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P. 22


SPORTSMonday 11 January 2016

Italian Roundup:

Napoli takes its 1st winter title since 1990 championship 

ANDREW DAMPF                    holds a two-point lead        in 1990.                                                              appeared blinded by the         Sammarco then pulled one
AP Sports Writer                over Inter Milan, which was   “Being winter champion                                                sun.                            back for Frosinone, a club
ROME (AP) — Napoli is half-     beaten 1-0 by Sassuolo ear-   means nothing. It means                                               Higuain added a penal-          located midway between
way to its first Serie A title  lier with a last-minute pen-  something when you’re                                                 ty on the half-hour mark,       Rome and Naples.
since Diego Maradona led        alty to surrender the lead.   champion in May,” Higuain                                             Marek Hamsik then scored        Earlier, Domenico Berardi
the club to the 1990 cham-      The winter champion has       said. “We’ve got to stay                                              his third goal in three         converted the decisive
pionship.                       gone on to win Serie A        calm now because there                                                matches with an impressive      spot kick for Sassuolo five
Gonzalo Higuain scored          nearly seven out of every     are still five months to go                                           solo move after the break,      minutes into added time
twice as Napoli routed pro-     10 seasons.                   and we want to continue                                               before Higuain dribbled         after Inter defender Joao
moted Frosinone 5-1 Sun-        “We’re still not sure what    this way.”                                                            past three defenders to         Miranda was shown a yel-
day to earn the southern        we’re capable of,” Na-        Raul Albiol put Napoli                                                score his league-best 18th.     low card for a foul on Gre-
team the Italian league’s       poli’s first-year manager     ahead from close range                                                Substitute Manolo Gab-          goire Defrel.
symbolic “winter title.”        Maurizio Sarri said.          midway through the first                                              biadini added another for       Fiorentina is third, three
Through 19 rounds of the        The last time Napoli earned   half when Frosinone goal-                                             Napoli with a shot from be-     points behind, after losing
38-match season, Napoli         the mid-term honor came       keeper Massimo Zappino                                                yond the area and Paolo         3-1 to Lazio on Saturday.q

English Roundup:

   Swansea ousted in 1st big FA Cup shock, Spurs secure replay 

Tottenham’s Harry Kanescores a penalty to equalise during the English FA Cup third round soccer                                     Costa and Ruben Loftus-         deal with fixture congestion
match between Tottenham Hotspur and Leicester City at White Hart Lane in London, Sunday Jan.                                        Cheek. The world’s oldest       and to give first-team ac-
10, 2016.                                                                                                                           knockout competition was        tion to fringe players.
                                                                                                                                    short of upsets on Satur-       “All credit to Oxford, they
                                                                                                            (AP Photo/Tim Ireland)  day and an injury-hit Liver-    were more energetic than
                                                                                                                                    pool scrambled to secure        us and passed the ball bet-
STEVE DOUGLAS                   tenham needed an 89th-        hands of lower-league op-                                             a nervy draw at Exeter on       ter,” Swansea manager
AP Sports Writer                minute penalty from Harry     position in Bradford last                                             Friday. But a surprise finally  Alan Curtis said. “We made
MANCHESTER, England (AP)        Kane to salvage a 2-2 draw    season but had no prob-                                               arrived at Kassam Stadium,      changes but we still had
— Swansea was humbled           against Leicester on Sun-     lems 12 months on, with a                                             where Oxford won 3-2 to         lots of experience, but Ox-
by fourth-tier Oxford for       day.                          full-strength team beating                                            leave Swansea to concen-        ford thoroughly deserved
the first big shock of the FA   Chelsea endured third-        third-tier Scunthorpe 2-0                                             trate on its relegation fight   to beat us.” Oxford won the
Cup third round, while Tot-     round humiliation at the      through goals by Diego                                                in the Premier League.          League Cup in 1986 and
                                                                                                                                    Fifty-four places separat-      was most recently in Eng-
                                                                                                                                    ed the teams in the Eng-        land’s top division in 1988,
                                                                                                                                    lish football pyramid and       before dropping down the
                                                                                                                                    Ecuador winger Jefferson        leagues and tumbling into
                                                                                                                                    Montero gave an indica-         the non-league in 2006.
                                                                                                                                    tion of the supposed differ-    “I’ve got to be delighted
                                                                                                                                    ence in class by backheel-      beating a Premier League
                                                                                                                                    ing the visitors into the lead  side — but not just that, it’s
                                                                                                                                    in the 23rd minute.             the way we did it,” Oxford
                                                                                                                                    However, Oxford scored          manager Michael Apple-
                                                                                                                                    three goals in 14 minutes       ton said.
                                                                                                                                    either side of the halftime     Four Premier League teams
                                                                                                                                    break, and Bafetimbi Go-        were eliminated Satur-
                                                                                                                                    mis’ 66th-minute reply          day, but only after losing
                                                                                                                                    proved only a consolation       to fellow top-flight sides. It
                                                                                                                                    for Swansea.                    looked like Spurs would be
                                                                                                                                    Swansea came unstuck af-        joining them, only to earn
                                                                                                                                    ter making 10 changes to        a reprieve when Leicester
                                                                                                                                    its lineup — a move made        winger Nathen Dyer flicked
                                                                                                                                    by many Premier League          out his hand to divert the
                                                                                                                                    managers this weekend to        ball away.q

French Roundup:

    Sigthorsson gives Nantes 2-1 win over Saint-Etienne 

SAM PETREQUIN                   from Ajax Amsterdam last      the bench and took ad-                                                qualities and ensure we         whose attempt forced
AP Sports Writer                summer, has been criti-       vantage of a poor clear-                                              make a better second half       goalkeeper Stephane Ruff-
PARIS (AP) — Iceland for-       cized by Nantes coach         ance from Florentin Pogba                                             of the season.”                 ier to save with his left foot.
ward Kolbeinn Sigthors-         Michel Der Zakarian for his   just seven minutes later                                              Sigthorsson’s goal reward-      The win at the Stade de La
son silenced his detractors     poor performances and         to score his second goal                                              ed a long spell of domi-        Beaujoire ended a seven-
when he scored with 13          perceived lack of commit-     of the season with a right-                                           nance for Nantes, which         game winless run in the
minutes left to give Nantes     ment at training, with the    footed volley.                                                        was denied the chance to        league and lifted Nantes to
a 2-1 win over Saint-Etienne    possibility of a move during  “Some players were below                                              extend its lead in the 86th     10th place, two points be-
in the French league on         the transfer window being     the level we expected,”                                               minute after the tall striker   hind Saint-Etienne, which
Sunday.                         discussed.                    Der Zakarian said. “It’s now                                          headed the ball for sub-        slumped to a sixth consec-
Sigthorsson, who joined         But the Icelander came off    up to them to show their                                              stitute Alejandro Bedoya,       utive away defeat.q
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