Page 12 - ATD14NOV2015
P. 12
WORLD NEWSSaturday 14 November 2015
US agriculture secretary visits Cuba to build trade momentum
M. WEISSENSTEIN communist island before reluctance to open to the middle of next year. Cuba’s agricultural pro-
Associated Press President Barack Obama U.S. before Washington The Obama administration ductivity has plummeted
GUIRA DE MELENA, Cuba leaves office. does away with more of has said it is considering since its 1959 revolution
(AP) — U.S. Agriculture Sec- Inside both governments, the embargo. a new set of regulations and ordinary Cubans’
further loosening the em- strongest complaints are
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Thomas Vilsack, right, talks to farmers as Senator Jeff Merkley, of bargo, which is imposed about the high prices and
Oregon, sits at the wheel of an old tractor used by farmers at the Guira De Melenas cooperative by U.S. law. Cuban officials low quality of basic foods.
organic farm in Guira De Melenas, Cuba, Friday, Nov. 13, 2015. Vilsack is on a four-day visit to told reporters this week The Cuban government
Cuba to try to boost agricultural trade. they expected deals on almost entirely blames the
regularly scheduled flights, U.S. embargo, but out-
(AP Photo/Desmond Boylan) anti-drug cooperation and side experts point to the
environmental protection inefficiency of the cen-
retary Tom Vilsack spent Fri- advocates of a closer re- Both sides have been push- by around the end of the trally controlled economy,
day morning discussing soil lationship are struggling ing to create momentum year. which has a monopoly on
management and crop against obstacles that in- as the first anniversary of Vilsack on Wednesday be- many staple foods.
diseases at a cooperative clude the U.S. trade em- the declaration of detente came the third U.S. Cabi- U.S. food sales to Cuba
farm in central Cuba, part bargo on Cuba, resistance nears, and with Obama net secretary to visit Cuba have been allowed for
of an American push to among Cuban-Americans hoping to make a victori- this year, holding a series more than a decade, but
cement detente with the in Congress and a Cuban ous trip to the island by the of meetings with Cuban the island’s purchases
officials on topics like fruit have plummeted in recent
and vegetable export cer- years. Cuba says a bar on
tification and field inspec- credit from U.S. producers
tions aimed at laying the has made it easier to buy
groundwork for future agri- from countries such as Bra-
cultural trade between the zil and Spain.
U.S. and Cuba. “They’re trying to do as
“This happens with every much as they can to get
country we deal with,” Vil- the United States to nor-
sack told reporters at the malize relations,” said Paul
U.S. Embassy on Friday af- Johnson, co-chairman of
ternoon. “We’re encourag- the U.S. Agriculture Coali-
ing that process to begin tion for Cuba. “It’s going
now because it does take to be a tough haul until at
time. Our interest in this is a least the credit issue is re-
reflection of our interest in solved.” Vilsack was host-
ensuring, as the president ed by Cuban Agriculture
desires, that the embargo Minister Gustavo Rodríguez
gets lifted and we actually Rollero, who declined to
have two-way trade.” speak with the press.q
Puerto Rico lawmakers seek to limit powers of fiscal board
DANICA COTO Senate had previously ap- blow to the original mea- nearly decade-long eco- after the Senate approved
Associated Press proved that would strip the sure that Gov. Alejandro nomic slump, and the the amended bill before
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico board of most of its powers. Garcia Padilla submitted bank has warned that of- it went to the House for
(AP) — Puerto Rico legisla- Legislators debated the as the U.S. territory strug- ficials will likely have to cut review. “This board does
tors have watered down measure as some mem- gles to restructure $72 bil- back on public services or not control anything, will
the powers of a proposed bers of the public held a lion in public debt that he default on debts before not decide anything. It will
fiscal control board that sign that read, “Puerto has said is unpayable. year’s end because it is observe. The legislative
aims to stabilize the U.S. Rico is not for sale.” Melba Acosta, president running out of money. assembly will be the one
territory’s finances and ap- One amendment would of Puerto Rico’s Govern- Despite the push from making decisions.”
pease bondholders amid allow the board to en- ment Development Bank, creditors for a powerful fis- Puerto Rico’s Senate will
an economic crisis. dorse but not approve an said earlier this week that cal control board, several review the amended bill
The island’s House of Rep- upcoming five-year fis- creditors have informally legislators maintain that in upcoming days. If it
resentatives approved a cal reform plan. Another demanded a fiscal con- they have the right to exer- disagrees with the new
measure late Thursday that change would let the trol board, and that some cise power over it. amendments, the bill will
would create a supervisory board review government of them seek a federal “This is not the Washing- go to a conference com-
board after voting in fa- agencies’ budgets but not government-appointed ton, D.C. or Detroit board,” mittee, said Oliver Otero,
vor of some of the dozens modify them. board. Puerto Rico has Senate President Eduardo spokesman for the House
of amendments that the The watered-down bill is a been struggling with a Bhatia said Wednesday of Representatives.q