Page 7 - ATD14NOV2015
P. 7

                                                                                                                                      Saturday 14 November 2015

US Financial Front:

Retail sales crawl upward in October, led by online shopping 

JOSH BOAK                       across all merchandise         Shoppers check out at a Wal-Mart Supercenter store in Springdale, Ark. The Commerce De-
AP Economics Writer             categories. That followed
WASHINGTON (AP) —               a warning from Macy’s on       partment on Friday, Nov. 13, 2015, says retail sales rose a seasonally adjusted 0.1 percent last
Americans ramped up             Wednesday, which said it
their online shopping and       was sitting on excessive in-   month, after being unchanged in September. 			                 (AP Photo/Danny Johnston)
restaurant spending in          ventories.
October, but barely-there       “What is worrying about        been stronger than indi-        Still, not all of the retail-  cent increase from a year
inflation kept overall retail   the report is the combina-     cated by the retail sales re-   related hiring will appear     ago, according to Auto-
sales growth muted.             tion of soft sales in Sep-     port, said Ian Shepherdson,     at stores and showrooms.       data Corp. Ford projects
The Commerce Depart-            tember and October with        chief economist at Panthe-      Online retail giant Ama-       overall auto sales of 17.4
ment said Friday that re-       retailer’s guidance that this  on Macroeconomics.              zon announced plans last       million for the entire year,
tail sales rose a seasonally    holiday season will be on      The weak earnings for tra-      month to hire 100,000 sea-     besting the record of 17.35
adjusted 0.1 percent last       the slower side,” said Brick-  ditional retailers contrast     sonal workers, a massive       million achieved in 2001.
month, after being un-          lin Dwyer, an analyst at the   sharply with expectations       20 percent jump from last      Economists watch the re-
changed in September            bank BNP Paribas.              ahead of Black Friday.          year that reflects how inter-  tail sales report closely be-
and August. Over the past       Online purchases climbed       Holiday spending is pro-        net shopping is also chang-    cause it provides the first
12 months, sales have risen     1.4 percent in October.        jected to jump 3.7 percent      ing the transportation and     indication each month of
1.7 percent. Lower gaso-        Spending at restaurants        this year to $630.5 billion, a  warehousing sector.            the willingness of Ameri-
line costs and meager in-       and bars improved 0.5 per-     gain that would be above        The auto sector appears to     cans to spend. Consumer
flation have downplayed         cent. Furnishers, building     the 10-year average in          remain solid even with the     spending drives 70 percent
the extent of consumer          material sellers, sporting     holiday sales growth of 2.5     decline in sales document-     of the economy. Yet re-
spending, as the retail sales   goods outlets and depart-      percent, according to the       ed by the government last      tail sales account for only
report is not adjusted for      ment stores also notched       National Retail Federation.     month.                         about one-third of spend-
price changes.                  gains.                         Clothiers hired 19,500 work-    Private industry reports       ing, with services such as
The U.S. economy has in-        But gas station store sales    ers in October ahead of         show that car and truck        haircuts and Internet ac-
creasingly relied on con-       tumbled 0.9 percent in Oc-     the shopping rush, the gov-     purchases totaled 1.5 mil-     cess making up the other
sumers to propel growth.        tober and have dropped         ernment said last week.         lion in October, a 14 per-     two-thirds.q
Consumer spending has           20.1 percent over the past
been crucial for offset-        12 months. Spending at
ting the drags caused by        auto dealers fell 0.5 per-
a global economic slow-         cent last month, although
down and cheaper oil            sales have climbed 6.7
prices and a stronger dol-      percent from a year ago.
lar hurting U.S. manufac-       Costs for companies
turers. The October report      dropped in October, a
suggests that some retail-      downward pull on prices
ers had been expecting          for consumers, the Labor
a  busyholiday season, as       Department said in a sepa-
one of the most critical        rate report Friday. Produc-
drivers of retail sales growth  er prices fell 0.4 percent
— auto dealers — saw            last month alone. Core
sales slip last month.          prices, which exclude vola-
But retail earnings that ar-    tile food and energy costs,
rived this week have been       have risen a mere 0.1 per-
far from robust. Nord-          cent over the past year.
strom cut its guidance for      The lower prices mean that
the year due to soft sales      sales have in many cases
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