the two countries.          on Pollard.q
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