Page 19 - ATODAY
P. 19

                                                                                                                                               Monday 11 January 2016

NFC Playoffs:

  Vikings miss game-winning kick, hand Seahawks 10-9 win

                                                                                 Replays showed the laces        ear-splitting advantage of        ish for Minnesota’s two-year
                                                                                 on the ball were turned in      their home by the bay at          stint outdoors at the Univer-
                                                                                 — instead of facing out —       CenturyLink Field.                sity of Minnesota’s TCF Bank
                                                                                 by holder Jeff Locke.           For all their skills, experience  Stadium during construc-
                                                                                 The Seahawks left their last    and swagger, though,              tion of the new covered
                                                                                 visit to Minnesota with a       the combination of these          downtown stadium. For
                                                                                 38-7 victory, pure domina-      conditions and a well-pre-        the first au naturel postsea-
                                                                                 tion on both sides of the       pared, embarrassed-by-            son game here since the
                                                                                 ball that left no doubt that    the-previous-performance          NFC championship game
                                                                                 Dec. 6 afternoon they’d be      Vikings team proved to be         in 1976, the grizzled coach
                                                                                 a legitimate contender to       quite the challenge for the       of that team, Bud Grant,
                                                                                 reach their third straight Su-  Seahawks.                         served as an honorary cap-
                                                                                 per Bowl even without the       This was a fittingly frigid fin-  tain. q

Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Tyler Lockett (16) misses a
catch against Minnesota Vikings cornerback Trae Waynes (26)
during the second half of an NFL wild-card football game, Sun-
day, Jan. 10, 2016, in Minneapolis.

                                                          (AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh)

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Rus-         win, Walsh missed the win-
sell Wilson and the Seattle     ner. He made all three of
Seahawks needed more            his earlier attempts.
than three quarters to          Seattle will play next week-
warm up at Minnesota.           end at Carolina, where
Then, the Vikings kicked        the Panthers had a first-
away their chance to beat       round bye in balmy mid-50s
the two-time defending          weather.
NFC champions.                  Huddled around sideline
Blair Walsh’s 27-yard field     heaters and wearing huge
goal try into the frigid wind   capes, the Seahawks side-
hooked left with 22 sec-        line on the shaded side of
onds remaining, handing         the stadium was a largely
the Seahawks a 10-9 victo-      lethargic place for much
ry over the stunned Vikings     of the game. Trailing 9-0,
on a Sunday afternoon in        Wilson nearly took a huge
their wild-card round play-     loss on first down when he
off game in below-zero          fumbled a shotgun snap.
weather that tied for the       But the quarterback who
third-coldest NFL game on       Vikings coach Mike Zimmer
record.                         called “Houdini” during
The Seahawks (11-6) didn’t      the week darted right and
score until Russell Wilson’s    found Tyler Lockett wide
short touchdown pass to         open for a 35-yard com-
Doug Baldwin early in the       pletion to set up the score
fourth quarter, and a fum-      to Baldwin.
ble by Adrian Peterson for      Chancellor, who ripped
the Vikings on the next pos-    the ball away from Peter-
session set up a field goal     son, quickly became the
by Steven Hauschka.             goat after his penalty and
The Vikings (11-6) took the     subsequent missed tackle
ball back with 1:42 left at     on tight end Kyle Rudolph’s
their 39 and, aided by a        24-yard reception to the
pass interference penalty       18. But Chancellor and all
on Kam Chancellor, drove        of his “Legion of Boom”
deep into Seattle’s territory.  buddies were amazingly
After draining the clock for    celebrating a few seconds
the seemingly inevitable        later after Walsh’s miss.
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