Page 29 - ATODAY
P. 29

                                                                                                                            Monday 11 January 2016

Contenders talk BAFTAs, Globes and Oscars at tea time

MIKE LENNOX                     Globes, expressed grati-          Cate Blanchett arrives at the BAFTA Awards Season Tea Party at the Four Seasons Hotel on Satur-
AP Entertainment Writer         tude to the Globe organiz-        day, Jan. 9, 2016, in Los Angeles.
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Many         ers, the Hollywood Foreign
of the film and TV industry     Press Association (HFPA),                                                                                               (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)
award season’s principal        for acknowledging the
players gathered Saturday       Starz TV drama “Outland-          “Transparent” can only be          will be unveiled Thursday.    part of the ensemble of
afternoon for a spot of tea     er” with three nominations.       seen online, by subscribers        While there seem to be nu-    the acclaimed hip-hop film
and talked a little business.   Though an international           of Amazon Prime.                   merous best-picture givens,   “Straight Outta Compton,”
The semiannual event,           ratings hit, the series is a      Once the closing credits roll      such as the widely honored    said, “I think we could get
sponsored by the Los An-        science-fiction romance --        on the Globes, the award-          “Spotlight,” ‘’Carol” and     the nomination for best
geles branch of the Brit-       a genre piece, the sort that      season attention turns to          “The Big Short,” many pun-    picture. You know, let’s be
ish Academy of Film and         has historically been over-       the Academy of Motion              dits have said they expect    very honest. The Academy
TelevisionArts  (BAFTA),        looked by awards groups.          PictureArts  and Sciences,         the unexpected.               is made up of mostly old
is held the day before          “Well, very easily you can        whose Oscar nominations            Actor Demetrius Grosse,       white men.
each Emmy and Golden            be pigeonholed,” Balfe
Globe ceremony, and it          said.
usually attracts many of        “It’s hard to sort of break
each award show’s top           through the ceiling.”
contenders. Among tea           Veteran American actor
attendees this weekend          Jeffrey Tambor also tipped
were actors Leonardo Di-        his hat to the Hollywood
Caprio (“The Revenant”)         Foreign Press Association
and Mark Ruffalo (“Spot-        for being among the first to
light”), actresses Alicia Vi-   honor his series, the trans-
kander (“The Danish Girl,”      gender dramedy “Trans-
‘’Ex Machina”) and Cate         parent,” which went on to
Blanchett (“Carol”).            win the Emmy for outstand-
A large presence of the         ing comedy series.
“Carol” cast and crew was       “This year, it’s just wonder-
no surprise, given the peri-    ful because we are still the
od romance tied the histor-     little engine that could,”
ical drama-thriller “Bridge     Tambor said. “You know,
of Spies” in BAFTA nomina-      there’s film and there’s
tions, announced Friday.        television. And way over
Each film earned nine           there in Alhambra: stream-
nods. Such big recognition      ing. It’s still a little thing.”
coming now from BAFTA
is significant given that       Record-breaking ‘Star Wars’ movie opens in China 
award-season spoils have
been distributed among a        LOUISE WATT                       was released three weeks           match the $229 million in     release included the plac-
wider than usual array of       Associated Press                  ago.                               Chinese box-office sales      ing of 500 Stormtrooper
films, said “Carol” co-pro-     BEIJING (AP) — The re-            But internationally, it still has  that “Jurassic World” gen-    figures on the steps of the
ducer Stephen Woolley.          cord-breaking “Star Wars”         a long way to go to beat           erated last year.             Great Wall and the illumina-
“It’s a fantastic thumbs-up     opened this weekend in            “Avatar,” James Camer-             Not many Chinese are fa-      tion of the movie’s Chinese
for us,” he said. “And it will  China, where it is far from       on’s science-fiction movie         miliar with “Star Wars.” The  title on the guard towers for
mean a lot, I think, to the     certain to draw in enough         with blue aliens. The inter-       franchise’s three prequel     a light show in October.
more discerning voters          moviegoers to knock off           national box office of the         films released from 1999 to   It enlisted the marketing
across America, whether         “Avatar” as the world’s all-      latest “Star Wars” movie           2005 were shown in China,     power of actor and singer
it’s the American Acad-         time biggest grossing mov-        stands at $1.6 billion, com-       but at a time when there      Lu Han, who appeared in
emy or the DGAs (Directors      ie.                               pared to the $2.8 billion          were much fewer screens       promotional videos and
Guild Awards) or any of         “Star Wars: The Force Awak-       “Avatar” made in 2009.             in the country.               released a music video on
those awards still to come.”    ens” is the highest ever          Richard Huang, an analyst          Promotional events or-        Thursday called “The Inner
Irish actress Caitriona Balfe,  grossing film in the North        at Nomura Securities, ex-          ganized by Disney in the      Force” with images from
in Los Angeles to attend the    American market, where it         pects the movie to roughly         months leading up to the      the film.
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