Page 8 - ATD14NOV2015
P. 8


WORLD NEWSSaturday 14 November 2015

Kurdish forces recapture militant-held towns in Iraq, Syria 

SUSANNAH GEORGE                   by the Kurdish militia fight-  Kurdish Peshmerga fighters enter Sinjar, northern Iraq, after regaining control of the city rom the
Associated Press                  ers known as the pesh-         Islamic State group in a joint operation with coalition forces, on Friday, Nov. 13, 2015. Iraqi Kurdish
SINJAR, Iraq (AP) — Deal-         merga forces, and they         militias battling to take back Sinjar from Islamic State militants raised a Kurdish flag and fired off
ing a double blow Friday          succeeded in cutting a         celebratory gunfire in the center of town, though U.S. and Kurdish officials cautioned that it was
to the Islamic State group,       key nearby highway and         too soon to declare victory in a major offensive to retake the strategic community.
Iraqi Kurdish forces pushed       retaking more than 150
into the strategic town of        square kilometers (about                                                                                                               (AP Photo/Bram Janssen)
Sinjar in northern Iraq, and      60 square miles) of terri-
a coalition of Arab, Chris-       tory from the Islamic State    have to travel off-road for  Syria and Iraq.                 region, told fighters in Sinjar.
tian and Kurdish rebel fac-       group. Airstrikes by a U.S.-   several hours to travel be-  Sinjar has been under           “It’s time for the Yazidi girls
tions recaptured another          led coalition supported the    tween their strongholds in   the control of the self-de-     to raise their heads up. Re-
town from the militants           offensive, dubbed Opera-                                    scribed Islamic State group     venge has been taken for
across the border in Syria.       tion Free Sinjar.                                           for more than a year. It was    them.”
The Kurdish forces raised         The Kurdistan Region Secu-                                  overrun by the extremists as    Across the border in Syria,
their flag in the center of       rity Council said 28 villages                               they swept across Syria and     a rebel coalition known
Sinjar, and a top official        were retaken from the Is-                                   Iraq in August 2014, leading    as the Democratic Forces
said it was liberated, al-        lamic State and “more                                       to the killing, enslavement     of Syria seized the town of
though U.S. and Kurdish           than 300 terrorists were                                    and flight of thousands         Hol in northern Hassakeh
military officials urged cau-     killed by Peshmerga forces                                  from the Yazidi religious mi-   province. The U.S.-backed
tion in declaring victory in      and Coalition warplanes”                                    nority.                         offensive to retake IS-held
the major offensive.              in the course of the two-                                   “We promised, we have           areas in the southern parts
The fighters encountered          day operation.                                              liberated Sinjar,” Massoud      of Hassakeh is coinciding
little resistance, at least ini-  By cutting the road, Iraqi                                  Barzani, the president of the   with the push to recapture
tially, suggesting that many      and coalition officials said                                semi-autonomous Kurdish         Sinjar.q
of the IS militants may have      the extremists will struggle
pulled back in anticipation       to maintain a flow of sup-
of the advance. It was also       plies to Iraq’s second-larg-
possible that they could          est city, Mosul, which has
be biding their time before       been under militant control
striking back.                    since June 2014. Without
The offensive to retake Sin-      direct access on Highway
jar was launched Thursday         47, the militants would

                                                                                              IS suicide blast, roadside bomb
                                                                                              hit Baghdad Shiites, killing 26

                                                                                              QASSIM ZAHRA                    declared caliphate.
                                                                                              Associated Press                The suicide bomber struck
                                                                                              BAGHDAD (AP) — The Is-          a memorial service held
                                                                                              lamic State group claimed       for a Shiite militia fighter
                                                                                              responsibility for a sui-       killed in battle against IS
                                                                                              cide blast and a roadside       in the Iraqi capital’s south-
                                                                                              bombing that targeted           western suburb of Hay al-
                                                                                              Shiites in Baghdad on Fri-      Amal, a police official told
                                                                                              day, killing a total of 26      The Associated Press.
                                                                                              people and wounding             That explosion killed 21
                                                                                              dozens.                         people and wounded at
                                                                                              The attacks came as Iraqi       least 46, he said.
                                                                                              Kurdish militias, backed by     The militia fighter was killed
                                                                                              U.S. airstrikes, seized the     in battle against the mili-
                                                                                              town of Sinjar from the Is-     tant group in Iraq’s west-
                                                                                              lamic State group in a          ern Anbar province, the
                                                                                              major blow to the extrem-       official added.
                                                                                              ists. Following its blitz last  Also Friday in Baghdad, a
                                                                                              year, the IS — which splin-     roadside bomb detonat-
                                                                                              tered off from Iraq’s al-Qa-    ed at a Shiite shrine in Sadr
                                                                                              ida branch — now holds          City, killing at least five
                                                                                              about a third of Iraq and       people and wounding 15,
                                                                                              neighboring Syria in its self-  police officials said. q
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