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P. 23

                                                                                                                                   Monday 11 January 2016

From the high-flying to the practical: CES 2016 in brief 

Bao Truong looks at a display of Samsung SUHD Quantum dot                         and Western Europe by            up called uSens showed         pany priced at $599 — or
display TVs at the Samsung booth during CES International, Fri-                   2018.                            off a prototype headset        $1,499 with the high-pow-
day, Jan. 8, 2016, in Las Vegas.                                                                                   attached to a Samsung          ered computer necessary
                                                                                  TVs                              Galaxy S6 smartphone that      to make it work. Facebook-
                                                         (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)  TV makers like Samsung,          had forward-facing infra-      owned Oculus began tak-
                                                                                  LG, Sony, Hisense and TCL        red and optical cameras        ing orders Wednesday for
RYAN NAKASHIMA                  itself.                                           touted a new standard for        so wearers could use their     delivery starting at the end
KIM PIERCEALL                   Companies are making                              screens called HDR, or high      hands to manipulate virtual    of March.
TOM KRISHER                     drones smaller and smarter                        dynamic range, which             objects.
Associated Press                than ever for that high-tech                      show images with higher          Google and Lenovo an-          SMART HOME
LAS VEGAS (AP) — This           selfie. Many can hover and                        contrast and more vivid          nounced a consumer mo-         More intelligent home ap-
year’s CES gadget show,         shoot up to 4K video, and                         colors. The new tech cre-        bile device would go on        pliances that can tell peo-
like ones before it, showed     several companies are                             ates another chicken-and-        sale this summer that incor-   ple how well they’re sleep-
off a mix of the dreamy         working toward includ-                            egg problem for the TV in-       poratestechnology  from        ing, order more dishwasher
and the practical in  tech-     ing a more difficult “follow                      dustry, as only a handful of     its depth-sensing Project      detergent and know how
nology. Gadget proto-           me” function into drones                          movies and TV shows have         Tango robotic sight  tech-     much ketchup is likely left in
types promised us fully au-     so small they fall under the                      been reissued in a format        nology. That could make        the bottle were among the
tonomous vehicles carrying      minimum weight requiring                          that takes advantage of          it easy to do things like get  gadgets on display at CES.
commuters on the streets        registration by the Federal                       HDR.                             turn-by-turn directions in-    Segway, the maker of the
and in the sky, while gizmos    Aviation Administration.                          There are also disparate         doors or measure dimen-        two-wheel transporters
went on sale that aimed to                                                        standards that might end         sions in a room just by using  popular with city tour guide
solve daily problems like re-   CONNECTED CARS                                    up confusing consumers;          the device’s cameras.          companies, hopes that by
stocking your fridge. Here’s    Automakers and parts sup-                         some flavors of HDR are          But the biggest news was       next year people might
a quick summary of the          pliers took further steps to                      branded “premium” while          the sticker-shock of Oculus’   add a personal robot to
highlights of CES 2016:         make autonomous driv-                             others only processed HDR        consumer version of its Rift   their homes to carry the
                                ing a reality. Quanergy,                          signals but don’t relay all      headset, which the com-        groceries home.q
DRONES                          for instance, announced                           the benefits to the screen.
Drones might no longer          a low-cost version of laser-
be just a toy for hobbyists     based sensors called Lidar                        VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED
or weapons for the mili-        that cuts the cost of outfit-                     REALITY
tary. Chinese drone maker       ting autos with the technol-                      Some companies showed
Ehang Inc. unveiled what        ogy  to around $1,000 per                         off  technology  that com-
it called the world’s first     car from about $70,000.                           bined augmented reality
drone capable of carry-         Israeli company Mobileye                          — which superimposes dig-
ing a human passenger,          and German company                                ital images and text on the
a four-armed quadcopter         Here announced plans                              real world — and virtual
with eight propellers that      to start making super-de-                         reality — which blocks out
it said has been on more        tailed road maps based on                         the real world in a com-
than 100 test flights, includ-  cameras and sensors that                          pletely immersive environ-
ing some with a human           exist in cars today. Those                        ment using a headset and
passenger.                      maps will help autonomous                         headphones.
The idea is to set a course     vehicles navigate in poor                         HTC says it’s launching the
and then sit back for about     weather. Owned by Audi,                           latest version of its Vive
a 20-minute ride — assum-       BMW and Mercedes, Here                            headset with a front-fac-
ing, of course, that regu-      said it plans to have de-                         ing camera that allows
lators approve, which will      tailed maps of the highway                        users to do real-life things
probably be a long haul         networks in North America                         like take a drink or sit down
                                                                                  without taking it off. A start-
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