Page 4 - ATA SEPT 18, 2015
P. 4
LOCALFriday 18 September 2015
Loyal Visitors Honored at the Divi Village Beach Resort
EAGLE BEACH - Recently the Aruba Tourism dale from Danvers, Massachusetts. All the
Authority had the great pleasure of hon- honorees are loyal members of the Divi
oring a group of loyal and friendly visitors Village Beach Resort and they love Aruba
of Aruba at the Divi Village Beach Resort very much because of the friendly people,
as Distinguished Visitors and Ambassadors the weather, the beaches and the restau-
of Goodwill. The symbolic honorary titles rants.
are presented in the name of the Minister They say being on Aruba and staying at
of Tourism as a token of appreciation to the Divi Village Beach Resort is like being
guests who visit Aruba for 10-to-19 and 20- in heaven. The certificates were presented
to-34 consecutive years. by Mr. Ernest Giel representing the Aruba
The honorees were Mr. Dan and Mrs. Buffy Tourism Authority together with Ms. Glo-
Dumont and their son Ben Dumont from ria Defoe and Family Ham, friends of the
Monmouth, Maine, and Mr. John Trues- honorees.q